Target: one creature within the power's area of effect
Effect: "You mark the target. The target remains marked until you use this power against another target. If you mark other creatures using other powers, the target is still marked. A creature can be subject to only one mark at a time. A new mark supersedes a mark that was already in place.
"If your marked target makes an attack that doesn't include you as a target, it takes a −2 penalty to attack rolls. If that attack hits and the marked target is within 10 squares of you, you can use an immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make a melee basic attack against it. If no unoccupied space exists adjacent to the target, you can't use this immediate reaction."[FRPG:26]
Aegis of assault is an at-will power available to swordmages with the Swordmage Aegis class feature. A swordmage selects either aegis of assault, aegis of ensnarement, or aegis of shielding as the benefit for Swordmage Aegis.
Feat | Prerequisite | Benefit |
Double Aegis[FRPG:138] | 11th level | Can mark two enemies with aegis power. |
Escalating Assault[FRPG:133] | - | Each time you make the basic attack with this power, you get a cumulative +1 bonus to attack rolls for this power (to a maximum of +3). The bonus resets to 0 if you fall unconscious or at the end of the encounter. |
Elemental Assault[FRPG:133] | Genasi | Grants 3 extra damage based on manifestation type. |
Rapid Aegis Reaction[Dr387:70] | 21st level | First use of immediate action granted by swordmage aegis doesn't count against the limit of immeidate actions in a round, but can only be done once per event. |
Shadowed Aegis[Dr372:10] | Shadar-kai | After teleporting, also become insubstantial until end of next turn |
Total Aegis[FRPG:139] | 21st level | Can mark any number of targets with aegis power. |
Vigorous Assault[AP:133] | 11th level | When used to teleport, gain 3 + strength modifier temporary hit points |