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Awaken the Slumbering Hurt
Monk Attack 1

Your foes' wounds allow you to dodge at just the right angles to foil the enemies' attacks. When you attack, you focus on a single enemy's injuries and find the perfect place to strike.

Encounter ✦ full discipline. implement, psionic

Melee touch

Target: One creature

Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude

Hit: 2d8 + Dexterity modifier damage. If the target is bloodied, it takes extra damage from both this attack and your next attack against it before the end of your next turn. The extra damage equals your Strength modifier

Move Action Personal

Effect: You move your speed. During this movement, bloodied enemies can't attack you with opportunity actions or immediate actions.

Awaken the Slumbering Hurt is an encounter power available to monks at 1st level.[PH3:65]
