D&D4 Wiki
Bog Hunter's Poison
Feat Power

You carefully apply to a weapon a poison that you extracted from local flora and fauna during a rest.

Daily ✦ poison

Target: One weapon

Effect: The next attack made with the target weapon that hits before the end of the encounter deals an extra ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). Each Failed Saving Throw: The ongoing damage increases by 5 (to a maximum of ongoing 20 poison damage).

Level 11: Ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends). Each Failed Saving Throw: The ongoing damage increases by 5 (to a maximum of ongoing 25 poison damage).

Level 21: Ongoing 15 poison damage (save ends). Each Failed Saving Throw: The ongoing damage increases by 5 (to a maximum of ongoing 30 poison damage).[Dr386:7]

Bog Hunter's Poison is a feat power that that you get from Bogtangle Heritage.[Dr386:7]
