Change Self
Deception 6
Time: 1 minute
Duration: 1 hour (see below)
Component Cost: 35 gp and 1 healing surge
Market Price: 360 gp
Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
Change Self is a ritual introduced in Heroic Tier Rituals.[Dr405]
The ritual caster alters their appearance to a humanoid of their size, including the appearance of clothing, armor and equipment, all of which remain present and their general shape. The caster retains statistics in their new form. Creatures viewing or interacting with you may make an Insight check (DC 10 + caster's Arcana check modifier) to detect the deception.
Ritual scroll: When performed using a scroll, it may be done as a standard action at the cost of one additional healing surge, and by reducing the DC by 5.