D&D4 Wiki
Combined Attack
Druid Attack

Your animal companion waits for the signal of your own attack, then pushes in with a devastating follow-up that your foe never sees coming.

Encounter ✦ primal, weapon

Target: One creature

Attack: Wisdom vs AC

Hit: 1[W] + Wisdom modifier damage

Effect: Your animal companion can take a free action to move up to its speed and then use its animal attack.

Combined Attack is a 1st level encounter attack power available to Sentinel Druids. [HotFK:92]

The iconic expression of the link you forge with your animal companion, combined attack lets you use your own attack to inspire your companion to greater fury. Used at the height of battle, this power allows the two of you to attack with the speed and grace of a single creature, unleashing a devastating combination strike.


  • Per WotC customer service (ticket number 120620-000794), combined attack requires both the druid and animal companion to target the same creature, although the animal is free to move to any location.
    • This official ruling isn't consistent with the power's text or known errata, nor is it consistent with a common use of the power to clear away minions.[Enworld: Call of the Wild: A Druid Handbook] As such, said official ruling may be discounted for a more practical play.