D&D4 Wiki
Come and Get It
Fighter Attack 7

Target: Each enemy you can see in the burst

Attack: Strength vs. Will

Hit: You pull the target up to 2 squares to an adjacent square. If the target is adjacent to you after the pull, it takes 1[W] damage.

Come and Get It is a fighter power. [PH:79] It was re-written in the class compendium.[Dr398:CC]

This is considered a superior choice for Fighters, as a defining choice for the class to mass mark enemies and pull them towards you. [1] While powerful before the errata, it still retains it's raw power.


This power was updated in the class compendium.

  • It was changed from Strength vs. AC to Strength vs. Will.
  • Creatures are no longer automatically forced to shift towards you, and are instead pulled on a hit.
  • The damage was reduced from 1[W] + Strength modifier damage to 1[W] damage.