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Dragonborn racial power

Close burst 5 (Level 21: Close burst 10

Target: Each enemy in burst.

Attack: Strength +2 or Charisma +2 vs. will. Increase to +4 at Level 11, and +6 at Level 21.

Hit: The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls and grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.

Dragonfear is an alternate racial trait available to Dragonborn. It replaces the dragon breath power. [Dr388:39].

This is a prerequisite for the Fear Walker paragon path.


Some young dragonborn do not manifest their breath weapon, which causes nervousness on the parents due to the belief of the thinning draconic bloodline. Instead of manifesting their draconic heritage through breath, they instead evoke a sense of raw savage fear that forces enemies to the brink of panic.

These dragonborn do not remain in dragonborn communities for very long, as the discovery of an absent breath weapon is unsettling to other dragonborn even in other communities.


The following feats use dragonfear as a prequisite. Other prerequisites are noted:

  • Blood of Dragons[Dr388:39]: +2 to all defenses against fear attacks, +4 of attacker is a dragon
  • Draconic Guardian[Dr388:39]: When you hit a creature with dragonfear, you can mark it until the end of your next turn
  • Intimidation of the Dragon[Dr388:39] (trained in Intimidate): You gain a +4 feat bonus to Intimidate checks.
  • Dragon's Rejuvenation[Dr388:39] (11th level): When you take your second wind, you regain use of dragonfear if you expended it in this encounter.
  • Dragon's Terror[Dr388:39] (11th level): One creature ou hit with dragonfear is also dazed until end of your next turn.