Elemental Rebuke is a heroic tier feat
Prerequisite: Genasi, invoker, Covenant of Preservation class feature
Benefit: When you use your preserver’s rebuke power, you also grant a bonus to the ally attacked by the triggering enemy based on your current elemental manifestation.
- Earthsoul: The ally gains a +1 power bonus to Fortitude and to saving throws until the start of your next turn.
- Firesoul: The ally gains a +1 power bonus to Reflex and resist 5 fire until the start of your next turn.
- Stormsoul: The ally gains a +1 power bonus to Fortitude and resist 5 lightning until the start of your next turn.
- Watersoul: The ally gains a +5 power bonus to saving throws against ongoing damage until the start of your next turn.
- Windsoul: The ally gains a +1 power bonus to speed and resist 5 cold until the start of your next turn.[DP:134]