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A feat is a small bonus that characters choose at 1st level, when reaching each even-numbered level, as well as 11th and 21st levels. Generally, the same feat cannot be taken more than once.

Feat Quick Reference Table[]

This table is meant as a quick-reference guide, not as the final word on how these feats work. Please click on the feat's name to see its full description and any special notes or errata not reflected here.

For feats related to a given class, see Feats related to classes. For feats related to a given race, see Feats related to races.

Heroic Feats[]

Name Source Prerequisites Benefit
Aberrant Mark of Contagion EPG - When enemies are hit by your daily attack powers, they take a -2 penalty to saving throws.
Aberrant Mark of Madness EPG - When enemies are hit by your daily attack powers, they take a -2 Will defense.
Aberrant Mark of Terror EPG - When enemies are hit by your daily attack powers, they take a -1 penalty to attack rolls against you.
Academy Prodigy Dragon390 Eladrin, Artificer +3 feat bonus to 2 skills from the artificer's class skill list.
Accidental Tells Dragon Tiefling, Mantle of Misfortune feat When making Insight checks, roll twice if target is in range of Mantle of Misfortune.
Accurate Magic Weapon EPG Artificer Enhanced weapons and implements gain +1 to next attack roll
Accursed Challenge Dragon384 Paladin, must worship Avandra Creatures marked by you take a -2 penalty to saving throws if making attacks not including you
Accursed Coordination AP Warlock, Warlock's Curse Place your curse on a creature already cursed by another
Acid Wash Dragon391 Genasi, acid surge racial power Ignore immobilized, restrained and slowed conditions while moving using acid surge
Action Rush MP2 Human, rogue or Ranger Shift 2 squares after spending action point
Action Surge PHB Human +3 to attack rolls when you spend an action point
Active Familiar Dragon382 Arcane Familiar feat When you take a move action, you can also move your familiar its speed or shift it 1 square.
Adaptable Breath PHRD Dragonborn Deal a different damage type with your Dragon breath
Adaptable Nature DSCS Goliath Briefly gain +2 bonus to skill checks when other creatures succeed on skill checks.
Advantage of Cunning PHB2 Bard, Virtue of Cunning Slide enemy into ally's vacated space
Adventagous Eye Dragon Vistani Heritage While a target is affected by the Evil Eye of the Vistani power, it grants combat advantage.
Advantagous Formation DSCS Dune Trader, Quick Formation Allies gain combat advantage briefly when shifting next to enemies with your Quick Formation power.
Advantagous Rebuke Dragon Invoker, Covenant of Preservation Enemies hit with attacks which have a bonus from Preserver's Rebuke briefly grant combat advantage.
Aegis Accuracy Dragon Swordmage Gain brief +1 to hit targets marked by your Swordmage Aegis when they make an attack which doesn't include you.
Aegis Vitality Dragon Swordmage Gain 3/6/9 temporary hit points per tier when targets marked by your Swordmage Aegis make an attack which doesn't include you.
Aerenal Arcanist EPG Elf, any arcane class, Aerenal background Gain extra arcane utility powers.
Aerenal Half-Life EPG Elf, Aerenal background Gain extra arcane utility powers.
Against All Odds Dragon Wis 13, Gain +1 to damage and attack rolls for the rest of your turn if you start with 3 or more enemies adjacent to you.
Aggressive Spirit Dragon Shaman You can teleport your spirit companion adjacent to another enemy when you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points.
Agile Hunter PHB Dex 15, Ranger, Hunter's Quarry Shift as a free action after scoring a critical hit
Agile Running Attack MP2 Ranger, Running Attack Ignore difficult terrain when moving as part of an attack
Agile Stand MP2 Ranger, Rogue Shift when standing up
Agile Superiority Dragon Fighter, Combat Superiority class feature The bonus from the Combat Superiority equals your Dex mod instead of your Wis mod
Airspur Windrider Dragon |Akanûl regional background Subtract 10 feet from distance fallen before determining damage from falling.
Alchemical Affinity Dragon Warforged Gain temporary hit points equal to you Con mod when you hit an enemy with a consumable alchemical item.
Alchemical Blood Dragon Warforged Gain +1 per tier feat bonus with attack powers and alchemical item attack powers with a specific damage type.
Alchemical Opportunist Dragon - Can use alchemical item if it's in your hand when an enemy provokes an opportunity attack
Alchemist AV, EPG - You can craft alchemical items of your level or lower
Aggressive Advantage Essentials - Combat advantage against enemies during your first turn in an encounter
Aggressive Assault MP Rogue, Brutal Scoundrel, First Strike Slide targets that have not yet acted 1 square
Agile Form PrP Druid, Wild shape Shift 1 when you use Wild shape
Agile Stand MP2 Rogue Shift when standing up
Alertness PHB, Essentials - No combat advantage when surprised, +2 to Perception
Alhahn's Mindful Relocation PHB3 Githzerai, Shifting Fortunes Shift up to speed as a free action when using second wind
Allegiance to the Daughter Dragon Warlock, Infernal Pact Create temporary zone of hellfire whenever you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points with a warlock attack.
Ambush Tactics MP2 Any martial class 1d6 extra damage against enemy that has not yet acted
Amoth's Grace Dragon Channel Divinity class feature You can use the power Amoth's Grace.
Ancestral Guidance EPG Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Spirits of the Past You can use the power Ancestral Guidance.
Ancestral Wrath Dragon Foulborn Heritage Gain +1 bonus to speed while bloodied.
Ancient Covenant of Nessus PHRT Tiefling,Invoker Use divine covenant to allow a target of your power to make an attack and take damage.
Ancient Lore of the Dawn War Dragon - +2 feat bonus to History and Religion checks. Gain Supernal as a language.
Ancient Soul PHRD Dragonborn, Sorcerer, Dragon Magic Dragon breath recharges when you take class feature resisted damage.
Ancient Wisdom Dragon Wilden, Shaman, Voyage of the Ancients power When you use the Voyage of the Ancients power, enemies also grant combat advantage to each ally adjacent to your spirit companion.
Angelic Harrier Dragon Invoker When using ranged invoker encounter or daily attacks and only one enemy is hit, you can slide the enemy one square.
Anger Unleashed PHB2 Half-orc +2 attack for 1 round after becoming bloodied
Angharradh's Favor FRPG Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Angharradh You gain the Angharradh's Favor power.
Animal Empathy PrP Trained in Nature +2 to Nature checks, and substitute Nature for Insight when dealing with beasts
Ankle Biter DSCS Goblin race +1 feat bonus to damage rolls vs creatures larger than you.
Ankle Cutter MP Halfling, Rogue, Sneak Attack Cause Large or larger Sneak Attack target to be slowed
Anthem of Civilization Dragon, DP Channel Divinity class feature, must worship a deity of the civilization domain. You gain the Anthem of Civilization power.
Ape's Reach Dragon Druid, Wild Shape power. +2 feat bonus to Athletics checks. +1 reach with melee baisic attacks while in beast form while bloodied.
Arawai's Abundance EPG Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Arawai. You gain the Arawai's Abundance power.
Arcana Ward DP Channel Divinity class feature, must worship a deity of the arcana domain. You gain the Arcana Wardpower.
Arcane Familiar AP, HotEC, HotFW Any Arcane class You gain a familiar
Arcane Fire AP Int 13, Any arcane class Target hit with fire power gains vulnerability to cold
Arcane Fury AP Half-orc, Any arcane class Deal extra furious assault damage to multiple targets
Arcane Implement Proficiency AP Any arcane class Use an implement group with which an arcane class is proficient, with arcane powers
Arcane Malice Dragon Any arcane class, you have a spellscar Gain sticking bonus to damage rolls vs creatures you hit with daily attacks, amplied further by Student of the Plague feat.
Arcane Porter HotFW Arcane Familiar Your familiar can carry a 5-pound object
Arcane Repositioning Dragon Eladrin, Artificer Can teleport conjurations and summons as free action by expending your Fey Step power.
Arcane Reserves AP Human, Any arcane class +2 to damage with at-will powers when encounter powers are expended
Arcane Spellfury PHB2 Sorcerer +1 to attack rolls after hitting with sorcerer at-will attack
Arcane Trapsmith Dragon Artificer, training in Thievery You can use your Int mod instead of your Dex mod when making Thievery checks to disable traps and open locks. +4 feat bonus to Arcana checks related to traps and hazards.
Arcane Vampire Dragon Vampire, any Arcane class 1/enc gain a healing surge when hitting an enemy with an arcane encounter attack power. Can gain a damage bonus to arcane encounter attack by spending a healing surge.
Archer Captain MP2 Warlord, Archer Warlord You and allies ignore long range penalty
Archery Mastery D400 Leveled ranger at-will attack power Swap a leveled ranger at-will attack power for aimed shot, clever shot, or rapid shot
Ardent Tsucora Initiation Dragon Kalashtar, Ardent, Ardent outrage class feature Targets of your Ardent Outrage power briefly treat squares adjacent to you as difficult terrain.
Arena-Fighter's Recovery DSCS Fighter, Arena Training class feature Gain brief bonus to damage rolls with arena weapons after using Second Wind.
Argent Falcon Dragon Arcane Familiar feat, must worship Sehanine Gain the Argent Falcon feat power, which replaces one of your 6th-level or higher utility powers
Armor Finesse Essentials - Ignore the check penalty for wearing armor
Armor of Bahamut PHB Channel Divinity, must worship Bahamut Use Channel Divinity to invoke Armor of Bahamut
Armor of Burning Wrath DP Invoker, Covenant of Wrath Armor of wrath gains the fire keyword, and the target takes -1 to saving throws
Armour of Vengeance DP Avenger, Censure of Retribution, Oath of enmity +1 to defenses against creatures other than your Oath of enmity target
Armor of Winter Dragon Invoker, Covenant of Wrath class feature, must worship the Raven Queen. Deal extra cold damage vs Undead with your Armor of Wrath power, and immobilize them if it makes them bloodied.
Armor Proficiency: Banded Mail MME Proficiency with Chainmail Training with banded mail armor.
Armor Proficiency: Barbed Shield MME Proficiency with heavy shields Training with barbed shields.
Armor Proficiency: Chainmail PHB Str 13, Con 13, training with leather armor or hide armor Training with chainmail armor
Armor Proficiency: Full Plate MME Proficiency with plate armor Training with full plate armor.
Armor Proficiency: Hide PHB Str 13, Con 13, training with leather armor Training with hide armor
Armor Proficiency: Leather PHB - Training with Leather Armor
Armor Proficiency: Plate PHB Str 15, Con 15, training with scale armor Training with plate armor
Armor Proficiency: Ring Mail MME Proficiency with hide or chainmail. Training with ring mail armor.
Armor Proficiency: Scale PHB Str 13, Con 13, training with chainmail Training with scale armor
Armor Proficiency: Spiked Plate MME Proficiency with plate armor. Training with spiked plate armor.
Armor Proficiency: Splint Mail MME Proficiency with scale armor. Training with splint mail armor
Armor Proficiency: Studded Leather MME Proficiency with hide armor. Training with studded leather armor
Armored Endurance Training MP2 Any martial class No armor penalty to Strength and Constitution skills
Armored Sorcerer Dragon Sorcerer, Proficiency with leather armor. Resistance from your Spell Source is increased by 2 while wearing leather armor.
Armored Warlord MP2 Warlord, Battlefront Leader Gain proficiency with scale armour and one extra healing surge
Armored Swiftness Training MP2 Any martial class No armor penalty to Dexterity skills
Armored Warrenguard Dragon Gnome You do not suffer the normal speed penalty incurred by chainmail and scale, and gain +1 bonus to AC from Large or larger enemies.
Asmodeus’s Fiery Command BoVD Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Asmodeus You gain the power Asmodeus’s Fiery Command.
Assassin's Challenge Dragon Assassin, Paladin, Assassin's Shourd power You can use a holy symbol as an implement. Additionally, whenever creatures takes extra damage from divine challenge for each assassin's shroud that's on it.
Assassin's Cloak Dragon Assassin When you become invisible, you can make a stealth check to hide as a free action.
Assassin's Escape Dragon Assassin, shade form power Can use Shade Form as an immediate interrupt when taking damage.
Astral Elixir Dragon Deva, Artificer, shielding elixir power Grant additional radiant resistance with Shielding Elixir. Target of Shielding Elixir can end its effect to add 1d6 to a saving throw.
Astral Enmity DP Deva, Avenger, Oath of enmity Bonus from Memory of a thousand lifetimes also applies to damage rolls against your Oath of enmity target
Astral Fire PHB Dex 13, Cha 13 +1 damage with fire or radiant power
Astral Preservation DP Deva, Invoker, Covenant of Preservation When you use preserver's rebuke, nearby allies gain +1 against attacks by bloodied creatures
Audacious Crow PrP - +2 to Thievery checks; increase by 1 for each ally with feat
Aureon’s Instruction EPG Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Aureon You gain the Aueron's Instruction power.
Auspicious Lineage PHB2 Deva Roll d8 instead of d6 for memory of a thousand lifetimes
Autohypnosis PsP Any Psionic class, trained in Arcana Gain 1 healing surge; substitute Arcana for Endurance
Avandra's Boon Dragon Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Avandra You gain the Avandra's Boon power.
Avandra's Covenant Dragon Invoker, Divine Covenant class feature, must worship Avandra Can grant nearby ally a saving throw instead of using covenant manifistation when using divine encounter or daily attack power.
Avandra’s Rescue PHB Channel Divinity class feature , must worship Avandra Use Channel Divinity to invoke Avandra’s Rescue
Avenger's Fortunes Dragon Githzerai, Avenger Can shift 1 square whenever a healing surge is spent. If you have an oath of emnity target the shift must take you closer to that target.
Avenging Allure DP Avenger, Censure of Unity Pull target 2 extra squares when you use Bond of censure
Avenging Opportunist DP Human, Avenger, Oath of enmity Gain extra move action when you reduce your Oath of enmity target to 0 hit points
Avenging Resolution Dragon Githzerai, Avenger When you attack a target of your oath of enmity with a weapon attack, treat all rolls of a 1 or 2 on the damage dice as though the result were a 3 on the die.
Avernian Emissary Wrath Dragon Tiefling, assassin's shroud power When you miss your assassin's shroud target you can use your infernal wrath power against it.
Avowed Dragonfoe FRPG Dragonborn +1 bonus to attack rolls against dragons, +2 while bloodied
Axe Expertise Essentials - +1 to attack rolls with an axe, when rolling damage for an attack with an axe, you can reroll one damage die that results in a 1
Axe Strike MME Power Strike power Expend a use of Power Strike when you miss a target while using an axe to deal 5 damage per tier.
Backbreaking Staff Dragon Backstab Daze targets briefly when you use backstab with a staff attack.
Backstabber PHB Rogue, Sneak Attack class feature Sneak Attack dice increase to d8s
Baleful Malediction DP Invoker, Covenant of Malediction Enemies you hit with encounter or daily powers take -2 to attacks against you
Balican High Praetor Dragon Warlock, Sorcerer-King class feature, Balican Praetor feat Makes allies apply extra curse/damage after you drop cursed enemies to 0. Can augment powers to allow allies to shift or gain defenses. Use Cha mod instead of Con mod with associated powers.
Balican Praetor Dragon Warlock, Sorcerer-King class feature, +2 feat bonus to Diplomacy. Can make Hand of Blight briefly grant vulnerability to all damage by forgoing the extra damage.
Balinor’s Prey EPG Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Balinor You gain the power Balinor’s Prey.
Bane's Tactics Dragon Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Bane You gain the power Bane's Tactics.
Bane's Tyrannical Transference Dragon Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Bane You gain the power Bane's Tyrannical Transference.
Bane’s Instructive Stratagem BoVD Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Bane You gain the power Bane’s Instructive Stratagem.
Bard of All Trades Dragon Bard +3 feat bonus to all utrained skill checks
Bardic Knowledge PHB2 Bard +2 bonus to several skill checks
Bardic Wayfarer Dragon Bard, Majestic Word class feature Teleport 1 square whenever you teleport an ally with a power, and can teleport the target of Majestic Word 1 square instead of sliding it.
Barreling Charge MP2 Any martial class Charge to adjacent square with reach weapon
Battle Cadence Dragon Bard, Majestic Word class feature Slide 1 extra square with Majestic Word, and grant the target +2 bonus to its next damage roll.
Battle Cleric Armaments Dragon Str 15, Cleric You gain proficiency with light shields and with one military weapon.
Battle Hardened PHB3 - +5 to saving throws against fear, +2 to initiative checks
Battle Caster Defense PHB3 - +4 to AC vs. opportunity attacks provoked by ranged or area powers
Battle Healer DP Cleric, Healing word (cleric) Regain Str hit points when you use Healing word (cleric)
Battle Intuition Dragon Deva Use Wis mod instead of Dex mod for Initiative. +2 feat bonus to Initiative.
Battle Song Expertise Dragon Bard +1 feat bonus per tier with attack rolls with weapons you are proficient with and with wands and bard implements.
Battle Trample Dragon - You gain the Battle Trample power.
Battlemind Duulora Initiation Dragon Kalashtar, battlemind, speed of thought class feature When you use Speed of Thought, mark each enemy adjacent to you at the end of the move.
Battering Shield PHB3 Proficiency with heavy shields Push or slide target 1 additional square when using shield
Battlewise Essentials - Use Wis rather than Dex to determine initiative
Beacon of Dol Arrah EPG Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Dol Arrah You gain the Beacon of Dol Arrah power.
Beast Form Eyes Dragon Druid, Wild Shape power You gain +2 feat bonus to Perception. While you are in beast form, you gain low-light vision.
Beast Guidance MP Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature Beast gains +2 to your trained skills
Beast Protector MP Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature Attack against beast provokes opportunity attack from you
Beast Rider Dragon Beast Mastery class feature You can ride your beast companion as long as it's your size or larger and at least Medium size. You can mount and dismount it as a move action.
Beast Training MP Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature Beast gains training in a skill
Beastwalker Circle HotFW Druid, Summon Natural Ally class feature Gain wild shape, exchange summon natural ally for druid daily power
Becomer Dragon Changeling, Changeling Disguise power Chose a race you can imitate. Learn language of another race, +2 racial bonus to a skill which the race has, +5 bonus to avoid detection when intimidating chosen race.
Befuddling Thoughts PsP Changeling, Psion, Changeling Trick, Send Thoughts, Telepathy Focus Changeling trick becomes ranged 20 with send thoughts
Beginner's Luck Dragon Sorcerer, Wild Magic class feature When making a untrained skill check, pick even or odd, roll d20; if the number matches your pick, gain feat bonus to the skill check equal to your Cha modifier.
Beguiling Enchantment PHB3 - Enemy -2 to attacks after you hit it with charm power
Beguiling Torment PsP Psionic Augmentation When you daze or stun, augment to slide enemy
Beneath Notice Dragon - Gain combat advantage against Large or larger enemies when you and an ally are next to them.
Benefit of Foresight Dragon Tiefling, Gaze of Ruin feat Roll twice when making Intimidate checks vs creatures you can see.
Benighted Birthright Dragon Shadar-kai Resist 5 necrotic and +2 feat bonus to saving throws vs ongoing necrotic damage.
Berronar's Salve FRPG Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Berronar You can use the power Berronar's Salve.
Berserk Vitaity HotFW Barbarian, Berserker Fury Gain temporary hp when you enter berserker fury
Beshaba's Boon FRPG - Gain 5 temporary hit points each time an enemy fails a saving throw against an effect you imposed.
Bestial Mobility Dragon Beast Mastery class feature While adjacent to beast companion, you can increase or descrease distance of forced movement, and stand as a minor action.
Betrayal of Body BoVD - Can transfer untyped ongoing damage to ajacent ally, increasing the damage by 5.
Betrayal of Zerthimon Dragon Githzerai, assassin, assassin’s shroud power Targeting enemies who haven't acted yet with assassin's shroud make them briefly grant combat advantage.
Binding Mastery Dragon Ritual Caster feat, mastery of Magic Circle and one other binding ritual Can use Arcana or Religion in place of Diplomacy and Intimidate when interacting with creatures not with natural origin, and gain +2 bonus to checks of this purpose. Once per day ignore component cost of a binding ritual you have mastered.
Bitter Challenge Dragon Paladin, Divine Challege power Targets taking damage from your Divine Challenge are also briefly slowed.
Bitter Cold Dragon Wizard Creatures hit by you wizard powers with the cold keyword briefly get a -2 penalty to Fortitude.
Bitter Rebuke Dragon Invoker, Divine Covenant class feature, Rebuke Undead power Modifies Rebuke Undead based on your Divine Covenant.
Black Arrow Style Dragon any martial class, training in Stealth You gain a benefit with either Deft Strike (rogue) or Twin Strike (hunter).
Black Vistani Cat Dragon any arcane class, cat familiar, Vistani Heritage Your Evil Eye og the Vistani can originate from your active cat familiar, which doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.
Blade and Buckler Duelist Dragon Rogue, proficiency with light shields The shield bonus from your light shield increases to +2.
Blade Opportunist PHB Str 13, Dex 13 +2 to opportunity attacks with heavy blade or light blade
Bladed Fists Dragon Bladeling Your unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage, and you gain a +2 proficiency bonus to attack rolls you make with unarmed attacks.
Bladed Stalker Dragon Bladeling, Bladed Fists feat Your unarmed attacks gain the high crit weapon property
Blessed Scoundrel DP Halfling, Any Divine class Spend healing surge with second chance
Blessed Shifter DP Shifter, Paladin Gain more damage with melee attacks when you use shifting
Blessed Strength Dragon Half-orc, paladin Use Str mod in place of Cha when determining damage from your Divine Challenge or divine sanction.
Blessing of Avandra DP Halfling, Cleric If enemy misses due to Second chance, ally can spend healing surge
Blessing of Corellon DP Elf, Cleric If you hit with Elven accuracy, an ally can spend healing surge
Blessing of Silvanus FRPG Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Silvanus You can use the power Blessing of Silvanus
Blighting Power Dragon, DrMA Shadar-kai, Bard, Sorcerer, Swordmage, Warlock or Wizard class You gain a benefit with an attack power.
Bloodhound Style Dragon Any martial class You gain a benefit with an attack power.
Blindfighting Sentinel Essentials - Invisible enemies don't have combat advantage, blindness does not penalize Perception, +2 Perception
Blindfighting Warrior Essentials - Melee attacks ignore partial and total concealment
Blood Cousin's Tribe Dragon Barbarian +1 bonus damage when raging, increased by each ally with a tribal feat.
Blood Devourer Shifting Dragon Shifter, Assassin, Assassin's Shroud power When you are bloodied, choose an enemy which you have an assassin's shroud on; deal extra damage if you hit it before the end of your next turn.
Blood of Dragons Dragon Dragonborn, dragonfear racial power +2 bonus to defenses vs fear attacks, or +4 if the attacker is a dragon.
Blood Pact of Cania PHRT Tiefling, Cha 13, Warlock, Infernal Pact +2 or more to damage rolls with constitution based warlock powers
Blood Quarry MP2 Tiefling, Ranger, Hunter's Quarry +2 to attack when using Bloodhunt against quarry
Bloodhunter's Dread PHRT Tiefling -2 to attacks against you from bloodied enemies you hit
Bloodhunter's Flank PHRT Tiefling +2 or more to damage rolls for you and allies against flanked, bloodied foes
Bloodied Boon Dragon Warlock, Eldricth Pact class feature, Warlock's Curse class feature +2 bonus to defenses vs fear attacks, or +4 if the attacker is a dragon.
Bloodied Concentration PsP Psion +1 to attacks with augmented at-will powers when bloodied
Bloodied Elusion PHB3 Seeker, Bloodbond Shift 1 square when bloodied by any attack
Bloodied Enmity PsP Ardent, Mantle of Impulsiveness When first bloodied, melee attacks deal 1d6 extra damage
Bloodied Ferocity PHB3 Minotaur Make free melee basic attack when first bloodied
Bloodied Fleetness Dragon - +1 bonus to speed while bloodied.
Bloodied Invigoration MP Con 13, Dragonborn, Fighter Invigorating powers grant +2 temporary hp when bloodied
Bloodied Spear PrP - +1 to attack and damage with opportunity attacks, increase by 1 for each ally with feat
Bloody Triumph PrP Barbarian Gain bonus to next damage roll against enemy you bloody
Bloodied Vengeance Dragon Halfling, Second Chance racial power Gain brief bonus to damage rolls after being bloodied, which is greater if the attack hits you.
Bloodseeker Dragon Tiefling, Fighter +2 bonus to damage rolls vs bloodied enemies marked by you.
Bloodthirsty Hunter Dragon Shadar-kai, Ranger class, Hunter's Quarry class feature If you reduce your quarry to 0 hit points, chose new hunter's quarry, and can deal hunter's quarry damage again.
Bloodthirsty Mien Dragon, DrMA 15 Cha or trained in Intimidate Whenever you score a crit, you gain a +5 bonus to Intimidate for the rest of the encounter.
Bloodthirsty Spirit Dragon Shaman, Watcher Spirit class feature Allies making ranged basic attacks triggered by your Spirit's Prey power gain damage bonus.
Bloody Balance Dragon Paladin Gain +2 bonus to damage rolls while adjacent to bloodied allies.
Bloody Triumph Dragon Barbarian, Thaneborn Triumph class feature After bloodying an enemy, you or your allies gain a damage bonus to the next damage roll.
Bludgeon Expertise Essentials - +1 to attack rolls with a hammer  or mace, +1 to number of squares a target is pushed with an attack using a hammer or mace
Blurred Speed PsP Battlemind, Blurred Step Shift 2 with Blurred step
Blurring Claws PHB2 Razorclaw shifter +2 damage with combat advantage during razorclaw shifting
Bogtangle Heritage Dragon Human Gain the Bog Hunter's Poison daily attack power and a +2 feat bonus to Naure.
Bogtangle Warrior Dragon Human, Bogtangle Heritage feat Gain proficiency with the blowgun, increase blowgun damage die by one. Gain the Bogtangle Dart attack power.
Bold Command MP Halfling, Warlord, Bravura Presence Allies gain +1 to attack rolls against enemy that misses you
Bold Gamble Dragon Warlord, Bravura Presence class feature By spending an action point to attack you can gamble between making an enemy grant combat advantage if the attack hits or granting combat advantage youself if it misses.
Boldrei’s Shelter EPG Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Boldrei You gain the Boldrei's Shelter power.
Bolstering Admixture Dragon Warforged, Artificer, Curative Admixture power Targets of your Curative Admixture can make a saving throw.
Bolstering Breath PHRD Dragonborn Dragon breath no longer damages allies, grants them +1 to attack rolls
Bolstering Inspiration MP Dwarf, Warlord Saving throw or additional hp for Inspiring word target
Bolstering Mantle PHB3 Ardent, Ardent Mantle Spend healing surge, ally gains temporary hp or saving throw
Bolstering Spike PsP Battlemind, Mind spike Gain temporary hit points with mind spike
Bolstering Touch Dragon Half-elf, Paladin, Lay on Hands power Targets of your Lay on Hands can retore hit points equal to your healing surge instead of their own.
Bonded Familiar AP Arcane Familiar Communicate telepathically with your familiar
Boon of the Made PP Elan Heritage When using Elan Resilience, gain temporary resistance to all damage.
Born in Darkness Dragon Mul Gain +2 racial bonus to Dungeoneering and gain low-light vision.
Born of Shadow HoS - Shadow origin and +1 to saving throws in dim light and darkness
Born of the Elements HotEC Elemental origin or training in Arcana +2 to Endurance and Intimidate; gain Primordial
Bountiful Fortune Dragon Cleric, Divine Fortune power, must worship Avandra When using Divine_fortune, you and adjacent allies gain temporary hit points.
Bow Caster Dragon Elf, Artificer You can use a bow as an implement for your artificer and artificer paragon path powers.
Bow Expertise Essentials - +1 to attack rolls with a bow , +1 damage with attack using a bow against a single creature with no creature adjacent to it
Bozak Evoker Dragon Bozak draconian, Arcane Blood racial feature, Concussive Vengeance racial feature Scoring critical hits with arcane powers knocks the target down. Gain double racial bonus to damage with arcane powers while bloodied.
Bracing Breath MP Con 13, Dragonborn, Fighter Dragon breath gives +1 to attack with invigorating powers
Bravura Spirit MP Dragonborn, Warlord, Bravura Presence Bloodied ally gains additional bonus from Bravura Presence
Brawler Guard MP2 Fighter, Brawler Style +1 Shield bonus to AC and Reflex when one hand is free
Breath of Life DP Dragonborn, Cleric Your Dragon breath gives temporary hp to allies
Breath of the Gods Dragon Dragonborn, Invoker, Divine Covenant class feature Dragon breath count as a divine encounter attack power for the purposes of covenant manifestation. You also get a +2 feat bonus to Diplomacy.
Breath-Resistant Beast MP Dragonborn, Ranger, Beast Mastery Beast gains resistance to your dragon breath's damage type
Bred for Battle DSCS Mul Gain +2 racial bonus to initiative checks and +1 bonus to attack rolls and speed during the 1st round of an encounter.
Brilliant Darkfire DP Drow, Any Divine class Targets of Darkfire gain vulnerable Cha radiant
Brimming Wrath PsP Half-orc, Battlemind, Furious Assault Marked enemies take damage when you use furious assault
Broken Shackles FRPG Dragonborn +1 to Will defense, +2 to saving throws against charm
Brutal Accuracy MP Elf, Ranger, Hunter's Quarry Hit with Elven accuracy reroll gains extra damage
Brutal Blades Dragon Bladeling, Razor storm racial power You unarmed attacks gain the off-hand weapon property, and increase the damage die of razor storm by one.
Brutal Brawler MP2 Fighter, Brawler Style Increase damage of unarmed attack and spiked gauntlet
Brutal Curse Dragon Warlock, Warlock’s Curse class feature When rolling Warlock's Curse damage, reroll any die displaying 1 until it's not 1.
Brutal Ferocity PHB3 Minotaur, Ferocity +2 attack and damage with attack granted by Ferocity
Brutal Reach Dragon Barbarian, Warlock’s Curse class feature While raging and wielding a two-handed reach weapon, reroll any damage die which rolls a 1.
Brutal Shroud Dragon Assassin, Assassin's shroud power When rolling damage for your assassin's shroud, reroll any damage die which rolls a 1.
Brutal Tactics Dragon Fighter, Fighter Weapon Talent class feature While flanking with ally while wielding a two-handed weapon, the ally can reroll any damage die which display a 1 once for melee attacks against the flanked enemy.
Brutal Teamwork MP Strength 15, dragonborn , rogue +2 damage when adjacent to any ally
Brutal Wound MP Rogue, Brutal Scoundrel, Sneak Attack Deal additional ongoing damage with Sneak Attack
Brute Force Dragon Goliath Push and knock prone targets you hit with melee weapon daily attacks.
Brutish Disruption DSCS Con 13, gladiator theme, Disrupting advance power Push targets 2+ your con mod instead of 2 squares with Disrupting advance.
Buckler Duelist Dragon Rogue, proficiency with light shields Increase defense bonuses gained from rogue powers by 1 while wearing a light shield.
Buffeting Winds Dragon Genasi, warden, windwalker power Slide marked enemies when using the Windwalker power.
Building Camaraderie Dragon Training in Diplomacy Gain self-stacking Diplomacy bonus for each successful Diplomacy check until a failure.
Burden of Guardianship PHB3 Wilden, Nature's Aspect Temporary hp when you use racial power and ally is nearby
Burden of Rejuvination PHB3 Wilden, Nature's Aspect Unconscious ally you can see heals when you use racial power
Burn Everything Dragon Wizard Your arcane fire powers ignore some fire resistance and counts creatures immune to fire as having fire resistance
Burning Blizzard PHB Int 13, Wis 13 +1 damage with acid or cold power
Burning Wrath of Phlegethos PHRT Tiefling, Avenger, Oath of enmity Using Infernal wrath against your oath target grants your melee attacks Intelligence mod extra damage
Butcher's Lure Dragon Gnoll You can use ghost sound as an at-will ability, and gain a bonus to checks when trying to mimic specific people or sounds with it.
Call to the Wild HotFW Druid Exchange druid daily power for one use of summon natural ally
Camouflage MP Wis 13, Ranger, trained in Stealth +5 to stealth outdoors when you have concealment
Carceri's Manacles Dragon Invoker Creatures ending their turn next to your summons are briefly slowed.
Careful Summoner AP Con 13, Wizard Summoned creatures gain +1 to defenses
Cascading Rush PHB3 - Push adjacent enemy before or after bull rush
Cast Afar the Spirit Dragon Arcane Familiar feat When you switch your familiar into active mode you can teleport it 5 squares.
Cast Aside Dragon Goliath Slide medium or smaller creatures when they escape your grab.
Cast Iron Font Dragon Dwarf, warden, Font of Life class feature When you save vs poison effects at the start of your turn, gain some temporary hit points.
Champion of Raam Dragon Warlock, Sorcerer-King Pact class feature, Favored of Raam feat Gain option to shift when you drop enemies to 0 hit points, and the ability to make you briefly untargetable by hitting enemies while using fell might with certain powers.
Champion of the Bloody Circle Dragon Sorcerer Gain training in Streetwise and a +2 feat bonus to Intimidate and Streetwise checks.
Changeling's Mark MP2 Changeling, Fighter Use changeling trick to mark adjacent enemies
Channel Might DP Paladin You gain +1 to melee attacks after you use Channel divinity
Charging Admixture Dragon Minotaur, artificer, curative admixture power Targets of Curative Admixture gain brief bonus to damage rolls on charge attacks.
Chauntea's Blessing FRPG Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Chauntea You can use the power Chantea's Blessing.
Chauntea's Comfort Dragon Must worship Chauntea When using powers allowing allies to spend healing surge, you can lose a healing surge to allow them to gain the benefit of the healing surge without using a healing surge.
Cheetah's Speed Dragon Druid, wild shape power When you are in beast form and bloodied, gain a +4 feat bonus to speed when you charge or run.
Child of Fire HotEC Born of the Elements Flames damage foe when you are bloodied or unconscious
Child of Stone HotEC Born of the Elements Gain resist 5 all when you use second wind on a stone surface
Child of Storm HotEC Born of the Elements +2 to next saving throw after taking elemental damage
Child of the Sea HotEC Born of the Elements Gain swim speed, other aquatic benefits
Child of Wind HotEC Born of the Elements Ignore difficult terrain when not wearing heavy armour
Chill of the Grave Dragon Revenant Your Dark Reaping racial power deals cold and necrotic damage.
Chilling Presence Dragon Winterkin Heritage When you use Winter's Shroud you can deal cold damage to the triggering enemy instead of teleporting.
Chondalwood Mystic Dragon Akanûl regional background You gain the Spellplague sense, and a +2 feat bonus to Nature checks.
Clarified Instincts PHB3 Ardent, Mantle of Clarity Mantle's bonus to Insight and Perception equals Wis modifier
Clarifying Infusion Dragon Kalashtar, artificer, Healing Infusion class feature When you use a Healing Infusion power, the target can save vs. being dazed or dominated.
Clarity of Spirit DP Kalashtar, Any Divine class You or ally spends healing surge when you use Bastion of mental clarity
Claw Fighter Dragon Gnoll You can use your claws as light blade weapons with the off-hand property, +3 proficiency bonus, dealing 1d6 damage, and you can enchant them.
Cleanse the Madness PHB3 Shardmind or Wilden +2 or more damage against aberrant creatures
Cleansing Challenge Dragon Cha 15, paladin, divine challenge class feature When using Divine Challenge to mark an undead creature, deal scaling radiant damage to it.
Clever Control Dragon Controller role Deal scaling extra damage with close or area attack powers when hitting only one creature while targeting multiple creatures.
Clever Tail PHRT Tiefling Free action to draw or stow light objects and make thievery checks
Close to Death Dragon Revenant, assassin, shadow step power While bloodied, you don't need to be adjacent to a creature to use shadow step.
Closing Advantage AP Swordmage +1 to melee attacks and damage after hitting with a ranged or area power
Closing Pledge DP Avenger, Censure of Pursuit, Oath of enmity Shift closer to your Oath of enmity target after hitting it with ranged attack
Cloying Shadow of Maladomini PHRT Tiefling, Warlock, Shadow Walk Enemies that hit you while shadow walking grant you combat advantage
Covenant of Io PHRD Dragonborn, Invoker, Divine Covenant You may treat area burst at will powers as close blast 3
Clutch of Darkness FRPG Drow Cloud of darkness becomes burst 2, Darkfire becomes ranged 15
Cold Adaptation Essentials - Resist 5 cold
Collapse into Nothing Dragon Genasi, earthshock racial power When you knock a creature prone with earthshock, briefly remove it from play.
Combat Casting AP Swordmage Ranged and area attacks don't provoke after hitting with a melee power
Combat Intuition PHB3 - +2 to Opportunity attack against enemy you miss
Combat Medic PHB2 Training in Heal Stabilize the dying as minor action , +2 to Heal checks
Combat Reflexes PHB Dex 13 +1 to opportunity attacks
Combat Virtuoso AP Bard Use Charisma for attack rolls of all multiclass powers
Command the Darkness MP Drow, Warlord Change how much Cloud of darkness obscures its area
Command Undead Dragon A Channel Divinity power from your class that targets undead, must worship Vecna You gain the Command Undead power.
Commanding Vow Dragon Paladin Whenever you subject an enemy to your divine sanction, you can slide the enemy 1 square.
Common Cause Dragon Half-elf, Group Diplomacy racial trait, ardent When an ally benefiting from your Group Diplomacy uses second wind he or she gain a scaling amount of temporary hitpoints.
Component Modification EPG Warforged Gain 1 extra temporary hp with Warforged resolve for each component
Concealed Conspirators Dragon Veiled Aliance theme, excise from sight power Make an additional character invisible with the excise from sight power.
Concealing Shades Dragon Revenant, dark reaping racial power, assassin When using dark reaping, you and nearby allies briefly gain concealment.
Confounding Luck Dragon Halfling, second chance power, must worship Avandra Enemies take a brief -2 penalty to attack rolls after missing you when you use your second chance.
Connected Dragon Training in Streetwise You can roll any Streetwise check twice, taking the highest result.
Constricting Serpent MP2 Ranger, Beast Mastery (serpent) While independent, beast immobilizes creatures
Constrictor’s Grasp Dragon Druid, wild shape power You gain a +2 feat bonus to skill checks when using the escape action. Whenever a creature you are grabbing while in beast form fails an escape attempt, it takes damage.
Controlling Advantage PHB3 Psion Add 1 square to forced movement if you have combat advantage
Cooperative Chance Dragon Halfling, Bard You can use your second chance power when an attack hits a nearby enemy, and if the attack misses you can slide the ally.
Coordinated Explosion PHB2 - +1 to attack rolls with blast or burst if ally is in area
Coordinated Opportunity MP Ranger, Beast Mastery +2 damage to opportunity attack if beast is adjacent
Corellon’s Grace PHB Channel Divinity, must worship Corellon Use Channel Divinity to invoke Corellon’s Grace
Corellon’s Wrath Style Dragon Int 13, any martial class Gain temporary HP, or a bonus to either/both the attack roll or/and the damage dealt with powers associated with the feat when used against demons, drows, orcs or spiders.
Corrupting Attacks Dragon You have a spellscar When you hit an enemy with an encounter or daily attack power, it takes a brief penalty to the targeted defense. Increase the penalty if you have the Student of the Plague feat.
Corrupting Presence Dragon Any divine class, murst worship Vecna Briefly create a zone in burst 1 after using some powers with the necrotic keyword. The zone turns bright light dim, and gives allies in the zone bonus to attack rolls with necrotic powers.
Cosmic Blade Channeling Dragon Cosmic Magic class feature, Sorcerous Blade Channeling feat When hitting with an attack using Sorcerous Blade Channeling, gain benefit based on your current phase.
Cosmic Eye Dragon Sorcerer, Cosmic Magic class feature, Vistani Heritage Evil eye of the Vistani deals fire and radiant damage equal to your Cosmic Power damage bonus.
Courage of the Lone Stag Dragon Warden, Nature’s Wrath class feature Gain brief scaling damage bonus versus targets you mark when you mark 3 or more enemies with Nature's Wrath.
Courageous Example Dragon - When you succed on a saving throw, a nearby ally gain a +4 bonus to his or her next saving throw.
Courageous Heart PrP - +2 to saving throws against charm of fear; increase by 1 for each ally with feat
Courageous Mind Dragon Human, any psionic class You gain a +2 feat bonus to initiative and +1 to saving throws while bloodied.
Courageous Word Dragon Warlord, Bravura Presence class feature, inspiring word power The target of Inspiring word can chose to briefly grant combat advantage for bonus to his or her next damage roll.
Covenant Eye Dragon Channel Divinity class feature, Vistani Heritage You can expend the use of your Channel Divinity to regain the use of Evil Eye of the Vistani.
Covenant of Io Dragon Dragonborn, dragon breath racial power, Invoker, Divine Covenant class feature Your dragon breath power gets the divine keyword, and you can make your invoker at-will burst powers into blast 3 powers.
Covenant Shifting Dragon Githzerai, invoker Increase push, pull or slide distance with divine powers with 1 square.
Covered Retreat Dragon Warlord, Resourceful Presence class feature When an enemy provokes opportunity attacks, you can use an opportunity action to slide an enemy to a square not adjacent to the provoking enemy.
Crack the Mountain PsP Monk, Stone Fist Enemy is slowed when hit by daily power
Crashing Tempest Style PHB3 Monk, Flurry of Blows +2 to Flurry of Blows damage when wielding club
Creation Mastery Dragon Ritual Caster feat, mastery of Enchant Magic Item and one other Creation ritual Three times per day you can perform a ritual in half the time, you can perform Enchant Magic Item and, with the Alchemist feat, create items as if you were two levels higher.
Creation Secret Dragon Channel Divinity class feature, must worship a deity of the creation domain You gain the power Creation Secret.
Crew Savvy DSH Svirfneblin, training in Athletics +3 feat bonus to Athletics checks to climb. Grant temporary +2 feat bonus to adjacent allies' climb checks after making your own climb check.
Crimson Eye Action Dragon Human, assassin, assassin’s shroud power Subject your assassin's shroud target to an additional shroud whenever you spend an action point.
Crimson Fire Dragon Paladin, warlock, divine challenge power Use d10s for Warlock's Curse damage against creatures which are both marked by your divine challenge and under your Warlock's Curse.
Crimson Legionnaire Dragon Paladin, warlock +2 bonus to damage rolls with paladin attack powers against targets affected by Warlock's Curse
Crippling Crush PrP Warden Deal extra damage to targets you slow or immobilize with hammer or mace attacks
Criterion of Balic Practice DSCS any martial class You gain a +1 feat bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics checks. When you use a power associated with this feat, shift 1 if you score a hit (or shift 2 if you're an elf).
Critical Teamwork Dragon Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature When your beast companion score a critical hit, it deals 1d6 extra damage per plus of the weapon you're wielding.
Crossbow Caster Dragon Artificer You can use a crossbow as a implement for artificer and artificer paragon path powers.
Crossbow Expertise Essentials - +1 to attack rolls with a crossbow, ignore partial and superior cover with crossbow attacks
Crow's Flight Dragon Shifter Ignore difficult terrain while running, and gain a +2 feat bonus to Atlethics and Acrobatics checks.
Cruel Cut Style Dragon Wis 13, any martial class Makes enemies take ongoing damage equal to your Wisdom modifier when triggered by interactions with certain martial powers.
Cruel Shroud Dragon Assassin Assassin's shroud power Gain combat advantage against targets subjected to your assassin's shroud power.
Clumsy Whimsy Dragon Warlock fey pact You can shift 1 square whenever an enemy fails a saving throw vs one of your warlock powers.
Crusader's Fury Dragon - Your opportunity attacks deal extra damage while adjacent to bloodied allies.
Crushing Doom Dragon Invoker, maledictor's doom power Enemies targeted with maledictor's doom take a temporary penalty to damage rolls.
Crushing Earthstrength PHB2 Warden , Earthstrength Add Constition madifier to damage after second wind
Crushing Guardian Dragon Warden +2 bonus to damage rolls with hammer and mace weapon attack while in guardian form. The bonus increase with +1 per tier.
Crushing Mace MP2 Any martial class +2 damage with basic attacks using mace
Crystalline Auger Dragon Shardmind, psionic class Your attacks ignore 5 psychic resistance per tier.
Cunning Ambusher MP Tiefling, Rogue Combine infernal wrath with combat advantage for bonus to attack and damage rolls
Cunning Artifice Dragon Changeling, Changeling Trick, Artificer You can substitute Arcana for Bluff checks as part of your changeling trick power. Additionally, you can make enemies grant temporarily combat advantage to allies by using melee artificer powers against enemies granting combat advantage to you.
Cunning Stalker Essentials - You gain combat advantage against enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them other than you
Curse of Displacement Dragon Warlock, Warlock’s Curse class feature Teleport the target of your Warlock's Curse 3 squares whenever you score a critical hit against it.
Curse of Io's Blood AP Dragonborn, Warlock, Warlock's Curse Deal extra damage with curse when bloodied
Cursed Advantage AP Drow, Warlock, Warlock's Curse Gain combat advantage against cursed enemies
Cursed Shadow Dragon Assassin, Warlock You can use rods as implements, and gain the warlock's Shadow Walk class feature.
Cursed Shot Dragon Warlock, Prime Shot class feature, Warlock's Curse class feature Ignore adjacent allies and allies affected by some effects when determining who is nearest for the purpose of Prime Shot.
Cycle of Change DP Channel Divinity class feature, must worship a deity of the change domain You gain the Channel Divinity power Cycle of Change
Dakshai's Body-Mind Union PHB3 Githzerai, Iron mind Expend iron mind to gain saving throw with +5 bonus
Dancing Leaves Dragon Warden, warden’s grasp power When using Dancing Leaves, you can teleport up to 2 squares closer to the target instead of sliding it.
Dancing Thorn Style Dragon Eladrin, monk,Flurry of Blows While wielding a longsword, gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with monk powers, and +1 bonus to the damage dealt with Flurry of Blows.
Daring Performer Dragon Cha 13, any martial class Gain a benefit with either Brash Assault or Deft strike
Dark Feasting HoS Revenant Gain temporary HP when you deal damage with Dark reaping
Dark Fury PHB Con 13, Wis 13 +1 damage with necrotic or psychic power
Dark Invitation Dragon Revenant, invoker, dark reaping power Pull creatures damaged by your dark reaping power.
Dark Mantle Dragon Cleric, healing word power, must worship the Raven Queen When using healing word, can forgo granting extra hit points in order to temporarily grant 5 resist necrotic to the target (10 at 11th lvl and 20 at 21st lvl).
Dark Thaumaturgy Dragon Warlock, Daughter's Promises feat Gain a +3 bonus per milestone achieved today to skill checks related to performing rituals.
Darkening Mind Dragon Shadar-kai, shadow jaunt, any psionic class You can spend a power point to increase teleport distance by 2, and remain insubstantial longer.
Darkfire Dancer Dragon Drow Enable you to shift 2 when adjacent to targets affected by Darkfire.
Darkfire Implement AP Drow, Any arcane class Darkfire deals twice implement damage
Darkfire Strike MP2 Drow, Fighter Use Darkfire when you hit a marked creature
Darkfire Targeting MP Drow Ranger or drow Rogue Target of your darkfire takes extra damage
Darkfire Vitality DP Drow, Cleric Allies gain temporary hp when they hit enemies under your Darkfire
Darkness Consumes DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the darkness domain You gain the Channel Divinity power darkness consumes.
Darkness's Wings Dragon Shadar-kai, assassin, shadow jaunt power You can expend shade form to regain the use of shadow jaunt.
Darkwinter Wild Soul Dragon Shadar-kai, sorcerer class, wild magic spell source You chose to resist cold or necrotic instead of rolling a d10 to determine the resistance from your Wild Soul.
Darren Gambler Dragon Tarmalune regional background When rerolling, gain a +2 bonus to the roll. Temporarily grant combat advantage if the second result is lower than the first.
Darting Shade Dragon Assassin, shade form, shadow step When taking damage while in shade form, you can use shadow step as a free action after the attack
Daughter's Promises Dragon Warlock, Infernal Pact Instead of the normal effect of your pact boon triggering when a cursed enemy reach 0 hp, deal fire damage to an enemy within 1 square of the enemy, and gain temporary hit points.
Daunting Breath PHRD Dragonborn, trained in Intimidate Creatures hit by your Dragon breath are marked.
Daunting Swarm Dragon Shardmind, shard swarm racial power You can chose to temporarily mark creatures affected by your shard swarm power.
Dawn Hunter Training Dragon Elf, assassin You can use your elven accuracy to reroll a damage roll instead of an attack roll, and use whichever damage roll result is higher.
Dawn the Black Sun Dragon Channel Divinity, must worship Shar You gain the Channel Divinity power dawn of the black sun.
Deadeye Slinger MP2 Rogue Gain +3 proficiency bonus with slings and treat as high crit
Deadly Draw PHB3 - Combat advantage against enemy you pull or slide adjacent
Deadly Rage PHB2 Barbarian +1 damage while raging
Deadly Rebuke DP Invoker, Covenant of Preservation Gain more damage with preserver's rebuke
Death Curse Dragon Con 13, revenant, Warlock's Curse class feature When you deal damage with dark reaping to a target under you Warlock's Curse, all other targets under your Warlock's Curse take some necrotic damage.
Death Knell Dragon Channel Divinity class feature, must worship a deity of the death domain You gain the Channel Divinity power death knell.
Death Sight Dragon Assassin Bloodied creatures no longer gain the benefit of cover and concealment against your attacks.
Death Walk Dragon Revenant, dark reaping, assassin, shadow step When you use dark reaping, you can use shadow step as a free action.
Death Wastes Nothing Dragon Revenant, dark reaping, assassin, assassin's shroud When you use dark reaping, you can move any shrouds upon the triggering creature to another nearby enemy
Death's Blessing Dragon Revenant You no longer need to eat, drink or breathe and are no longer considered a living creature.
Death's Grasp Dragon Revenant, battlemind, mind spike You gain an augment 1 for your mind spike power which cause enemies adjacent the target to take some necrotic damage.
Death's Quickening Dragon Revenant You can take a minor action in addition to the standard action normally allowed when you drop to 0 hp and chose to remain concious through Unnatural Vitality.
Deathly Disruption Dragon Shadar-kai You attacks ignore 5 necrotic resistance per tier.
Deathward Aegis Dragon Shadar-kai, swordmage, Aegis of Shielding When you reduce damage with Aegis of Shielding, the same target gain temporarily resist 5/tier necrotic.
Deception Mastery Dragon Ritual Caster, mastery of Change Self and one other deception ritual Gain a +2 feat bonus to Bluff checks. Can use Bluff instad of other skills when performing a deception ritual, and can ignore component cost of a deception ritual once per day.
Deceptive Mind PHB3 Battlemind, Battle Resilience +2 to all defenses when using battle resilience
Deep Durability DSH Svirfneblin, warden, stone camouflage Gain 3/5/7 additional temporary hit points depending on your tier for each enemy marked by you.
Deep Gash MP Con 15, Fighter Enemy takes -2 to saving throws against ongoing damage
Deep Sage PrP Any Primal class, Trained in Dungeoneering +5 to Dungeoneering knowledge and aberrant creature monster knowledge checks, and gain fluency in Deep Speech
Deepstone Blessing DSH Svirfneblin, cleric, healing word The target of your healing word also gain some temporary hit points.
Defender's Friend DSCS Elemental priest, spirit of Athas When you dismiss the spirit of Athas, nearby enemies are temporarily marked by a nearby ally.
Defending Dabbler Dragon Half-elf When you hit with the power granted by the Dilettante trait, you can briefly mark it.
Defensive Bluff Dragon Halfling When you use second wind you can use Bluff to gain combat advantage or hide as part of the same action.
Defensive Challenge Dragon Fighter, Combat Challenge When a marked enemy shifts or make an attack not including you, you can temporarily give an ally a +2 bonus to all defenses.
Defensive Grace DP Cleric, Healer's mercy Bonus to defenses when you use Healer's mercy
Defensive Healing Word DP Cleric, Healing word (cleric) Bonus to recipient's defenses when you use Healing word (cleric)
Defensive Minions EPG Artificer +2 to all defenses of summoned creatures
Defensive Mobility PHB, Essentials - +2 to AC against opportunity attacks
Defensive Resillience MP Con 13, Wis 13, Fighter +1 to all defenses with second wind when bloodied
Defensive Throw MP2 Ranger, Marauder Fighting Style Opportunity attacks provoked by thrown weapons are delayed
Defensive Wrath Dragon Half-elf, invoker, armor of wrath You can use armor of wrath when a nearby enemy hits one of your allies.
Defiling Action DSCS Arcane defiling You can use arcane defiling with at-will or encounter powers when they are used by spending an action point.
Deft Eruption PsP Ardent, Ardent Eruption +2 damage for Ardent eruption
Deft Footwork Dragon Dex 13, any martial class When an opponent provoke an opportunity attack from you, you can shift instead of making a melee basic attack.
Deft Guardian Dragon Warden You can shift 1 square when you assume a guardian form.
Deific Instrument Dragon Assassin, avenger You can use a holy symbol as an implement.
Delthuntle Sailor Dragon Aglarond regional benefit You gain Primordial as a language, and get +2 to Acrobatics & Athletics checks and can climb your normal speed with a succesful Athletics check while on a ship.
Delzoun True Born Dragon Dwarf When you use stand your ground you can roll twice, and you are considered a member of the lost kingdom of Delzoun.
Demonbane DP Any Divine class Powers that target undead also target elementals
Demonbane Malediction DP Invoker, Covenant of Malediction Elementals you hit with maledictor's doom grant combat advantage to your ally
Desperate Goblin Tactics DSH Goblin, goblin tactics When you use goblin tactics while bloodied, you can shift 2 extra squares.
Destructive Power Dragon 8th level, controller role You swap out any 6th-level or higher utility power for destructive power.
Destructive Wizardry AP Dex 13, Wizard +2 Damage if you hit two or more creatures
Deva Heritage Dragon Living humanoid race You gain the astral splendor utility power and +2 to Perception & Insight checks vs angels, devas, devils and rakshasas.
Devastating Shroud Dragon Assassin, assassin's shroud When you score a critical hit with a shadow power, shrouds you invoke are not removed.
Devil's Favor Dragon Warlock, Infernal Pact When you use your second wind you can chose to regain no hit points to briefly gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and damage rolls.
Devilbane DP Any Divine class Powers that target undead also target immortals
Devious Jaunt Dragon Int 13, shadar-kai, shadow jaunt You add your Int mod to the teleport distance of shadow jaut.
Devoted Challenge MP Dwarf, Fighter, Combat Challenge Bonus to melee basic attacks equal to Wis modifier
Devoted Paladin DP Paladin, Lay on hands Gain 1 healing surge, add cha modifier to Lay on hands
Devout Protector Expertise Dragon Proficiency with holy symbols You gain +1/tier bonus to hit with one-handed melee weapons and holy symbols. Additionally, your allies gain +1 shield bonus to AC while you wield a shield.
Diabolic Soul Dragon Tiefling Whenever you take a crit, you gain +2 bonus to hit the enemy who crit you, and you replace Infernal Wrath with Diabolic Transformation
Die Hard Dragon Con 13, human When you have failed two death saving throws, you gain a +5 feat bonus to death saving throws, and can spend a healing surge on a result of 15 or higher.
Dilettante's Mark Dragon Half-elf, warden When you hit an enemy with your dilettante power, you mark it briefly.
Diminishing Spirit Curse Dragon Warlock, vestige pact When you hit a bloodied & cused enemy, it briefly takes a -2 penalty to its next saving throw.
Directed Bull Rush PHB3 - Slide your bull rush target instead of pushing
Directing Inspiration MP2 Warlord, Inspiring Word Target of Inspiring word gains +1 attack or defense for ranged and area attacks
Dirty Fighting MP Fighter or Rogue +4 to melee damage against surprised enemies
Disciple of Darkness BoVD Dex 13 You gain a +5 feat bonus to hide while you are in darkness. When you use second wind while in dim light or darkness, become invisible briefly or until you attack.
Disciple of Death Essentials Wis 13 +5 to death saving throws
Disciple of Destruction BoVD Str 13 Deal 5 extra damage when you bloody an enemy with an attack.
Disciple of Freedom Essentials Cha 13 +5 to check made as part of an escape action, can make saving throws against immobilization, slow, or restraint at the start of your turn
Disciple of Inspiration Essentials Int 13 After making an at-will attack power that misses all targets, gain +1 to attack rolls until end of your next turn
Disciple of Justice Essentials Cha 13 When using second wind, you can choose an adjacent ally to regain the hit point instead of yourself
Disciple of Law Essentials Wis 13 +5 to check made toaid another, +1 to bonus given for successful aid
Disciple of Light Essentials Wis 13 Spending a healing surge while bloodied grants each ally within 5 squares 3 temporary hit points
Disciple of Lore Essentials Int 13 +1 to checks with skills you are trained in
Disciple of Madness BoVD Cha 13 +2 feat bonus to save vs being dazed, stunned, dominated or taking ongoing damage, and shift and briefly get a +2 bonus to all defenes when you succeed on a save vs one of these effects.
Disciple of Shadows Essentials Cha 13 Darkvision for 2 squares
Disciple of Stone Essentials Con 13 Gain 5 temporary hit points when using a healing surge
Disciple of Strength Essentials Str 13 +5 to next damage roll after using Second Wind
Disciple of the Wild Essentials Dex 13 Shift up to three squares when using Second Wind
Disciple of Torment BoVD Cha 13 Enemies grant combat advantage when they are affected by (save ends) effects caused by you.
Disciple of Trickery BoVD Int 13 When you use second wind on your turn, one or two enemies temporarily grant combat advantage to you.
Disciple of Tyranny BoVD Cha 13 When you use second wind on your turn, one of your allies can shift 3 squares.
Disciple of Vengeance BoVD Con 13 You briefly gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls when you spend a healing surge.
Disciple of War BoVD Str 13 In your first turn of combat, gain +1 to the first weapon attack roll, and deal a scaling amount of damage to the first enemy you hit.
Discipline Adept PHB3 Psion, Discipline Focus Use each Discipline Focus power twice per encounter
Disciplined Killer Dragon Assassin, monk, assassin's shroud When you use Flurry of Blows vs a target with your assassin's shrouds on it, deal 1 extra damage per shroud.
Disciplined Wild Soul PHB2 Sorcerer, Wild Magic Roll twice to determine Wild Soul damage type
Disrupting Shot Dragon Any ranger encounter attack power that has a a level Replace a ranger encounter power with the Disruptive Shot power.
Disrupting Shove DSCS Gladiator theme, disrupting advance When you hit with disruptive advance, the target fall prone at the end of the push.
Distant Advantage PHB2 - Gain combat advantage with ranged and area attack against flanked enemies
Distant Swarm Dragon Shardmind, shard swarm You can make shard swarm into an area burst 1 within 5.
Distant Vengeance Dragon Avenger, oath of enmity You gain the benefit from your oath of emnity with ranged basic attacks if some conditions are met.
Distracting Challenge Dragon Gnome, paladin, Divine Challenge When a target takes damage from your divine challenge, it briefly grants combat advantage.
Distracting Coincidences Dragon Sorcerer, Wild Magic Targets you slide with sorcerer attacks or Unfettered Power take a brief -2 penalty to AC.
Distracting Feint Dragon Trained in Bluff When you make a Bluff check to cause an enemy to grant combat advantage to you and you succeed, it also grant combat advantage to your allies.
Distracting Shield PHB Wis 15, fighter, Combat Challenge class feature Target hit by Combat Challenge takes −2 to attack rolls
Diverse Focus PsP Elan Heritage, psion, Discipline Focus You gain a Discipline Focus & can use powers associated with a Discipline Focus other than the one you already possess.
Divination Mastery PsP Ritual Caster, mastery of Read Omens and one other divination ritual +2 feat bonus to initiative, you can master and perform divination rituals 4 + your level, and can ignore component cost of a divination ritual 1/day.
Divine Approval DP Human, Any Divine class, Channel Divinity Channel Divinity grants you a saving throw
Divine Assault DP Half-orc, Paladin Ally gains damage bonus against target of your Furious assault
Divine Boon Dragon Cleric, Divine Fortune When you hit an undead with an attack which gained a bonus from divine fortune, the attack deals 5 extra radiant damage.
Divine Distraction DP Avenger, Censure of Unity, Oath of enmity Allies gain bonus damage to your Oath of enmity target when you are adjacent to target
Divine Excellence DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the skill domain You gain the Channel Divinity power divine excellence
Divine Fate DP Revenant, Channel Divinity You gain the Channel Divinity power divine fate
Divine Passion Dragon Avenger When you use divine guidance and the ally hits, the ally deal extra radiant damage.
Divine Perseverance DP Human, Paladin You gain +2 on your next attack after you succeed on a save
Divine Purity Dragon Paladin, divine mettle If the target of your divine mettle succeed on a saving vs ongoing necrotic, it briefly gains some necrotic resistance.
Divine Rage Dragon Channel Divinity You gain the Channel Divinity power divine rage
Divine Vampire Dragon Vampire and any divine class Gain healing surges through using divine powers to hit enemies or powers which allow allies to use healing surges. You also lose your vulnerability to radiant damage and sunlight.
Divinity's Shield Dragon Paladin, Channel Divinity Briefly gain a +2 bonus to NAD after using a channel divinity power.
Dodge Giants PHB Dwarf +1 to AC and Reflex against attacks of Large or larger foes
Dodgy Charge Dragon Half-orc, avenger, oath of enmity When you charge your oath of enmity target, your movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.
Domain Synergy Dragon Cleric, domain feat and the domain's divinity feat Gain a +2 power bonus to at-will powers associated with a domain after using the matching channel divinity power.
Don't Count Me Out Dragon Human While bloodied, gain a +2 feat bonus to save vs being immobilized, dazed, stunned or weakened (boost to +3 with Human Perseverance feat).
Doom of Jiksidur Dragon Shadar-kai, shadow jaunt +2 feat bonus to stealth, and enemies hit while you are insubstantial due to shadow jaunt fall prone.
Dooming Action AP Warlock, Warlock's Curse Deal curse damage again with action point
Double Scrutiny PsP Psion, Shaped Conciousness +3 to Insight and Perception while within 5 squares of conjured fragment
Double Team Dragon Warlord You can chose to take a -2 penalty to the attack roll when you use a melee attack to make an ally gain a +3 bonus to the next damage rolls against the target.
Draconian Wings Dragon Bozak or kapak draconian, Instinctive Flight Ignore the speed penalty for wearing heavy armor. Increase altitude limit for Instinctive Flight to 2.
Draconic Augmentation Dragon Dragonborn, dragon breath, artificer, Augment Energy When an ally benefiting from Augment Energy hits, make an enemy adjacent to the ally take some damage.
Draconic Blast PHRD Dragonborn, Eldritch blast power You may choose to make Eldritch blast deal the same damage type as your Dragon breath
Draconic Challenge DP Dragonborn, Paladin Your Dragon breath places your divine sanction on enemies
Draconic Combat Challenge PHRD Dragonborn, Fighter, Combat Challenge Combat challenge deals 3 or more extra damage
Draconic Enmity PHRD Dragonborn, Avenger, Oath of enmity Make two attack rolls against with Dragon breath against an Isolated Oath Target
Draconic Guardian Dragon Dragonborn, dragonfear When you hit an enemy with dragonfear you can temporarily make it marked.
Draconic Healing PHRD Dragonborn, Cleric, Healing word (cleric) Using healing word while bloodied restores Cha modifier additional hp
Draconic Hunter PHRD Dragonborn, Ranger, Hunter's Quarry Hitting your quarry with Dragon breath grants +2 to attack rolls
Draconic Majesty PHRD Dragonborn, any Divine class, Channel Divinity Channel Divinity reduces nearby bloodied enemy's defenses by 2
Draconic Reaping Dragon Revenant, dragonborn, dragon breath Chose a damage type available to be used with dragon breath. Your dark reaping and dragon breath powers deal necrotic and that damage type.
Draconic Spellcaster AP Dragonborn, Any arcane class +1 to attacks that have same damage type as your breath weapon
Drag to Death DSCS Wasteland nomad, wasteland fury When you hit with wasteland fury, after the attack you can slide the target and then shift.
Dragging Flail MP Dex 15, Fighter Using a flail, slide enemy as you knock it prone
Dragon’s Indomitability Dragon Kobold You can roll two dice when saving against effects that daze or stun you.
Dragonborn Channeling MP2 Dragonborn, any martial class Expend dragon breath for extra damage on a hit
Dragonborn Frenzy PHB Dragonborn +2 damage when bloodied
Dragonborn Senses PHB Dragonborn Low-light vision, +1 to Perception
Dragonborn Vengeance Dragon Dragonborn, Warden You gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls with dragon breath when attacking creatures marked by you.
Dragonclaw Mark MP2 Dragonborn, Fighter Marked creature takes extra damage from Dragon breath
Draji Aspirant Dragon Warlock, Sorcere-King Pact You gain a +2 feat bonus to Intimidate checks, and can 1/encounter forgo extra damage when using hand of blight to cause the target to shift its speed away from you.
Draji Devotee Dragon Warlock, Sorcere-King Pact, Draji Aspirant You push each adjacent enemy when your cursed target dies, you can inflict attack roll penalties with fell might and use Cha over Con with associated powers.
Draji Palatial Practice DSCS any martial class, trained in Intimidate You gain a + 2 feat bonus to Intimidate checks. When you use a power associated with the feat, the target briefly take a -2 penalty to attack rolls.
Draw First Blood MP2 Any martial class Undamaged enemy takes extra damage
Dread of Sakkors Dragon Shadar-kai, shadow jaunt You gain a + 2 feat bonus to Intimidate checks. Additionally, whenever you hit an enemy while insubstantial, you can push the enemy 2 squares, and the enemy briefly becomes slowed.
Dreadful Doom Dragon Revenant, invoker, Covenant of Malediction Whenever a target under the effect of your maledictor's doom is hit by a fear, cold or necrotic attack, you can push it 1 square.
Drow Beast Mastery MP Drow, Ranger, Beast Mastery Beast sees through your cloud of darkness
Drow Ecclesiastic Dragon Drow, Channel Divinity You can use the power Drow Ecclesiastic.
Drow Fighting Style Dragon Drow, Dex 15 While holding a hand crossbow in one hand and a light blade in the other, you do not provoke opportuntiy attacks when making attacks with your hand crossbow.
Drow Heretic Dragon Drow +2 bonus to damage rolls vs creatures with the spider keyword.
Drowning of Nhalloth Dragon Shadar-kai, shadow jaunt +2 feat bonus to Arcana checks, and if you hit an enemy while insubstantial due to shadow jaunt, you can slide it 1 square and it briefly take a -2 penalty to attack rolls.
Druid of Darkness PrP Drow, Druid, Wild shape +2 damage when you have combat advantage in beast form
Dual Implement Spellcaster AP Dex 13, Any arcane class Add off-hand implement enhancement to damage rolls
Dual Mind Strength Dragon Kalasthar +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with psychic powers. Increases with +1 per tier.
Dubious Manifestation Dragon Drow, cloud of darkness, invoker, Divine Covenant When you trigger your covenant manifistation while in your cloud of darkness, a nearby ally briefly gains concealment.
Duelist's Panache Dragon Cha 13, Rogue Add your Cha mod as a feat bonus to your Acrobatics and Athletics checks.
Dune's Advantage DSCS Wasteland nomad, wastelands fury When you hit a target granting combat advantage with wastelands fury the target is briefly dazed.
Dungeon Experience Dragon training in Dungeoneering You can use Dungeoneering in place of Thievery to disable traps & open locks.
Durable PHB, Essentials - Increase number of healing surges by 2
Dusk Elf Stealth Dragon Elf Nearby allies without this feat gain a +1 racial bonus to Stealth.
Dusk Elf Weapon Training Dragon Dusk Elf Stealth Gain proficiency with simple & military light blades, and a scaling feat bonus to damage rolls with these weapons
Dutiful Servant Dragon Goliath +1 to attack rolls on attacks granted by allies' powers.
Duty's Virtue Dragon - You can use the aid defense as a minor action 1/round, if the ally is bloodied. Also gain a +2 bonus to initiative.
Dwarf Battle Priest DP Dwarf, Cleric, Healing word (cleric) Gain temporary hp when you use Healing word (cleric)
Dwarf Stoneblood MP Dwarf, Fighter, Battlerager Vigor Add half Con modifier to Battlerager Vigor temporary HP
Dwarf Trapsmith MP Dwarf, rogue +4 to Perception and Thievery for traps and locks
Dwarven Rejuvenation Dragon Dwarf, artificer, Arcane Rejuvenation Allies who gain temporary HP from Arcane Rejuvenation also briefly gain +2 to all defenses.
Dwarven Weapon Training PHB Dwarf +2 damage and proficiency with axes and hammers
Dwindling Strength Dragon Genasi, firedeath When you use firedeath, you are no longer grabbed, briefly cannot be grabbed, and adjacent enemies briefly take a -5 penalty do damage rolls.
Eager Advance Essentials - +4 to speed on first turn of an encounter
Eager Charger Dragon Mul, barbarian, swift charge +1 bonus to speed while charging, and bonus to damage roll when charging with swift charge.
Earth Cage Dragon Genasi, warden, earthshock Targets hit by earthshock are briefly slowed.
Earth Hold DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the earth domain You gain the Channel Divinity power earth hold.
Earth Mote's Stability Dragon Goliath, you have a spellscar You gain the Channel Divinity power earth hold.
Earthshock Master Dragon Genasi, earthsoul manifistation Your earthshock deal 1d8 damage when it hits, and gain the Reliable keyword.
Earthspur Deepminer Dragon Impiltur regional benefit You gain Deep Speech as a language, and resist necrotic (3 at lvl 11 and 5 at lvl 21).
Earthstrength Resilience PrP Warden, Earthstrength Gain Resist 2 to all normal damage when you use Second wind
Echoes of Thunder PHB2 - +1 damage after you hit with thunder power
Echoing Rejuvenation Dragon Goliath, stone’s endurance, artificer, Arcane Rejuvenation When an ally get temporary HP from Arcane Rejuvenation, you briefly get resist 2 to all damage.
Effortless Dilettante Dragon Half-elf, melee attack power for your Dilettante racial trait You can use your Dilettante power as part of an opportunity attack or charge once per encounter.
Eilserv's Treachery Dragon Drow, assassin, Lolthtouched, shade form You can expend your Lolthtouched power as a free action to regain the use of shade form.
Eladrin Soldier PHB Eladrin +2 damage and proficiency with longswords and spears
Eladrin Sword Wizardry AP Dex 13, Eladrin, Wizard Use longsword as implement with wizard powers
Eladrin Swordmage Advance AP Eladrin, Swordmage Make basic attack after feystep
Eladrin's Challenge MP2 Eladrin, Fighter While you use longsword or spear, marked enemies take -3 penalty to attack rolls
Elan Heritage PsP Humanoid You are an elan, gain the immortal origin, and telepathy 5 and the elan resilience power.
Elan Protection PsP Elan Heritage, ardent, Ardent Mantle When you use elan resilience, each ally in radius of your Ardent Mantle briefly gain a +2 bonus to all defenses.
Elan Retribution PsP Elan Heritage, battlemind When you use elan resilience, each enemy marked by you take some psychic damage.
Elated Emotions PHB3 Ardent, Mantle of Elation Mantle's bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate equals Con modifier
Eldaarich Guarded Practice DSCS Any martial class +2 feat bonus to Insight checks, and you temporarily do not grant combat advantage due to being flanked after using an associated power.
Eldeen Companion EPG Shifter, Beast Mastery Beast companion gains benefit from your shifter racial power
Eldritch Blade Dragon Eladrin, warlock, eldritch strike +1 to attack rolls when you use eldritch strike while wielding a longsword.
Eldritch Fusillade Expertise Dragon Artificer, Crossbow Caster +1 bonus per tier to attack rolls made with crossbows or wands, you can draw/stow a wand 1/round as a free action, and you can load a crossbow as a free action.
Eldritch Momentum DSH Kobold, warlock, Warlock’s Curse If you move at least 3 squares away from where you started your turn, briefly gain combat advantage against cursed targets.
Elemental Assault FRPG Genasi, Swordmage, Aegis of assault +3 to damage based on elemental manifestation
Elemental Barbarian PrP Genasi, Barbarian +2 to attack roll when you use Firepulse or Promise of storm
Elemental Blade Attunement AP Genasi, Swordmage +1 to damage with acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder powers
Elemental Blessing DP Genasi, Any Divine class You or ally gains temporary hp when you use an elemental manifestation
Elemental Boon Dragon Warden, Font of Life +2 bonus to save at the start of your turn against effects/conditions with acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder keywords.
Elemental Challenge DP Genasi, Paladin Your Divine challenge deals acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder damage
Elemental Companion HotEC Born of the Elements, must not have the Arcane Familiar feat You gain an elemental companion. Your elemental companion gain +1 defense for each elemental companion feat you have beyond this one.
Elemental Conduit HotEC 2nd level, Elemental Companion You swap a utility power for the elemental conduit power, and you gain a +2 bonus to Perception and Insight while your elemental companion is in passive mode.
Elemental Echo AP Genasi, Any arcane class +1 to attack, +2 to damage after using racial power
Elemental Empowerment AP Genasi, Wizard Add Strength modifier to damage with elemental keyword powers
Elemental Infusion HotEC Genasi, artificer, Healing Infusion When you use resistive formula or shielding elixir, the target gains an extra benefit depending on your elemental manifestation.
Elemental Invigoration HotEC Elemental Companion When you spend a healing surge while your elemental compaion is in active mode, you and allies next to the companion gain a brief +2 bonus to damage rolls.
Elemental Might Dragon Genasi, warden Gain a brief damage roll bonus vs targets marked by you when you use the encounter power associated with your racial manifestation.
Elemental of Guardianship DSCS Elemental priest, spirit of Athas When you dismiss your spirit of Athas, nearby allies gain a brief +2 defense bonus.
Elemental Rebuke DP Genasi, Invoker, Covenant of Preservation Ally gains benefits when you use preserver's rebuke
Elemental Recovery Dragon Genasi, any psionic class When you take typed damage without having expended your racial poiwer, you can expend 1 power point to brieifly gain some resistance to that type of damage.
Elemental Shield Dragon Wilden, Nature’s Aspect Gain 5/tier damage resistance against an attack dealing a certain damage type after choosing a aspect of nature to manifest.
Elemental Vengeance HotEC 6th lvl, Elemental Companion You swap an utility power for elemenal vengeance, and while your elemental companion is in active mode, you get a +1 bonus to hit bloodied creatures adjacent to the companion.
Elven Arcane Precision AP Elf, Any arcane class Reroll elven accuracy against all targets of a power
Elven Beast Mastery MP Elf, Ranger, Beast Mastery Beast benefits from wild step and Elven accuracy
Elven Guardian HotEC Elf, warden +2 bonus to the attack roll when you reroll with elven accuracy while in guardian form.
Elven Precision PHB Elf, elven accuracy racial power +2 to reroll with elven accuracy
Elven Sidestep MP2 Elf, Fighter Don't provoke when moving away from your marked enemies
Emboldening Critical HotEC Avenger, Censure of Unity, oath of enmity When you crit against your oath of enmity target, all allies next to it gain a brief +2 bonus to damage rolls against it.
Emboldening Presence Dragon Warlord, Inspiring Presence Allies who can see you get a brief bonus to saving throws after using/expending their second wind.
Emerald Scale Concealment Dragon Dragonborn, assassin When you hit creatures with dragon breath, you briefly become invisible to them.
Empowered Reaping HoS Revenant +2 or more bonus damage with Dark reaping
Empowering Shadows AP Warlock, Shadow Walk +1 to damage when you have concealment
Empty Mind Dragon Genasi, voidsoul elemental manifestation When an enemy hits you with an attack targeting your Will or deadling psychic damage, it takes some psychic damage.
Encouraging Shield Dragon Fighter Your shield bonus also applies to your Will defense.
Enduring Fury Dragon Half-orc, Half-Orc Resilience, invoker When you become bloodied, briefly gain combat advantage with an invoker close burst/blast power.
Enduring Mountain PrP - Regain 2 additional hp with healing surge; increase by 1 for each ally with feat
Enlarge Spell AP Wis 13, Wizard -2 to damage to increase size of blast or burst by 1
Enlarged Dragon Breath PHB Dragonborn, dragon breath racial power Dragon breath becomes blast 5
Enlightened Spirit Dragon Goliath, stone’s endurance, any psionic class You can substitute Con for Str when making Athletics checks, and when you use stone's endurance while having at least 1 power point, briefly gain a +2 bonus to Will.
Enlightened Transformation Dragon Razorclaw shifter, razorclaw shifting, any psionic class While using razorclaw shifting, gain +1 bonus to Will and a +5 bonus to Insight.
Enmity's Eye Dragon Avenger, Vistani Heritage When using evil eye of the Vistani vs your oath of enmity target, you do not provoke opportunity attacks, and if no other enemy is adjacent to you, roll twice to hit and deal 1d6 extra radiant damage if you hit.
Enraged Boar Form PHB2 Druid, wild shape +1 attack, +2 damage when charging in beast form
Enshrouding Touch Dragon Gnome, paladin, lay on hands or virtue’s touch Allies targeted by lay on hands or virtue's touch briefly gain concealment.
Envoy to the Fey Dragon Bard You learn Elven, and against fey creatures when you make a Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate or Streetwise check you can roll twice.
Escalating Assault FRPG Swordmage, Aegis of assault Cumulative +1 to attack with Aegis of assault
Escape Artist PHB Trained in Acrobatics Escape a grab as minor action, +2 to Acrobatics
Eternal Void Memories Dragon Deva, assassin When you use memory of a thousand lifetimes with an attack roll, the target takes some extra damage.
Evade and Strike DP Halfling, Avenger, Oath of enmity If your Oath of enmity target misses due to Second chance, you gain +2 to damage against target
Exchange Power PHB3 Psion, Send Thoughts Transfer 1 power point to ally when using Send Thoughts
Executioner's Style Dragon Con 13, any martial class You gain a damage bonus with associated powers vs immobilized, restrained, stunned, or unconscious targets.
Executioner of Undeath HoS - Reroll damage against undead with axes and heavyblades
Expanded Excision DSCS Veiled Alliance 13, any excise from sight class When you hit with excise from sight and grant characters invisibility, the characters become invisible to additional enemies.
Expanded Spellbook PHB Wis 13, wizard Add additional daily spells to spellbook
Expert Chainfighter Dragon Proficient in spiked chain, shadar-kai, any martial class You gain various benefits with powers associated with this feat.
Expert Charioteer Dragon, DrMA dex 13, any martial class You get a bonus with a power assoicated with this feat while in a moving vehicle.
Expert Combat Leader MP2 Warlord, Combat Leader Combat Leader initiative bonus increases to +3
Expert Ritualist PHB2 Ritual Caster +2 bonus to ritual skill checks
Expert Tracker MP Wis 13, Ranger, Trained in Perception +5 to your perception checks to find tracks and to the DC for others to find your tracks
Expert Trample Dragon - +4 bonus to AC for your mount vs opportunity attacks provoked when using trample or abilities.
Exploration Mastery Dragon Ritual Caster feat, mastery of Endure Elements and one other exploration ritual When making an Endurance check you can substitute it with Arcana, Nature or Religion, and 1/day you can ignore the component cost for an exploration ritual of your lvl or lower.
Explosive Leader MP2 Genasi, Warlord, Earthshock, Firepulse or Promise of storm Allies gain +2 to hit enemy hit by your racial power
Explosive Power Dragon 8th level, controller role You can exchange any 6th-lvl or higher utility power for explosive power.
Extended Arena Training DSCS Fighter, Arena Training You gain proficiency with two weapons which become additional arena weapons for you.
Extended Prescience AP Bard, Virtue of Prescience Ally's bonus to defense lasts until the end of the ally's next turn
Extended Teleportation Dragon Swordmage Add 1 to the teleport distance with swordmage & swordmage paragon path powers.
Extra Manifestation FRPG Genasi Select one new elemental manifestation.
Exultant Shadow Step Dragon Warlock, Warlock’s Curse You can teleport 4 as a free action whenever you crit a cursed target.
Eye of Death and Despair Dragon Assassin, assassin’s shroud, Vistani Heritage When you use your evil eye of the Vistani vs a target affected by your assassin's shroud, it briefly grants combat advantage and is immobilized.
Eye of Paranoia Dragon Vistani Heritage When you hit with your evil eye of the Vistani, the target cannot make opportunity attacks or immediate actions while affected by it.
Eye Wand Dragon Wizard, Wand of Accuracy, Vistani Heritage If you miss with an attack roll modified by Wand of Accuracy, you can use evil eye of Vistani as a free action.
Eyes of Dying Light Dragon Genasi, cindersoul elemental manifestation You gain darkvision.
Eyes of Selûne FRPG Channel Divinity, must worship Selûne You can invoke the power of your deity to use eyes of Selûne.
Eyes of the Spirits PrP Elf, Any Primal class Allies affected by Group Awareness ignore -2 concealment penalty
Fade to Gray DSH Svirfneblin, stone camouflage If you are hit while having concealment from stone camouflage, you can become briefly invisible or until you attack
Fading Sneak HotFW Gnome, Fade Away, trained in Stealth Reroll a Stealth check
Fading Spirit PrP Gnome, Shaman Spirit companion is hidden while you're hidden
Fading Target HotFW Gnome, Fade Away Use fade away when an enemy misses
Familiar's Vitality HotFW Arcane Familiar Your familiar improves your second wind
Fanged Magic AP Longtooth shifter, Any arcane class Deal extra damage while longtooth shifting
Far Shadow Dragon Drow, assassin, cloud of darkness You can use cloud of darkness as an area burst 1 within 10 squares
Far Shot PHB Dex 13 Increase projectile weapon range by 5 squares
Far Spell Dragon Wizard Increase the range of ranged & area burst wizard spells with 2 if the original range was 10 or less, or 5 if the range was 11-20.
Far Thought Dragon - 1/day you can use two-way telepathy for 5 mins with nearby creatures sharing your language.
Far Throw PHB Str 13 Increase thrown weapon range by 2 squares
Fast Manifestation Dragon Genasi, Extra Manifestation 1/day you can change your elemental manifestation as a minor action (and still use it even if you have used your previous manifestation)
Fast Runner PHB Con 13 +2 to speed when you charge or run
Fate Rolls On DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the fate domain You gain the Channel Divinity power fate rolls on.
Fate's Warning Dragon Cleric, divine fortune, must worship the Raven Queen When you hit or succeed on a succeed on a saving throw with the bonus from divine fortune, gain a brief +2 bonus to all defenses.
Favor of Tymora Dragon Channel Divinity, must worship Tymora You can invoke the power of your deity to use favor of Tymora.
Favored of Raam Dragon Warlock, Sorcerer-King Pact You gain +2 feat bonus to Streetwise, and when you augment hand of blight, you can forgo the extra damage to briefly become invisible to the target.
Fearless Mind Dragon Wis 15, any martial class +2 feat bonus to saving throws vs charm & fear effects, and +1 feat bonus to Will vs charm and fear effects.
Fearless Seeker MP2 Goliath, Ranger, Hunter's Quarry Use Stone's endurance when hit by quarry's melee attack
Fearsome Bloodlust Dragon Barbarian, Thaneborn Triumph Whenever you bloody an enemy with a barbarian power, gain some temporary hit points.
Fearsome Charge PrP Barbarian, Rageblood Vigor Target of Swift charge is also pushed 1
Fearsome Flurry Dragon Foulborn Heritage, monk, Flurry of Blows When you use Flurry of Blows, you can incur a brief -2 penalty to attack rolls on the target instead of the normal effect.
Fearsome Host PrP - +2 to Intimidate checks; increase by 1 for each ally with feat
Fearsome Toughness Dragon Mul, fighter, incredible toughness When you use incredible toughness, each adjacent enemy is briefly marked.
Fearsome Wrath DP Half-orc, Avenger, Oath of enmity Use Furious assault to penalise attacks of your Oath of enmity target
Feign Injury Dragon Trained in Bluff When you succeed in using Bluff to gain combat advantage while bloodied, slide the target 1 square.
Fell Vistani Hound Dragon Ranger, wolf beast companion, Beast Mastery, Vistani Heritage While you are flanking an enemy, your wolf has combat advantage against that enemy.
Feral Advance PsP Elf, Battlemind, Speed of Thought Dex modifier determines speed of thought distance
Feral Companion Dragon429 Half-orc, Combined Attack After using combined attack and your animal companion hits, you may use furious assault power and add the extra damage to both yours and your companions damage
Ferocious Frenzy Dragon Minotaur, Ferocity When you drop to 0 HP or fewer, you can use a basic attack against every adjacent enemy instead of making the regular basic attack Ferocity grants you.
Feral Fey Step PrP Eladrin, Any Primal class Use Fey step again the first time you're bloodied
Ferocious Rebuke PHB Tiefling, infernal wrath racial power Push 1 square with infernal wrath
Ferocious Tiger Form PHB2 Druid, wild shape +2 damage with combat advantage in beast form
Fey Blades MP Eladrin, Fighter, Tempest Technique +1 damage with longsword in each hand
Fey Bond HotFW Trained in Arcana Gain Elven, +2 Bluff and Diplomacy checks
Fey Cantrip HotFW Fey origin or Fey Bond Gain a cantrip
Fey Command MP Eladrin, Warlord, Tactical Presence Ally can teleport before or after attacking
Fey Companions Dragon Any primal class +1 feat bonus to Nature, Perception, and Streetwise, and +2 feat bonus vs charm effects.
Fey Duelist HotFW Eladrin, Fey Step Use fey step to gain combat advantage
Fey Escape Dragon Eladrin You can use fey step as an immediate action while grabbed, immobilized, or restrained.
Fey Fate DP Elf, Avenger, Oath of enmity If you hit your Oath of enmity target with Elven accuracy you gain +2 to damage against target
Fey Preserver DP Eladrin, Invoker, Covenant of Preservation Teleport ally 2 squares when you use preserver's rebuke
Fey Senses Dragon Trained in Nature +2 feat bonus to Perception, and +2 racial bonus vs charm effects.
Fey Thievery HotFW Eladrin, Fey Step Use fey step to perform Thievery checks at range
Fey Trickster PHB2 Gnome Gain mage hand and prestidigitation as encounter powers
Fey-Minded Dragon Trained in Nature You can use Nature in place of Arcana for fey-related checks, and you gain the Elven language (or Giant or Goblin if Elven is already known).
Feyborn Charm AP Eladrin or Gnome, Bard Bonus to attack and damage with charm powers, +1 to Bluff, Diplomacy
Feyborn Companion MP Eladrin, Ranger, Beast Mastery Beast gains fey origin, charm bonus and feystep
Feyborn Fortune DP Gnome, Cleric, Divine fortune Divine fortune also affects one ally
Feyborn Pursuer DP Eladrin, Avenger, Oath of enmity Teleport extra 5 squares with Fey step if you end adjacent to your Oath of enmity target
Feyborn Shroud MP2 Gnome, Warlord, Int 13, Inspiring word Target of inspiring word gains concealment
Feymind Infusion Dragon Eladrin, artificer, Healing Infusion The target of your healing infustion can save vs a single charm or fear effect a save can end, and gain a bonus to it.
Feywild Advance PsP Eladrin, Battlemind, Blurred Step Teleport int instead of shifting with Blurred step
Fickle Servant DP Changeling or Doppelganger, Any Divine class +3 on religion checks and you can choose feats from any domain
Fiendish Companion MP Tiefling, Ranger, Beast Mastery Beast gains resist fire
Fighter Weapon Specialization Dragon Fighter, Fighter Weapon Talent +1 to damage rolls with attacks with weapons of the style matching your Fighter Weapon Talent
Firedancer HotEC Born of the Elements Gain resist 5 fire; deal fire damage after using second wind
Firefoe of Silvanus Dragon Must worship Silvanus +5/tier fire resistance, or increase fire resistance by 5 if you aldready have it. Additionally, deal extra damage vs fire creatures with your divine & primal powers.
Firepulse Master Dragon Genasi, firesoul manifestation Firepulse gain the Reliable keyword, and deal 1d6 extra damage.
Firepulse Transformation Dragon Genasi, firepulse Firepulse targets each adjacent enemy instead of only the triggering enemy.
Firequench Aspirant Dragon Tarmalune regional background Gain resist fire 2 (5 at lvl 11 and 8 at lvl 21). Additionally, you master the Arcane Mark ritual and can perform it without a ritual book.
Flail Expertise MME - +1/tier feat bonus to weapon attack rolls with flail. Additionally, if you hit with a flail and the attack allow you to slide the target, you can instead knock it prone.
Flail Strike MME Power strike power When you use power strike with a flail, you can knock it prone, but reduce the damage by 1 [W]. The enemy can then briefly provoke an opportunity attack from you if it stands up.
Flailing Claws DSCS Thri-kreen, thri-kreen claws Your thri-kreen claws gains the reliable keyword.
Flamespeed Shifting Dragon Razorclaw shifter, razorclaw shifting, you have a spellscar You can shift 2 while affected by razorclaw shifting, and temporarily deal extra fire damage after shifting if you have the Student of the Plague feat.
Flank on the Run MP2 Ranger, Running Attack Don't provoke when moving around enemy and remaining adjacent
Flanking Beast Master Dragon Scion of Onat Gain +3 instead of +2 to hit from combat advantage when flanking with your beast companion.
Flash of the Blade Dragon Rogue, proficiency with rapiers You can use sneak attack against a creature if you're the only one adjacent while wielding a rapier.
Fleetness of Mielikki FRPG Channel Divinity, must worship Mielikki You can use Fleetness of Mielikki (power).
Flexible Covenant Dragon Changeling, invoker, Divine Covenant Replace your covenant manifestation with any from any Divine Covenant after an extended rest.
Flickering Fortunes Dragon Githzerai, assassin, shade form You can use shade form as a free action when you use second wind
Flow Like Sand Dragon Genasi, sandsoul elemental manifestation You can shift 2 squares as a free action after using sandslide
Flowing River Style Dragon Halfling, second chance racial power, monk You can shift though enemy's spaces when using monk powers allowing you to shift, if your second chance power is unspent.
Fluid Form Schooling DSCS Noble adept theme, adept's insight When you use the adept's insight on an ally, the ally can shift 2 squares as a free action after resolving the attack roll, saving throw or skill check.
Fluid Motion PsP Monk +1 feat bonus to speed, this bonus increases to +2 at the 11th level
Flurry Resounding Dragon Monk, Flurry of Blows When you use an action point and have already used flurry of blows during your turn, you can use flurry of blows a second time this turn.
Flurry Resounding Dragon Monk, Flurry of Blows When you use an action point and have already used flurry of blows during your turn, you can use flurry of blows a second time this turn.
Foamgather Heritage Dragon Human You gain the [[deft diver] power, a +2 feat bonus to Endurance, and can hold your breath twice as long as normal
Foamgather Warrior Dragon Human, Foamgather Heritage You gain proficiency with net, and gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with nets, and swap one 1st lvl at-will attack power for the net snare power.
Focus the Spirits' Lives PrP Deva, Any Primal class Roll dl0 instead of d6 for Memory of a thousand lifetimes on some rolls
Focused Breath PHRD Dragonborn You may treat Dragon breath as close blast 1 and deal 2 or more extra damage
Focused Mind PHB3 - +4 to saving throws against dazing and stunning effects
Focused Superiority Dragon Fighter While wealing one-handed weapons, gain your Wis mod as a damage roll bonus to opportunity attacks.
Focusing Spellfury AP Sorcerer +2 to damage after hitting multiple foes with at-will power
Font of Chaos Dragon Warden, Font of Life When you save on a saving throw granted by Font of Life, you can slide a random creature adjacent to you 1 square.
Forceful Defense EPG Artificer +1 to ally's AC when you hit with force power
Forceful Opportunist Dragon Fighter, Fighter Weapon Talent When you hit a target with an opportunity attack, you can push it 1 square and shift into a square the target vacated.
Forceful Power Dragon 8th level, controller role You can exchange any utility power of 6th level or higher for Forceful Power (power)
Forceful Shock Dragon Genasi, earthshock You can push enemies hit by earthshock 2 squares.
Foreign Memories Dragon You get a +5 feat bonus to Arcana, Insight, History and Dungeoneering checks related to abberant creatures and their works.
Forest Father's Fangs Dragon must worship Silvanus You gain a +2/+3/+4 feat bonus to damage rolls with beast and beast form attacks while in heroic/paragon/epic tier.
Forest Father's Grasp Dragon Channel Divinity, must worship Silvanus You gain the Forest Father's Grasp power
Forgeborn Heritage Dragon Dwarf You gain the elemental legacy power, and resist 2/3/5 acid, cold, fire and lightning at heroic/paragon/epic tier.
Formation Fighting MP2 Any martial class Bonus to opportunity attacks when allies near an enemy
Fortifying Word Dragon Cleric, healing word Targets of your healing word briefly gain a +4 bonus to Fortitude and to saving throws against poison.
Fortunate Resistance Dragon Sorcerer, Wild Magic When rolling for Wild Soul resistance, chose 1-5 or 6-10, and if you roll within the range chosen, chose any result within that range.
Fortune's Predator Dragon Githzerai, druid, Primal Predator When you use wild shape to change from beast form into human form, you can shift 2 squares instad of 2.
Foulborn Heritage PsP Natural humanoid Your origin change to abberant, you are considered an abberant creature, and you get the unbalanced mind power.
Four Winds PrP - +2 to Athletics checks; increase by 1 for each ally with feat
Four-Armed Flurry DSCG Thri-kreen, Flurry of blows One target of Flurry of blows takes extra damage
Frantic Recovery Dragon Human After spending an action point, you can briefly use your second wind as a minor action.
Freeing Current Dragon Genasi, swiftcurrent You ignore the immobilized, restrained, and slowed conditions when moving using [[swiftcurrent].
Friendly Deception AP Bard, Words of friendship Apply Words of friendship bonus to Bluff check
Frost Step Dragon Warlock, fey pact with the Winter Fey When you use Misty Step, the space you teleport from and all adjacent squares briefly becomes difficult terrain to everyone but you.
Frozen Soul HoS Con 13 or Wis 13 Cold resistance and additional Will defense
Furious Charge MP2 Half-orc, Ranger, Hunter's Quarry Expend Furious assault to re-roll charge attack
Furious Concoction Dragon Half-orc, artificer, Healing Infusion Allies benefiting from your resistive formula or shielding elixir who are hit by a melee attack can end the effect as a free action to inflict 1d8 extra damage.
Furious Demand Dragon 2nd level, Tiefling You replace an utility power of 2nd level or higher with the Furious Demand power, and gain a +2 feat bonus to Intimidate checks.
Furious Devotion DP Half-Orc, Any Divine class, Channel Divinity +2 damage with divine powers after you use Channel Divinity
Furtive Signals Dragon - You gain a +2 feat bonus to Bluff checks, can communicate silently with allies sharing this feat, and can use Bluff to give them combat advantage, or to make distractions for them to hide.
Gambler's Initiative Dragon Sorcerer, Wild Magic Choose even or odd numbers on initiative roll; if you roll your guess, gain Cha modifier bonus to initiative
Gathering Night Dragon Dusk Elf Stealth Gain invisibility until SoNT when you take total defense while concealed
Gaze of Ruin Dragon Tiefling Gain gaze of ruin power; +2 to Insight and Perception against other tieflings
Genasi Fire Affinity Dragon Genasi +2 to fire resistance; Creatures get -1 to saving throws against ongoing fire damage caused by you
Genasi Frost Affinity Dragon Genasi +3 to existing cold resistance; immune to slow and immobilization from cold powers
Gestalt Anchor PsP Kalashtar, Ardent Mantle You and allies gain +2 to initiative checks; allies gain +2 to all defenses when you drop to 0 power points
Get in Your Head Dragon Gnome, any psionic class, fade away Can augment fade away with 1 pp to teleport 3 sq. when using it
Ghost Eyes HoS Wis 13 +2 to attack rolls against invisible creatures, +5 to perception to find hidden creatures
Ghost Feint HotFW Gnome, Ghost Sound, trained in Bluff +5 to Bluff when you use ghost sound
Ghost Scorpion Strike HoS - Necrotic and poison powers ignore insubstantial
Ghost Touched Dragon Con 13, Int 13 +2 to Religion; augment holy strike, magic missile, and sacred flame powers
Ghostwalker Style Dragon Any martial class, trained in Stealth Get movement related effects when using Deft Strike (rogue) or Nimble Strike (ranger)
Ghostly Voyage Dragon Wilden, assassin, voyage of the ancients Gain insubstantial until EoNT with voyage of the ancients
Ghostly Wind Dragon Shadar-kai, shadow jaunt If shadow jaunt is unexpended when you use second wind, gain insubstantial until SoNT
Ghostwise Heritage FRPG Halfling You and ally both use higher result of your perception checks
Giant Killer Dragon - Deal +1d6 damage with crit against Large or greater creature
Gift of the Trees Dragon Wilden, Nature’s Aspect When wilden racial power used, ally within 10 sq. may shift 1 sq.
Gifted Death Dealer Dragon Eladrin, warlock, eldritch blast Eldritch blast deals Int modifier extra damage
Githzerai Beast Mastery Dragon Githzerai, [[Beast Mastery] Beast gains +2 to saving throws against dazed, dominated, and stunned; beast can shift 3 sq. when you use second wind
Githzerai Blade Master Dragon Githzerai Proficiency and +2/+3/+4 (by tier) to damage with military heavy blades, bastard sword, and fullblade
Glasya's Rebuke Dragon Warlock, Infernal Pact, hellish rebuke When target takes hellish rebuke damage, enemy within 5 sq. of target takes 5 fire damage
Glittergold's Gambit Dragon Channel Divinity, must worship Garl Glittergold Gain Channel Divinity power Glittergold's gambit
Gloaming Infusion Dragon Shadar-kai, shadow jaunt, artificer, Healing Infusion Resistive formula or shielding elixir target can end the effect to gain insubstantial until start of his next turn instead of gaining normal benefit (you must have shadow jaunt unused)
Gloaming Ward Dragon Dusk Elf Stealth The first time you are bloodied, gain concealment until EoNT
Glorious Victory PHRD Dragonborn, any martial class Spend a healing surge when you reduce an enemy to 0 hp
Gnoll Tracker Dragon Gnoll +5 to Perception when tracking, to Insight against illusions or disguise, and in relevant skill challenges (DM's discretion)
Gnome Phantasmist AP Gnome, Wizard +1 to attack and damage with illusion powers
Gnome Weapon Training MP2 Gnome, any martial class Proficiency and damage bonus with hammers and picks
Go with the Flow Dragon Genasi, warden, swiftcurrent Shift 1 sq. when marking 3+ creatures with Nature's Wrath if swiftcurrent is unused
Goblin Feint DSH Goblin, goblin tactics Gain CA against enemy that triggered goblin tactics until end of next turn.
Goblinoid Mount Training Dragon Goblin or hobgoblin When you ride a friendly mount, it can use your defenses in place of its own, and it can make Acrobatics, Athletics, Endurance, or Stealth checks using your modifiers. (not including any temporary bonuses or penalties)
Godsworn Alacrity Dragon Avenger, must worship Avandra +2 to Religion; gain +2 to speed after crit until EoNT
Godsworn Assault Dragon Avenger, must worship Erathis +2 to Religion; on crit, grant ally you see +1 to attacks until EoNT
Godsworn Avalanche Dragon Avenger, must worship Kord +2 to Religion; on crit, push target your Dex or Int modifier in squares
Godsworn Bulwark Dragon Avenger, must worship Moradin +2 to Religion; gain +2 to defenses until EoNT when you crit
Godsworn Defender Dragon Avenger, must worship Bahamut +2 to Religion; grant ally you see +2 to defenses until EoNT when you crit
Godsworn Fatalist Dragon Avenger, must worship Raven Queen +2 to Religion; inflict extra necrotic or cold damage equal to Dex or Int modifier on crit
Godsworn Mentalist Dragon Avenger, must worship Ioun +2 to Religion; inflict extra psychic damage equal to Dex or Int modifier on crit
Godsworn Mystic Dragon Avenger, must worship Sehanine +2 to Religion; gain concealment until EoNT when you crit
Godsworn Radiant Dragon Avenger, must worship Pelor +2 to Religion; inflict extra radiant damage equal to Dex or Int modifier on crit
Godsworn Sidestep Dragon Avenger, must worship Corellon +2 to Religion; teleport 5 sq. to square adjacent to oath target on crit
Godsworn Tidedancer Dragon Avenger, must worship Melora +2 to Religion; shift Dex or Int modifier in squares when you crit
Gold Dwarf Pride FRPG Dwarf +1 to AC and attack rolls if you regain consciousness
Golden Lion of Urik FRPG Warlock, Sorcerer-King Pact, Yellow Cloak of Urik Gain additional benefit when you drop cursed enemy; can expend fell might to augment associated powers; can use Cha for associated powers
Goliath Crusher MP2 Goliath, Fighter When attacking a marked creature, your mace has High crit
Goliath Greatweapon Prowess PHB2 Goliath Gain proficiency, +2 damage with two-handed melee weapons
Goliath Resolve Dragon Goliath +3 to defenses instead of +2 after using second wind
Gond's Craft FRPG Channel Divinity, must worship Gond Gain Channel Divinity power Gond's craft
Gorebrute Charge PHB2 Longtooth shifter +3 damage on charge attacks during longtooth shifting
Goring Boar MP2 Ranger, Beast Mastery (boar) While independent, beast pushes creatures
Goring Shove PHB3 Str 15, Minotaur, Goring charge Push target 1 square after goring charge
Gouge Expert DSCS 7th level, proficiency with gouge Swap 6th+-level utility power for gouge press
Gouge Novice DSCS 4th level, proficiency with gouge Swap 3rd+-level encounter attack power for gouge sweep
Gouge Novice DSCS 10th level, proficiency with gouge Swap 3rd+-level encounter attack power for gouge sweep
Grasp of the Wild DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the wilderness domain Gain Channel Divinity power grasp of the wild
Grasping Ensnarement AP Swordmage, Aegis of ensnarement Target of Aegis is slowed
Grasping Magpies Dragon - +2 to Thievery; gain +4 (instead of +2) from allies with feat who aid you in Thievery
Grave Dust Advantage Dragon Assassin, revenant, assassin’s shroud Shroud target gains another shroud when you use dark reaping
Grave Dust Assassin Dragon Assassin, revenant, assassin’s shroud Shrouded target takes shroud damage when you damage it with dark reaping (shrouds not spent)
Grave Flurry Dragon Revenant, monk, Flurry of Blows Can forgo Flurry of Blows damage to negate target's necrotic resistance until EoNT
Grave Fortune Dragon Revenant, cleric, divine fortune Hit with attack benefiting from divine fortune to deal Con or Dex modifier extra necrotic damage
Great Fortitude Essentials - +2 Fortitude
Great Mother's Step Dragon Channel Divinity, must worship Chauntea Use Channel Divinity to invoke Great Mother's Step.
Greater Divine Fortune Dragon Cleric, divine fortune Divine fortune bonus increases to +3
Greater Turning Dragon Cleric, Cleric, Turn undead On a miss with turn undead, target is pushed Cha modifier sq. instead of taking half damage and immobilization
Greathorn Dragon Minotaur, goring charge Damage dice for goring charge are d8s
Grim Promise Dragon Trained in Intimidate Enemy you crit takes -2 to attacks until EoNT
Grounding Shot PHB3 - Your ranged attacks hit and damage prone targets more easily
Group Assault MP Half-elf, Fighter Allies gain +1 damage against your marked target
Group Defense DP Half-elf, Paladin Allies gain +1 to defenses against creatures you mark
Group in Motion PsP Half-elf, Battlemind, Speed of Thought Allies adjacent to you shift with speed of thought
Group Insight PHB Half-elf Grant allies +1 to Insight and initiative
Group Mindlink EPG Kalashtar All allies can communicate telepathically
Group Quarry MP Half-elf, Ranger Allies gain +1 damage against your quarry
Group Rattling MP Half-elf, Rogue, trained in Intimidate Allies gain +1 to attack rolls against your enemy affected by rattling power
Group Stealth PHB2 Gnome Neaby allies gain +2 to Stealth checks
Group Vigor Dragon Half-elf Allies within 10 sq. spending healing surge to regain hps gain +1/+2/+3 (by tier) hp
Gruumsh’s Battle Fury BoVD Channel Divinity, must worship Gruumsh Gain the Gruumsh's battle fury channel divinity power
Guaranteed Retribution PHB2 Avenger, Censure of Retribution, oath of emnity +1 to next attack roll against oath of emnity target when another enemy hits you
Guard of Stone Dragon Goliath, warden Marked enemies take Con modifier as additional mark penalty while stone's endurance is active
Guardian of the Towering Oak HotFW Hamadryad, Hamadryad Aspects Reroll a Diplomacy or Intimidate Check
Guardian's Mark DSCS Primal guardian theme Can mark enemy you hit with a Primal Guardian attack until EoNT
Guardian's Mishaps Dragon Tiefling, Mantle of Misfortune, any defender class Can mark creature you slide with mantle of misfortune until end of its next turn
Guide the Shot MP2 Warlord Allies ignore cover and concealment when you let them make a ranged basic attack
Guiding Step MP2 Elf, Warlord Allies ignore difficult terrain when you let them shift
Guileful Shift Dragon Halfling, avenger, must worship Avandra Shift 1 sq. closer or adjacent to oath target after it misses you
Gythka Expert DSCS 7th level, proficiency with gythka Swap 6th+-level utility power for gythka parry
Gythka Novice DSCS 4th level, proficiency with gythka Swap 3rd+-level encounter attack power for gythka claw scoop
Gythka Specialist DSCS 10th level, proficiency with gythka Swap 9th+-level daily attack power for gythka arc slam
Hafted Defense PHB3 - +1 AC and Reflex while wielding polearm or staff in two hands
Half-Elf Soul DSCS Half-elf, revenant Gain Dilettante; can use either Dilettante power or dark reaping in an encounter
Half-Elf Spirit Speaker PrP Half-elf, Any Primal class +1 to all defenses for you and allies when you're first bloodied; +1 to Insight and Nature for allies
Half-Orc Vengeance Dragon Half-orc, warden When first bloodied, gain +2 to attacks and damage against marked enemies until EoNT
Halfling Agility PHB Halfling, second chance racial power Attacker takes a −2 penalty with second chance reroll
Halfling Fast Talk Dragon Halfling +2 to Bluff; use second chance to reroll Bluff check
Halfling Short Bow Hunter Dragon Halfling Short bow gains brutal 2 and range of 20/40
Halfling Stalwart MP Halfling, Fighter +1 to attack rolls against Large or larger marked targets
Halfling's Strength Dragon Halfling, paladin, divine strength, must worship Avandra Divine strength bonus increases to Str modifier + 4
Hammer of Gond Dragon Artificer, must worship Gond You gain proficiency with the warhammer, and you can use it as an implement. In addition, you can treat the warhammer as a heavy thrown weapon with a range of 6/12.
Hammer Strike Dragon Power strike Sacrifice 1[W] from power strike damage with hammer attack to daze target until end of your next turn
Hammergate Conniver Dragon East Rift regional background Succeed on Bluff check to gain +3 to next Diplomacy or Intimidate check in the encounter
Hammering Iron PHB3 - Push target after opportunity attack when using hammer
Hand of Fury Dragon Invoker, hand of radiance Use hand of radiance once as minor action on turn you miss all targets with daily invoker power
Harbinger of Rebirth Dragon Cleric +2 to Heal; allies within 5 sq. gain +5 to death saving throws
Harglastan Catacomb Delver Dragon Windrise Ports regional background +2 to Dungeoneering; move at full speed and take only -2 to attacks when squeezing
Harlequin Style Dragon Cha 13, any martial class Gain a temporary defense bonus when using Brash Assault (warlord), Brash Strike (fighter), Deft Strike (rogue), or Hit and Run (ranger).
Harmony of Erathis PHB Channel Divinity, must worship Erathis Use Channel Divinity to invoke Harmony of Erathis
Harrying Raptor MP2 Ranger, Beast Mastery (raptor) While independent, beast makes creatures grant combat advantage
Harrying Step PsP Battlemind, Blurred Step, persistent harrier Teleport instead of shift with Blurred step
Hasten the Rot Dragon Any divine class, must worship Vecna Undead enemies you hit with necrotic encounter or daily attack prayers are slowed until EoNT
Haunted Darkness PsP Drow, Psion, Cloud of darkness +1 to attacks with augmented at-will powers when bloodied
Haunting Sounds PsP Gnome, Ghost sound, Psionic Augmentation Use Ghost sound as at-will; augment to gain combat advantage
Headsman's Chop PHB3 - 5 extra damage to prone target when using axe or heavy blade
Healer's Implement DP Cleric Add holy symbol enchantment bonus to healing powers
Healing Fist PsP Githzerai, Monk Gain damage bonus with second wind
Healing Hands PHB Paladin, lay on hands power Add Cha modifier to damage healed with lay on hands
Healing Step DP Eladrin, Any Divine class Grant temporary hp with Fey step
Heartening Surge PHB3 Ardent, Ardent surge Increase ardent surge bonus to defenses or attacks by 1
Heat Adaptation Essentials - Resist 5 fire
Heaven's Arrow Dragon Invoker +2 to attacks with ranged invoker powers against isolated targets (+3 at 15th, +4 at 25th level)
Heavenly Halberdier Dragon Runepriest When you hit an enemy with a runepriest at-will attack power while using a halberd or a glaive, you can slide that target 1 square as a free action.
Heavenly Heritage Dragon Wis 13, deva or Deva Heritage Gain Wis modifier temp hp when you take cold or fire damage
Heavy Armor Agility Essentials Str 15 or Con 15 Ignore speed penalty for wearing heavy armor
Heavy Blade Expertise Essentials - +1 to attack rolls with a heavy blade , +2 to all defense against opportunity attacks while welding a heavy blade
Heavy Blade Strike MME Power strike Use power strike when you drop an enemy to 0 hp with a heavy blade to make a melee basic attack against a different creature
Hellbook PHRT Tiefling, Wizard Store a fire or fear daily power you can access with a minor action
Hellbound Heart Dragon Warlock, Infernal Pact Gain resist fire 5 + 1/2 level (or increase resist fire by 5) and +2 to next saving throw before EoNT when you spend healing surge
Hellfire Arcanist Dragon Tiefling, wizard +2 feat bonus to fire attack damage rolls, and +2 increased forced movement with fear attacks.
Hellfire Blood PHB Tiefling +1 attack and damage with fire and fear powers
Hellfire Master Dragon Tiefling, wizard Enemy that saves against an effect of your fire attack takes 5 + Cha modifier fire damage
Hellfire Soul Dragon Revenant, tiefling Dark reaping deals fire and necrotic damage
Hellfire Terror Lord Dragon Tiefling, wizard Enemy that saves against an effect of your fear attack falls prone
Hellish Blast PHRT Tiefling, Warlock, Eldritch blast Add +1 or more bonus damage and the fire keyword to Eldritch blast
Hellish Defiance Dragon Tiefling, infernal wrath Infernal wrath target provokes OA from allies when it attacks you until end of its next turn
Helpful Hint PsP Halfling, Psion, Send Thoughts Expend send thoughts to let ally reroll saving throw
Herbalist PrP Trained in Dungeoneering or Nature, trained in Heal +5 to Heal checks for disease; gain Brew Potion ritual.
Heroes Make Their Own Luck Dragon - After AP spent to take extra action, gain +1 to defenses until SoNT
Hewing Charge Dragon Fighter, Fighter Weapon Talent Con modifier bonus to damage on charge attacks with two-handed weapons
Hidden Channeling DP Gnome, Any Divine class, Channel Divinity Channel Divinity grants you concealment
Hidden Insight Dragon Assassin, assassin’s shroud If you're hidden, creatures aren't aware of your shrouds
Hidden Pulse MP2 Genasi, rogue, firepulse, Sneak Attack Extra damage with firepulse if you have combat advantage
Hidden Sniper Essentials - Combat advantage with ranged attacks when partially concealed
Hide Armour Expertise PrP Any Primal class, Con 15, proficiency with hide armour Substitute Con modifier for Dex or Int to determine AC
High Elf Kin HotFW Elf, Elven Accuracy Teleport 2 after elven accuracy, +2 to Arcana checks
Hip Throw MP2 Fighter, Brawler style Knock enemy prone when you crit on a grab or a martial power that grabs
Hobbling Strike MP2 Ranger, Hunter's Quarry Give up 1 die of Hunter's Quarry damage to slow enemy
Hobgoblin Beast Companion Dragon Hobgoblin, ranger, Beast Mastery, hobgoblin discipline When you use hobgoblin discipline and your beast companion is adjacent to you, you can also end one effect a save can end affecting your beast companion; your beast companion gains a +1 feat bonus to all defenses while it is adjacent to you.
Hobgoblin Phalanx Soldier Dragon Str 13, hobgoblin Gain proficiency with all shields; ignore the check penalty for wearing a shield.
Hobgoblin Weapon Training Dragon Hobgoblin Gain proficiency with flails and spears; gain a +2 feat bonus to the damage rolls of weapon attacks that you make using flails and spears. (increases to +3 at 11th and +4 at 21st)
Holy Dilettante Dragon Half-elf, any divine class 1/encounter, deal radiant damage instead of its normal damage with dilettante power
Holy Resolve DP Warforged, Cleric Bonus to healing you grant after using warforged resolve
Holy Savagery DP Shifter, Any Divine class, Channel Divinity Channel Divinity grants you +1 to melee attacks when bloodied
Holy Speech DP Any Divine class, fluent in Supernal Extra success in skill challenges using Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidate
Holy Symbol Expertise HoS - +1 feat bonus to implement attacks and cannot grant combat advantage
Honeyed Words HotFW Satyr,Lure of Enchantment Reroll a Bluff or Diplomacy check
Honor's Path Dragon Minotaur Use opportunity action granted by enemy provocation to grant yourself or adjacent ally +2 to defenses until EoNT
Hope Remains DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the hope domain Gain Channel Divinity power hope remains
Horned Nightmare Dragon Minotaur, assassin, shade form Gain phasing during charges with shade form
Horns of the Shadow Reaper Dragon Minotaur, assassin, assassin’s shroud Gain +2 to goring charge attack against enemy who has shrouds, and shift half speed after attack
Human Beast Mastery MP Human, Ranger, Beast Mastery Beast gains +1 to all defenses
Human Ingenuity PsP Human, Psionic Augmentation Spend action point to attack, regain 1 power point
Human Innovation Dragon Human, artificer, Impart Energy When you spend AP, recharge adjacent ally's daily magic item (counts as Impart Energy use for the item)
Human Nature Lore PrP Human, Any Primal class Roll twice for Endurance or Nature checks
Human Perseverance PHB Human +1 to saving throws
Human Resolve Dragon Human Gain 3 + Cha modifier temp hp when you spend AP to attack
Human Soul Dragon Human, revenant +1 to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Humanity's Heir DSCS Mul +1 to one non-AC defense; +2 to one skill
Hungry Sky Shadows Dragon Goliath, assassin, assassin’s shroud When you invoke shrouds and hit enemy, it takes Str modifier extra damage
Hunter in the Gloom Dragon Shadar-kai, assassin, shadow jaunt Weapon attacks against AC are made against Reflex when you are insubstantial from shadow jaunt
Hunter of Wind and Wave MP Genasi, Ranger +2 to movement with swiftcurrent or windwalker
Hunter's Aim MP Ranger, Hunter's Quarry Ignore Quarry's cover or concealment
Hunting Beast Dragon Ranger, Beast Mastery You and beast ignore concealment of enemies adjacent to beast
Hunting Shadow Dragon Wilden, assassin, assassin’s shroud, pursuit of the hunter Teleport instead of shift with pursuit of the hunter and until EoNT deal extra damage to triggering enemy equal to # of shrouds on it
Hunting Thri-Kreen DSCG Thri-kreen, Hunter's Quarry Deal damage to adjacent foe when using Hunter's Quarry
Hunting Wolf Style Dragon Any martial class Use when charging with Crashing Surge, or get movement related effect with Deft Strike, Hit and Run, or Wolf Pack Tactics.
Hurl Breath PHRD Dragonborn Use Dragon breath as an area burst 2 within 10
Hurl Weapon PrP Barbarian Treat one-handed off-hand weapons as heavy thrown
Hybrid Talent PHB3 Hybrid Gain a hybrid talent option from either hybrid class
Ice Walk Dragon Winterkin Heritage Ignore icy or snowy difficult terrain
Icy Clutch of Stygia PHRT Tiefling Enemies take 5+ Cha or Int cold damage when they save against ongoing damage
Illusionary Stealth Dragon Wizard, trained in Stealth Hit with wizard illusion spell to gain Int modifier as bonus to Stealth until EoNT
Ilmater's Martyrdom FRPG Channel Divinity, must worship Ilmater Gain Channel Divinity power Ilmater's martyrdom
Imaginative Reaction Dragon Warlord, Combat Leader, Resourceful Presence Take -4 to initiative to grant one ally Cha modifier bonus to initiative and another ally Int modifier bonus
Imdolphyn Dockhaunt Dragon Windrise Ports regional background +2 to Acrobatics to balance and Athletics to climb; master Make Whole ritual
Immediate Justice DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the justice domain Gain Channel Divinity power immediate justice
Imminent Luck DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the luck domain Gain Channel Divinity power imminent luck
Immolate the Masses Dragon Wizard Gain temp hps equal to number of minions you drop with a wizard spell
Immortal Skill Dragon Deva Treat memory of a thousand lifetimes roll less than average for the die as average for the die when used to modify skill or ability check
Immortal Warding AP Deva, Swordmage, Swordmage Warding Swordmage Warding persists while you're unconscious, resistance bonus
Immovable Resilience PsP Battlemind, Battle resilience Ignore forced movement after using battle resilience
Immutability EPG Warforged, Improved Warforged Resolve Gain +2 to saving throw when using Warforged resolve
Impaling Thrust PrP Warden Treat critical as normal hit to immobilize target when using heavy blade or spear
Impending Doom Style Dragon Any martial class, trained in Intimidate Mark with Cleave, and impose temporary -2 attack roll penalty with Brash Assault, Riposte Strike's riposte, and Twin Strike
Impending Victory PHB3 - +1 attack with at-will powers against bloodied creatures
Imperious Majesty Dragon Tiefling Use Cha for initiative; when you hit creature that has not yet acted, it takes Cha modifier penalty to attacks against you until EoNT
Imperishable Destiny Dragon Human +1 to ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws for each milestone
Implacable Mettle Dragon Paladin, divine mettle If divine mettle target fails the saving throw, gain additional use of Channel Divinity, and target gains +2 to defenses until end of its next turn
Implement Expertise PHB2 - +1 to attack rolls with chosen implement
Implement Focus Essentials - Choose an implement you are proficient with, +1 damage with implement
Improved Armor of Faith PHB2 Avenger, armor of faith Increases armor of faith bonus to AC
Improved Aspect of Nature PHB3 Wilden, Nature's Aspect Gain additional benefit from use of your racial power
Improved Augment Energy Dragon Artificer, Arcane Empowerment Augment Energy bonus increases to +4
Improved Bravura MP Warlord, Bravura Presence Ally gains +1 to attack rolls or speed with Bravura Presence
Improved Bull Rush PHB2 Str 13, Con 13 +4 to bull rush attacks
Improved Cunning Sneak MP2 Cunning Sneak, rogue Move 1 square less to gain benefit of Cunning Sneak feature
Improved Dark One’s Blessing PHB Con 15, warlock, infernal pact Pact boon grants 3 additional temporary hit points
Improved Defenses Essentials - +1 Fortitude, Reflex, & Will, +2 at level 11, +3 at level 21
Improved Dragon Soul PHB2 Sorcerer, Dragon Magic Increase Dragon Soul resistance by 2
Improved Fate of the Void PHB Con 13 or Cha 13, warlock, star pact Pact boon grants additional +1 bonus to die roll
Improved Flock Tactics Dragon Kenku, flock tactics Also gain +3 to damage rolls
Improved Grab PHB2 Str 13 +4 to grab attacks
Improved Inevitable Shot PHB3 Seeker, Inevitable shot Inevitable shot attack ignores cover and concealment
Improved Initiative PHB, Essentials - +4 to initiative checks
Improved Insight MP2 Warlord, Insightful Presence Insightful Presence can grant greater bonus to single defense
Improved Inspiration MP Warlord, Inspiring Presence Ally gains +2 hp with Inspiring Presence
Improved Inspiring Word MP Warlord Add Cha modifier to Inspiring word hp restored
Improved Lab Conditioning Dragon Tinker gnome, lab conditioning When you use your lab conditioning racial power, you can also make a saving throw against one effect that a save can end.
Improved Majestic Word PHB2 Bard , majestic word Target of majestic word gains temporary hp
Improved Misty Step PHB Int 13, warlock, fey pact Pact boon grants additional 2 squares of teleport
Improved Monk Unarmed Strike PHB3 Monk , Unarmed Combatant Damage die of your unarmed strike improves to 1d10
Improved Rageblood Vigor PHB2 Barbarian, Rageblood Vigor Gain 5 temporary hp from Rageblood Vigor
Improved Razor Storm MotP Bladeling, razor storm The size of the burst created by your razor storm power increases by 1;whenever you score a critical hit using your razor storm power, the target also takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Improved Resources MP Warlord, Resourceful Presence Ally gains +2 damage and temporary HP from resourceful presence
Improved Roar of Triumph PHB2 Barbarian, Thaneborn Triumph Roar of triumph burst is larger, grants you +2 damage
Improved Shielding Elixir Dragon Artificer, shielding elixir Shielding elixir resistance increases by 2
Improved Skirmishing MP2 Warlord, Skirmishing Presence Ally benefiting from skirmishing presence gains +1 to attack
Improved Speed of Thought PHB3 Battlemind, Speed of Thought Your Speed of Thought movement increases by 2 squares
Improved Steed (Celestial Battle Tiger) Dragon Call celestial steed You can summon a celestial battle tiger
Improved Swordbond FRPG Swordmage Call bonded weapon with minor action from 20 squares away.
Improved Swordmage Warding AP Dex 13, Swordmage, Swordmage Warding Increase AC bonus from Swordmage Warding
Improved Tactics MP Warlord, Tactical Presence Ally gains +1 to attack rolls with Tactical Presence
Improved Vigor MP Fighter, trained in Endurance Invigorating powers grant +1 temporary HP
Improved Warforged Resolve EPG Warforged Gain 5 extra temporary hp with Warforged resolve
Improvised Missile PrP Barbarian +2 to attack and damage with thrown improvised melee
In Death, Life Dragon Channel Divinity, must worship the Raven Queen Gain Channel Divinity power in death, life
In Shining Armor Dragon Paladin When you are conscious, wearing plate, and using shield, adjacent allies gain +1 to AC
Inciting Energy Dragon Githzerai, artificer, Augment Energy Wielding implement or weapon benefiting from Augment Energy also grants +2 to initiative
Indomitable Halfling Dragon Halfling +1 to Will while bloodied; gain Bold bonus to saving throws against charm and ongoing psychic damage
Inescapable Hold MP2 Fighter, Brawler style Resist grab attempts with fortitude
Inescapable Poison DSCS Athasian minstrel theme, poisoned strike Poisoned strike deals +2 poison damage; missed target of poisoned strike takes 7 poison damage
Inescapable Shot PHB3 Seeker, Inevitable Shot Inevitable shot targets enemy within 10 squares of missed target
Inexorable Shroud Dragon Assassin, assassin's shroud If enemy with 2+ shrouds drops, move max 2 shrouds to enemy within 5 sq.
Infectious Wrath Dragon Dragonborn, Dragonborn Fury, any psionic class When first bloodied, allies within 5 sq. gain +1 to attacks until EoNT
Infernal Blessing DP Tiefling, Any Divine class Ally regains hp when you use Infernal wrath
Infernal Clamour AP Tiefling, Bard Allies gain +1 to hit against Infernal wrath target
Infernal Malediction DP Tiefling, Invoker, Covenant of Wrath Your attacks gain fear keyword when you use Infernal wrath
Infernal Might MP2 Tiefling, any martial class Extra damage with infernal wrath
Infernal Soul Dragon Warlock, Infernal Pact Gain resist 5 fire when you have temp hps (or increase resistance by 5)
Infernal Touch of Warding PHRT Tiefling, Paladin, Lay on hands Lay on hands grants your racial fire resistance
Infuriating Escape AP Halfling, Bard Enemy grants Combat advantage after second chance
Infused Familiar Dragon Artificer, Arcane Familiar, 10th-level or higher utility power Swap 10th+-level utility power with infused familiar
Initiate of Three Masks Dragon Changeling, assassin Use Stealth with changeling trick; if check succeeds, target can't make OAs against you until EoNT
Inner Compass PrP Trained in Dungeoneering or Nature Roll twice for Dungeoneering and Nature checks in natural environment
Insatiable Rage of Minauros PHRT Tiefling, Barbarian Bonus to damage rolls while raging, take damage if you do not deal damage in your turn
Insidious Shroud Dragon Changeling, assassin, changeling trick, assassin’s shroud Successful changeling trick allows extra use of assassin's shroud on the target
Insightful Preservation PHB2 Invoker, Covenant of Preservation Preserver's rebuke grants temporary hp
Inspirational Attacker MP2 Warlord, Inspiring Word Inspiring word heals extra hp if target is adjacent to an enemy you hit
Inspired Defense MP Human, Warlord Ally gains +1 to all defenses with inspiring word
Inspired Recovery PHB Warlord, Inspiring Presence class feature Grant ally saving throw with Cha modifier bonus
Inspired Tactics MP Half-elf, Warlord, Inspiring Presence Ally gains +1 to attack rolls when spending action point
Inspiring Aid Dragon Warlord, Inspiring Presence Aid another, aid attack, and aid defense grant +4 instead of +2 for you and allies who can see and hear you
Inspiring Breath MP2 Dragonborn, Warlord, Archer Warlord Allies gain +5 damage against enemies hit by Dragon breath
Inspiring Fury Dragon429 Half-orc, Skald's Aura class feature When you use your Furious Assault racial power, grant 1d8 + Cha mod temporary hit points to any creature who heals using your Skald's Aura class feature
Inspiring Triumph PHRD Dragonborn, Barbarian, Roar of triumph Allies within your Roar of triumph gain +1 to defenses
Instinctive Darkness Dragon Drow, cloud of darkness]] Use cloud of darkness as an imm. reaction when target of melee or close attack
Intelligent Blademaster FRPG Swordmage Use Intelligence instead of Strength on your basic attacks
Internalize the Basic Kata Dragon Monk, Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Combatant class feature You can use Dex instead of Str for unarmed strike, and flurry of blows can be triggered with opportunity attacks.
Intimidation of the Dragon Dragon Dragonborn, dragonfear, trained in Intimidate +4 to Intimidate
Into the Fray MP Rogue, First Strike +1 to Speed and to melee attack rolls in surprise round
Intolerable Command Dragon Shaman, World Speaker Spirit Deafen and slow creatures hit by world speaker's command until EoNT
Intolerable Command Dragon Shaman, World Speaker Spirit Deafen and slow creatures hit by world speaker's command until EoNT
Inventive Empowerment Dragon Tinker gnome, artificer, Arcane Empowerment You gain one additional use of the Arcane Empowerment class feature per day.
Invigorated Healing Dragon Half-orc, cleric Heal extra hps equal to temp hps gained from half-orc resilience with your healing powers until EoNT after first bloodied
Invigorating Pursuit PHB2 Avenger, Censure of Pursuit, oath of enmity Gain +2 AC and damage when you charge oath of enmity target
Invigorating Spirit PrP Shaman, Healing spirit Spirit companion is hidden while you're hidden
Invigorating Toughness Dragon Mul, incredible toughness Expend incredible toughness on your turn as free action to gain 5 + Con modifier temp hp
Invoke Resilience DP Human, Invoker Ally gains +1 to next saving throw when you use a divine power
Invoke Teamwork DP Half-elf, Invoker Ally gains +1 to defenses when you use a divine power
Invoker Defense PHB2 Invoker +2 AC when you hit nearby enemy
Io's Challenge PHRD Dragonborn, Paladin, Divine challenge Add Con mod to divine challenge damage if bloodied.
Io's Roar PsP Dragonborn, Dragon breath, any psionic class Dragon breath confers vulnerable 5 psychic
Ioun's Poise PHB Channel Divinity, must worship Ioun Use Channel Divinity to invoke Ioun's poise
Iron Formula Dragon Githzerai, artificer, iron mind, resistive formula Resistive formula grants +1 to defenses if iron mind is unexpended
Iron Hide Resilience Dragon Forgeborn Heritage Forgeborn Heritage resistances increase to 5/10/15 (by tier)
Iron Parry PsP Monk, Iron Soul +1 to AC with weapon, no armour, no shield
Iron Resolve of Zerthadlun PHB3 Githzerai +2 to saving throws if you have at least 1 power point
Iron Retreat Dragon Githzerai, iron mind, controller role Shift 2 sq. after using iron mind, and then 1 sq. each time enemy hits you until EoNT
Iron Riposte Dragon Githzerai, iron mind, rogue Gain CA against the attacker until EoNT when using iron mind
Iron Trap PsP Githzerai, Battlemind, iron mind Gain combat advantage when enemy misses because of iron mind
Iron Will Essentials - +2 Will
Irrefutable Blade Dragon Rogue, proficiency with rapiers Miss with rogue encounter attack power when wielding rapier deals Cha modifier damage
Jack of All Trades PHB, Essentials Int 13 +2 to untrained skill checks
Jagged Force PsP Shardmind, Psion +2 to damage with force powers
Kapak Resistance Dragon Kapak draconian, Caustic Heritage Gain resist 5/10/15 (by tier) acid and poison.
Keen Hatred Dragon Forgeborn Heritage +2 to next attack before EoNT when you use elemental legacy
Keeper of Storm MP Genasi, Fighter, Combat Challenge Deal thunder or lightning damage when using stormsoul
Keeper of the Black Flame Dragon Drow, assassin, assassin’s shroud Shrouded target gains additional shroud if hit with darkfire
Kelemvor's Judgment Dragon Channel Divinity, must worship Kelemvor Gain Channel Divinity power Kelemvor's judgment
Kenku Ventriloquist Dragon Kenku, trained in Bluff Change mimicry origin square
Ki Focus Expertise HotEC - +1 to attack rolls with ki focuses, +1 damage against bloodied enemies
Killer's Insight Dragon Assassin, assassin’s shroud 1/encounter, can subject target to two shrouds instead of one
Killing Curse Dragon Warlock, Warlock’s Curse Warlock's curse dice increase from d6 to d8
Kinetic Reel DSCG Battlemind, Wild focus Pull target of Wild focus 2 extra squares
Knack for Survival Dragon Nature Gain a wilderness knack
Knife in the Dark Dragon Drow +4/+5/+6 (by tier) to damage against targets in cloud of darkness
Knightly Bearing Dragon Paladin +2 to Diplomacy and Intimidate
Knock Back Dragon Dwarf On successful save vs. being knocked prone, may knock prone adjacent enemy that's Large or smaller
Know When to Fold Dragon Halfling While bloodied, don't provoke OA when leaving first square on your turn
Knowing Eyes Dragon Scion of Onat Roll twice for Insight checks when adjacent to your beast companion
Kobold in a Corner DSH Kobold +1/+2/+3 (by tier) to damage vs foes with combat advantage against you
Kol Korran's Boon EPG Channel Divinity, must worship Kol Korran Use Channel Divinity power Kol Korran's Boon
Kord’s Favor PHB Channel Divinity, must worship Kord Use Channel Divinity to invoke Kord's Favor
Kord's Resilience DP Goliath, Any Divine class Stone's endurance extends to adjacent allies
Krinth Heritage Dragon Shadar-kai, shadow jaunt +2 to Intimidate; you become insubstantial until EoNT after suffering crit; replace shadow jaunt with demonic aggression
Last Legion Ambusher Dragon - When you miss enemy granting CA with encounter attack, next ally to hit it before SoNT deals +2/+4/+6 (by tier) damage
Last Legion Defender Dragon - You and adjacent ally gain +2 to AC until SoNT when you hit with OA while using shield
Last Legion Officer Dragon - Ally can shift 1 sq. or gain +2 to AC and Reflex until start of his next turn when you target him with power that lets him spend healing surge
Lasting Decay Dragon Tiefling, Gaze of Ruin Damage vulnerability from gaze of ruin lasts until end of encounter or until you can't see target
Leading Fire MP Elf, Warlord, Combat Leader Allies gain +1 to ranged attack rolls against target
Leaping Shadows Dragon Assassin, shadow step Shadow step as free action after dropping enemy
Legacy of Stone DSCS Mul +2 to saving throws against poison; can reduce forced movement by 1 sq. while not bloodied
Legioncaller of Moil HoS Any Shadow Summoning power +1 to attack and defenses of shadow summoned creatures
Lend Health Dragon Paladin, lay on hands When using powers granting allies HP from healing surge, or as if they spent a healing surge, they can use your healing surge value.
Lend Might MP Warlord +1 to attack rolls of attacks you grant
Lend Strength MP2 Warlord Ally gains +2 damage with basic attack you grant
Lethal Hammer Training MP2 Dwarf, rogue Use hammers with Sneak Attack and rogue powers
Lethal Hunter PHB Ranger, Hunter’s Quarry class feature Hunter’s Quarry damage dice increase to d8s
Lethal Shroud Dragon Assassin, assassin’s shroud Damage per invoked shroud increases to 0/5/10 (by tier) + 1d8
Liberating Shard Swarm PHB3 Shardmind, Shard swarm Make saving throw when you use shard swarm
Life on the Edge Dragon Shadar-kai When you take AP action while bloodied, +2 to all rolls with that action
Life Thief Dragon Revenant, rogue Reroll Sneak Attack die rolls of 1 and 2 (until at least 3) when you use dark reaping
Lifespirit Vigor PrP Warden, Lifespirit Another ally makes a saving throw when you use second wind
Light Blade Expertise Essentials - +1 to attack rolls with a light blade , +1 damage when using light blade and have combat advantage against target
Light Blade Strike MME Power strike Sacrifice use of power strike to make a melee basic attack vs. Reflex instead of AC with a light blade; inflict an extra +2/4/6 damage (per tier)
Light of Order Dragon Any divine class Can shed bright light to 4 sq. as minor action (end as free action); swap 2nd+-level utility power for punitive radiance
Light Step PHB Elf Add to overland speed of group, +1 to Acrobatics and Stealth
Light Within EPG Channel Divinity, must worship il-Yannah Use Channel Divinity power light within
Light-Footed Warrior Dragon Elf, fighter Ignore difficult terrain during fighter attack powers granting move
Lightning Reflexes Essentials - +2/+3/+4 feat bonus per tier to Reflex (was initially a paragon-tier feat (that didn't scale) from the PHB, see below)
Lingering Ashes Dragon Genasi, embersoul elemental manifestation Gain concealment until EoNT after ashfall evasion
Lingering Fade Dragon Gnome, fade away, you have a spellscar Fade away gains sustain standard which inflicts 5 damage to you (but sill ends on attack); only 2 damage with Student of the Plague
Lingering Surge Dragon Wilder theme Gain CA against enemy you crit until EoNT
Lingering Wrath MP Tiefling, Fighter, Combat Challenge Bonuses from Infernal wrath last as long as your mark.
Linguist PHB, Essentials Int 13 Learn three new languages
Linked Spirit Dragon Shardmind, shard swarm racial power, shaman, telepathy, call spirit companion Telepathically communicate with creatures within 5 sq. of you or spirit companion; can exchange positions with spirit companion with shard swarm teleport
Lolthdark Style Dragon Drow, any martial class Gain benefits when using Cleave (fighter), Disheartening Strike (rogue), Twin Strike (ranger) or Wolf Pack Tactics (warlord) within the area of your Cloud of Darkness
Lolth's Meat Dragon Drow Drop enemy to gain +1 to attacks until EoNT
Lolth’s Cruel Sacrifice BoVD Channel Divinity, must worship Lolth You gain the Lolth's cruel sacrifice channel divinity power.
Long Jumper PHB Trained in Athletics Make standing jumps as if from a running start, +1 to Athletics
Longsword Finesse MP Eladrin, Rogue Treat longsword as light blade for the purpose of using Rogue powers, reduce Sneak Attack damage by 1 die with longswords
Longtooth Doom Dragon Longtooth shifter, longtooth shifting, invoker, Covenant of Malediction +2 to damage with invoker attacks until EoNT after use of longtooth shifting
Longtooth Fury MP2 Longtooth Shifter, Fighter +4 damage against marked creatures while you're shifting
Longtooth Spirit Shifter PrP Longtooth Shifter, Any Primal class Longtooth shifting regeneration increases by 2
Longtooth Vengeance Dragon Longtooth shifter, warden Longtooth shifting gives +3 (instead of +2) to damage against marked targets
Lost in the Crowd PHB Halfling +2 to AC when adjacent to at least two larger enemies
Lotulis Expert DSCS 7th level, proficiency with lotulis Swap 6th+-level utility power for lotulis parry
Lotulis Novice DSCS 4th level, proficiency with lotulis Swap 3rd+-level encounter attack power for lotulis flurry
Lotulis Specialist DSCS 10th level, proficiency with lotulis Swap 9th+-level daily attack power for whirling lotulis
Loving Sacrifice DP Channel Divinity class feature, must worship a deity of the love domain Gain Channel Divinity power loving sacrifice
Low Crawl PHB3 - You can shift while prone
Low-Light Adaptation Essentials - Gain low-light vision
Luck of Champions Dragon - After your first successful save in encounter, gain +2 to attacks, skill checks, and saving throws before EoNT
Lucky Draft Dragon Halfling, artificer, Healing Infusion Ally can end resistive formula or shielding elixir to force attacker to reroll melee attack
Lucky Misfortune Dragon Tiefling, Mantle of Misfortune +2 to next attack or skill check before EoNT when you slide creature with mantle of misfortune
Lucky Retribution Dragon Halfling, invoker, must worship Avandra Gain CA with invoker attacks until EoNT against enemy who misses you
Lucky Shot Dragon Sorcerer, Wild Magic Choose even or odd numbers for one roll of sorcerer or sorcerer paragon path daily attack; if roll matches your guess, add Cha modifier to damage against target of that roll
Lucky Skirmisher MP Halfling Ranger or halfling Rogue You are harder to hit when you run
Lucky Start PHB3 - Make first attack roll twice if your initiative check is highest
Lure of Iron PHB3 Battlemind, Mind spike Slide target of Mind spike
Mace Strike MME Power strike Sacrifice use of power strike to make a melee basic attack vs. Fortitude instead of AC with a mace; inflict an extra +2/4/6 damage (per tier)
Mage Hand Assistant Dragon Tinker gnome, wizard, mage hand You gain one additional use of the Arcane Empowerment class feature per day.
Magic of the Ages AP Deva, Any arcane class +1 to attack roll with memory of a thousand lifetimes
Magic of the Mists AP Gnome, Any arcane class Retain fade away effect when you attack
Magma Eruptions Dragon Genasi, magmasoul elemental manifestation Creature damaged by flowing magma is weakened until EoNT
Majestic Fervor Dragon377 Bard, trained in Religion If the target of your majestic word is not bloodied, it also gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls
Majestic Presence DP Deva, Any Divine class Adjacent allies gain resist 3 necrotic and resist 3 radiant
Maledictor's Eye Dragon Invoker, Covenant of Malediction, Vistani Heritage Slide 1 sq. target you hit with evil eye, slide again when it misses with attack before EoNT
Manifest Healing PrP Genasi, Any Primal class Gain 5 temporary hp when you use a racial power
Manifest Resistance FRPG Genasi Add 5 to your resistance from elemental manifestation.
Manticore's Fury MP2 Ranger Extra damage when mixing melee and ranged attacks
Mantle of Misfortune Dragon Tiefling Gain mantle of misfortune power; +2 to Insight and Perception vs. tieflings
Mantle of Readiness PHB3 Ardent, Ardent Mantle You and nearby allies gain +2 speed at start of combat
Mantle of Understanding PsP Ardent, Ardent Mantle Allies gain +2 to saving throws when you save
Mantle of Unease Dragon Foulborn Heritage, ardent, Ardent Mantle Enemy not immune to fear who scores crit within Ardent Mantle takes -2 to attacks until end of its next turn; push target 1 sq. if you are bloodied
Mark of Detection EPG - Roll two d20's on Perception checks, sense magic, perform certain rituals
Mark of Elements DSCS Primal guardian theme, mark of thunder power May deal cold, fire, or lightning damage with mark of thunder
Mark of Finding EPG - Shift when enemy who grants combat advantage to you shifts, perform certain rituals
Mark of Handling EPG - Gain access to the special abilities of your mount, improve beast companion abilities, perform certain rituals
Mark of Healing EPG - Grant saving throw to ally you heal, perform restoration rituals
Mark of Hospitality EPG - Enhanced healing powers, perform certain rituals
Mark of Making EPG - Create magic items of your level + 2 or lower, perform certain rituals
Mark of Passage EPG - Move extra square when shifting or teleporting, perform certain rituals
Mark of Scribing EPG - Gain additional languages, +2 to Diplomacy checks, perform certain rituals
Mark of Sentinel EPG - Shift before or after using an opportunity attack, perform certain rituals
Mark of Shadow EPG - Remain hidden after missed attack, perform certain rituals
Mark of Storm EPG - Slide targets with thunder or lightening powers, gain bonus to fly speed, perform certain rituals
Mark of the Infernal DP Tiefling, Paladin You can use Divine sanction when your infernal wrath attack hits
Mark of Warding EPG - Increase all defense bonuses by 1, enhanced mark penalty, perform certain rituals
Marked for Death Dragon Con 13, revenant, ability to mark a foe Other enemies marked by you take Con modifier necrotic damage when you use dark reaping against target
Marked Fortunes Dragon Githzerai, defender role Mark adjacent enemies after using Shifting Fortunes
Marked Fury MP2 Fighter Extra penalty to marked enemy's attack
Marked With Iron Dragon Githzerai, iron mind, Wis 13, defender role Using iron mind enhances your mark penalty by Wis modifier until EoNT
Markings of the Blessed PHB2 Goliath Roll twice for first saving throw each encounter
Markings of the Elements PrP Goliath, Any Primal class Give up resistance to all damage from stone's endurance to gain resist 5 to chosen damage type
Markings of the Predator PrP Goliath, Any Primal class +1 to all defenses when you bloody a creature
Markings of the Victor PHB2 Goliath Roll twice for first attack roll each encounter
Martial Adaptation MP2 Any martial class Swap daily power after extended rest
Martial Alacrity MP Charisma 15, any martial class +2 to initiative and shift quickly during your first turn
Martial Cross-Training Class Compendium Improved Power Strike feature Lose one use of Power Strike to gain encounter attack power from your class
Martial Dilettante MP2 Half-elf, any martial class Use Dilettante power twice per encounter
Martial Flexibility MP2 Any martial class Swap martial utility power after extended rest
Martial Freedom MP Wisdom 13, any martial class, Endurance trained +5 to saving throws against the slowed and immobilized conditions
Martial Ploy MP2 Any martial class Ally rolls twice on attack if you use aid another
Martial Readiness MP2 Any martial class Swap martial at-will attack power after extended rest
Martial Vampire Dragon Vampire and any martial class 1/encounter, when you hit enemy with encounter attack exploit, gain healing surge; gain 1 healing surge the first time you're bloodied, but must spend it during the encounter or is lost
Martial Versatility MP2 Any martial class Swap martial encounter attack power after extended rest
Martyr's Surge PsP Ardent, Argent Surge While you are bloodied, Ardent surge hit points regained by target increase by 1d6
Master at Arms Essentials - +1 to weapon attack rolls, sheathe a weapon and draw a new one with a minor action
Master Communicator Dragon Half-elf Gain Comprehend Languages ritual; perform ritual for free 1/day; use Diplomacy instead of Arcana for it
Master Crafter EPG Artificer Create magic items of your level + your intelligence modifier or lower
Master Mixer EPG Artificer Create alchemical items of your level + 3 or lower
Master of Escape Dragon Escaped slave +4 to Thievery to open locks or use sleight of hand; +4 to Acrobatics and Athletics to escape grab or restraints
Master of Rumbling Earth MP Genasi, Fighter Bonuses to attack rolls and damage with earthshock
Master of Secrets Dragon Any divine class, must worship Vecna Need not be trained in Arcana, Dungeoneering, History, Religion, and Nature to select corresponding skill powers
Master of Tyranny Dragon Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the tyranny domain Gain Channel Divinity power mastery of tyranny
Mastery of Knives Dragon Sorcerer Gain proficiency with kukri and katar, treat as daggers for sorcerer spells
Mauling Bear MP2 Ranger, Beast Mastery (bear) While independent, beast grabs creatures
Maw of the Hungry Killer Dragon Gnoll, assassin, assassin’s shroud Gain 5 + number of shrouds on target in temp hps when you drop shrouded target, and if you invoked shrouds, teleport adjacent to nearest ally within 10 sq.
Melee Training PHB2 - Change ability used for melee basic weapon attacks
Melora’s Tide PHB Channel Divinity, must worship Melora Use Channel Divinity to invoke Melora's Tide
Memories of Destruction Dragon Deva, memory of a thousand lifetimes, you have a spellscar Expend memory of a thousand lifetimes to make immediate saving throw against dazing or stunning effect that save can end; with Student of the Plague, adjacent enemies take 5 fire damage when thus used
Memory of a Thousand Battles MP2 Deva, Fighter Expend Memory of a thousand lifetimes to re-roll attacks with reliable power
Memory of Death Dragon Avenger, oath of enmity power, must worship the Raven Queen Undead targeted with oath grants CA to you until EoNT
Memory of Strikes Past Dragon 6th level or higher utility power Swap 6th+-level utility power with memory is a weapon
Menacing Sorcery Dragon Assassin, sorcerer, assassin’s shroud Ranged sorcerer attacks do not provoke OA from enemies under your shrouds
Menacing Thug MP2 Half-orc, rogue Gain combat advantage on hits withfurious assault
Merciless Nature Dragon Wilden, assassin, wrath of the destroyer Gain CA with wrath of the destroyer attack if triggered by shrouded target
Mercy's Reward Dragon Paladin, Channel Divinity You can make your crit normal hit to allow you or adjacent ally spend healing surge with +10 bonus
Mettle Proven Dragon Paladin, divine mettle Divine mettle target can spend healing surge with successful save
Midnight Stalker PrP - +2 to Stealth checks; increase by 1 for each ally with feat
Might of Dol Dorn EPG Channel Divinity, must worship Dol Dorn Use Channel Divinity power might of Dol Dorn
Mighty Challenge DP Paladin, Divine challenge Divine challenge deals Str extra radiant damage
Mighty Crusader Expertise Dragon Proficiency with holy symbols You gain a +1 feat bonus to weapon attack rolls you make with a two-handed melee weapon, and to implement attack rolls you make with a holy symbol.
Mind Barrier Schooling DSCS Noble adept theme, adept’s insight Ally targeted by adept’s insight gains +2 to AC and Will until end of his next turn
Mind of Flawless Sight Dragon Kalashtar, assassin, assassin’s shroud Ignore cover and concealment penalty on attacks against shrouded creature
Mind Rot Dragon Revenant, dark reaping, psion Dark reaping deals necrotic and psychic damage, and if you drop its target before EoNT, regain the power and use it immediately
Mindbite Scorn DSCG Warlock, Sorcerer-king pact Curse deals 1d6 extra psychic damage
Mindfire Dragon Drow, any psionic class, darkfire Can augment darkfire with 1 pp to target Will and if hits, creatures more than 5 sq. away from target have total concealment against it until EoNT
Mindfire Disciple Dragon Tiefling, any psionic class Enemy that saves vs. your psychic attack effect may be slid 1 sq., gains vulnerable 5 psychic until EoNT
Mindlink PsP Psion, Send Thoughts Use send thoughts to ignore cover and concealment
Mineral Resilience Dragon Shardmind, shard swarm Gain 5 temp hps with use of shard swarm (15 temp hps at epic)
Minotaur Soul Dragon Minotaur, revenant Make free BA when you drop
Minotaur Weapon Talent Dragon Minotaur Gain proficiency with battleaxe, handaxe, warhammer, and throwing hammer
Miryath's First Strike PHB3 Wisdom 13, Githzerai Extra damage against creature that has not yet acted
Mist Form Dragon 10th level, Vampiric Heritage feat Swap 10th+-level utility power for mist form power
Mist Walker Illusion Dragon Gnome, assassin Use fade away as free action when you hit with hex
Mobile Challenge Dragon Fighter, Combat Challenge Shift 1 sq. with hit from Combat Challenge
Mobile Covenant Dragon Razorclaw shifter, razorclaw shifting, invoker When you use razorclaw shifting, until end of encounter, can shift Wis modifier sq. instead of using normal covenant manifestation
Mobile Spirit Dragon Shaman Your spirit companion may move your speed + 4 sq. when you take a move action
Monastic Vampire Dragon Vampire and monk 1/encounter, when you hit enemy with monk encounter attack power, gain healing surge; +2 to speed and +2 to defenses against OAs until EoNT when you spend healing surge
Monkey's Rush Dragon Druid, wild shape +2 to Athletics; slide rather than push with bull rush in beast form
Moon Elf Resilience FRPG Eladrin Spend a healing surge when you festep if bloodied and isolated.
Moon Sight Dragon386 Bard, Virtue of Prescience, must worship Sehanine When you use Virtue of Prescience, the triggering enemy takes psychic damage equal to your Wis mod
Moon Strike Dragon Must worship Sehanine Attacks targeting enemies granting CA count as silvered
Moon Touched DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the moon domain Gain Channel Divinity power moon touched
Moonbow Dedicate Dragon Must worship Sehanine Proficiency and +1/+2/+3 (by tier) to damage with shortbow; usable as arcane and divine implement
Moonbow Stalker Dragon Rogue, must worship Sehanine Gain proficiency with shortbow; Sneak Attack and rogue powers requiring crossbow can use shortbow
Moradin’s Resolve PHB Channel Divinity, must worship Moradin Use Channel Divinity to invoke Moradin's Resolve
Moray Militia Dragon Moonshae Isles regional benefit Roll twice for Endurance disease progression checks; treat weapons you wield as silvered
Mother's Bloom Dragon 2nd level, must worship Chauntea You master the Bloom ritual. You can perform the Bloom ritual in 5 minutes and once per day without expending ritual components.
Mountain Hammer Spellcasting AP Goliath, Any arcane class Ignore resistances after using stone's endurance
Mounted Combat PHB - Gain access to the special abilities of your mount
Mror Stalwart EPG Dwarf, Mror Holds background +1 attack using axes and hammers before you move
Mul's Stamina DSCS Mul +1 healing surge; roll twice for Endurance checks
Murderous Hunter Dragon Assassin, ranger, assassin’s shroud Shrouded target takes Hunter's Quarry damage even on a miss if you invoked 2+ shrouds
Myriad Crystal Eyes Dragon Shardmind, shard swarm Your use of shard swarm cancels benefits of concealment against you until EoNT
Natural Cunning Dragon Minotaur +3 to Perception and to checks against getting lost
Natural Intimidator Dragon Goliath +3 to Intimidate; accrue failures in skill challenges with Intimidate only if you fail by 5+
Nature's Doom Dragon Wilden, invoker, Covenant of Malediction Modify wilden racial powers
Nature's Rejuvenation Dragon Wilden, artificer, Arcane Rejuvenation Ally can shift 1 sq. when gaining temp hps from Arcane Rejuvenation
Nature's Roots HotFW Wilden, Nature's Aspect Use Nature's Aspect to create difficult terrain
Nature's Sentinel PsP Wilden, Battlemind, Nature's Aspect, Battlemind's demandBlurred Step, Mind spike Battlemind powers gain benefit corresponding to your Nature's Aspect
Nature's Vindictive Eye Dragon Druid, Wild Shape, Vistani Heritage Use evil eye while in beast form as minor action without provoking OAs
Nerull's Binding Dragon Channel Divinity, must worship Nerull You gain the Nerull's binding channel divinity power.
Nessian Rejuvenation Dragon Tiefling, artificer, Arcane Rejuvenation Ally deals your Cha modifier extra fire damage until end of his next turn after gaining temp hps from Arcane Rejuvenation
Nibenese Bride Dragon Warlock, Sorcerer-King Pact +2 to Bluff; can forgo augmented hand of blight's extra damage to weaken target until EoNT
Nibenese Favored Wife Dragon Warlock, Sorcerer-King Pact, Nibenese Bride Gain additional benefit when you drop cursed enemy; can expend fell might to augment associated powers
Night's Sight Dragon Vampiric Heritage Gain low-light vision
Nightmare Killer Dragon Assassin Gain +2/+3/+4 (by tier) bonus to damage with fear powers
Nightmare Step Dragon Assassin Slide creature 1 sq. when you miss it with fear power
Nimble Blade PHB Dex 15 +1 to attacks with light blade and combat advantage
Nimble Companion MP Halfling, Ranger, Beast Mastery Beast gains +2 AC against opportunity attacks
Nimble Dodge MP2 Halfling, any martial class Second chance gives -5 penalty and enemy can't crit
Nimble Runner PHB3 - +2 Reflex when you run, and don't grant combat advantage
Nimble Spellcaster AP Halfling, Dex 13, Any arcane class Area arcane powers don't provoke opportunity attacks
Nimbus of Light DP Any Divine class Allies gain +1 to attack with radiant powers after you use a radiant encounter or daily power
Nowhere to Hide Dragon Channel Divinity, must worship Melora Gain the Nowhere To Hide power
Nusemnee's Atonement Dragon390 - You gain a +2 feat bonus to saving throws against charm effects. Whenever an attack you make would damage an ally, you can choose to take the damage instead.
Oath of Urgency Dragon Avenger, Channel Divinity, oath of enmity Gain Channel Divinity power oath of urgency
Oath Strike DP Avenger, Oath of enmity Mark your Oath of enmity target
Oathbound Stalker Dragon Assassin, avenger, oath of enmity Add 2 sq. to teleport range when teleporting adjacent to oath target
Obsidian Cave Recovery Dragon Dwarf, assassin, shade form Regain use of shade form when you use second wind as minor action
Offensive Resilience MP Dex 13, Wis 13, Fighter +1 to attack roll after using second wind when bloodied
Offering to the Prisoner Dragon Warlock, infernal pact Instead of temp hps from dark one's blessing, can deal 2/4/6 (by tier) extra damage with the next warlock attack before EoNT
Oghma's Recall Dragon Channel Divinity, must worship Oghma You gain the Oghma's Recall channel divinity power.
Onatar's Gift EPG Channel Divinity, must worship Onatar Use Channel Divinity power Onatar's gift
Oncoming Storm PHB2 - Hit with lightning power to gain +1 on thunder attacks
Opportunistic Accuracy MP Wis 13, Elf, Fighter Retain Elven accuracy when you miss
Opportunistic Shove PHB3 - Bull rush when you make Opportunity attack
Opportunity Gore Dragon Minotaur, goring charge Can use goring charge against the provoker when making OA even if spent (is not expended)
Opportunity Knocks MP2 Rogue Gain combat advantage after some opportunity attacks
Orb Expertise Essentials - +1 to attack rolls with an orb, +1 to squares of forces movement using an orb
Orb of the Eye Dragon Wizard, Orb of Imposition, Vistani Heritage Treat evil eye as at-will wizard spell for Orb of Imposition
Orbiting Object PHB3 Psion, Far Hand Sustain far hand for free if target is adjacent or in your space
Original Poison DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the poison domain Gain Channel Divinity power original poison
Otherworldly Accuracy Dragon Elf, elven accuracy, shaman, call spirit companion Until SoNT, allies adjacent to your spirit companion gain +2 to attack target hit by a shaman spirit attack that benefited from elven accuracy
Outraged Vengeance PsP Ardent, Ardent outrage Allies gain +2 damage against Ardent outrage target
Overrun Critical MP2 Any martial class Critical hit on charge pushes enemy and knocks it prone
Pacifist Healer DP Cleric Your healing powers are better, but you're punished for damaging bloodied foes
Pacifist's Reward Dragon Cleric Gain 2/3/4 (by tier) temp hp at end of turn during which you hit with a nondamaging attack if you didn't deal damage on that turn
Passage of Mael Arn'dreygh Dragon - When blinded/in darkness, creatures within 2 sq. who are otherwise visible to you have concealment instead of total concealment
Past Life Flashbacks Dragon Revenant Can take -10 to initiative to get +2 to attacks and checks until end of your first turn
Past Soul HoS Revenant Gain racial power of past life race
Path of Destruction DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the destruction domain Gain Channel Divinity power path of destruction
Path of Freedom DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the freedom domain Gain Channel Divinity power path of freedom
Path of Ice Dragon Wilden, Nature’s Aspect When you use wilden power, the first time you are forcibly moved before SoNT, can ignore it and shift 1 sq. (2 sq. if in aspect of the elements), and adjacent creature before or after shift takes 0/3/6 (by tier) + Wis modifier cold damage
Path of the Scarred Dragon Human, you have a spellscar +1 fire damage with encounter and daily attack powers; +2 damage with Student of the Plague
Path of War DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the war domain Gain Channel Divinity power path of war
Path of Winter DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the winter domain Gain Channel Divinity power path of winter
Path to Clarity PsP Githzerai, Ardent, Ardent surge Ardent surge allows saving throw to end some effects
Patient Hunter Dragon Druid, pounce, wild shape Target hit by pounce grants CA until EoNT
Patron's Guidance Dragon Warlock, Shadow Walk Choose 2 skills: when concealed from Shadow Walk, gain +2 to these skills
Pelor’s Radiance PHB Channel Divinity, must worship Pelor Use Channel Divinity to invoke Pelor’s Radiance
Penetrating Power Dragon 10th level, controller role Swap 9th+-level utility power for penetrating power
Perfect Torment Dragon Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the torment domain Gain Channel Divinity power perfect torment
Pernicious Onslaught Dragon You have a spellscar If target of your ongoing damage fails its save, one creature adjacent to target takes fire and necrotic damage equal to the ongoing damage; +5 damage with Student of the Plague
Persistent Spirit Dragon Arcane Familiar Familiar lingers active until EoNT when destroyed
Persisting Thunder DSCS Primal guardian theme, mark of thunder Mark of thunder's effect becomes: mark target (save ends), target takes 5 thunder damage if violates mark
Pervasive Gloom Dragon Shadar-kai, any divine class, must worship the Raven Queen Gain Channel Divinity power pervasive gloom
Phalanx Advance Dragon419 Hobgoblin, Bard, Virtue of Valor class feature When you use Virtue of Valor, you and each ally adjacent to you can shift 1 square
Phantasmal Elixir Dragon Gnome, fade away, artificer, shielding elixir power Can use fade away to make you and ally benefiting from shielding elixir invisible when the ally takes damage until you attack or until EoNT
Phantom Blade Evasion Dragon Halfling, assassin, shadow step power Use shadow step as free action after attack when you use second chance
Phantom Echoes AP Cha 13, Wizard Gain combat advantage against target hit by illusion power
Pick Expertise MME - +1/2/3 by tier to weapon attack rolls made with pick; +1/2/3 by tier to damage rolls made with pick against enemies with larger size category
Pick Strike Dragon Power strike Deal maximum damage with power strike if your attack roll against the target was 18-20
Piercing Palm Dragon Monk, Rogue, Sneak Attack, Unarmed Combatant You can use sneak attack with unarmed strike, and you can use unarmed strike with melee and close rogue and rogue paragon path powers.
Plague of Chance Dragon Halfling, second chance, you have a spellscar When attacker misses you due to second chance, attacker takes fire and necrotic damage equal to your level, can't see you until EoNT; with Student of the Plague, damage even on hit
Plagued Breath Dragon Dragonborn, dragon breath, you have a spellscar Dragon breath also deals necrotic damage, deals +2 damage when you are bloodied; with Student of the Plague, also ongoing 5 necrotic damage
Plagued Regeneration Dragon Longtooth shifter, longtooth shifting, you have a spellscar Increase longtooth shifting regeneration by 1/2/3 (by tier); inflict necrotic damage equal to regeneration to nonminion adjacent creatures when regenerating; with Student of the Plague, allies take only 1 damage
Plagueforged Accuracy Dragon Elf, elven accuracy , you have a spellscar Elven accuracy attack ignores cover and concealment, and deals fire and necrotic damage; with Student of the Plague, extra fire and necrotic damage to target and its adjacent creatures equal to 1 + 1/2 level
Plaguing Bloodhunt Dragon Tiefling, Bloodhunt, you have a spellscar Inflict +3/+6/+9 (by tier) necrotic damage to bloodied enemies; fire and necrotic damage with Student of the Plague
Planar Blurring Dragon Eladrin, fey step, you have a spellscar Slide one adjacent creature 1 sq. before or after fey step; with Student of the Plague, also teleport adjacent creature 2 sq.
Plant's Sap HotFW Wilden Ignore need for food, gain extended rest in 4 hours, +2 to saving throws for ongoing damage
Pointed Step Style PHB3 Monk, Flurry of Blows Attack from 2 squares away when using spear with Flurry of Blows
Poison Adaptation Dragon - Gain resist 5/10/15 (by tier) poison
Poison Inured Dragon Con 13 Add Con modifier to saving throws against poison
Poison Plague Feast Dragon Dwarf, you have a spellscar Gain 1 + 1/2 level in temp hp after you save against poison; with Student of the Plague, +2 to saving throws until EoNT after save against poison
Polearm Expertise MME - +1 per tier to polearm weapon attack rolls, and +2 to AC vs. charges while wielding a two-handed polearm
Polearm Flanker PHB3 - Flank from 1 square away when using a polearm
Polearm Momentum MP Dex 15, Wis 15, Fighter Knocked pushed or slid enemy prone with polearm
Potent Challenge PHB Con 15, fighter, Combat Challenge Add Con modifier damage to target hit with Combat Challenge
Potent Rebirth PHB2 Deva +2 to attack and damage if reduced to 0 hp
Potent Restorables EPG Artificer Targets of healing powers regain 2 extra hit points
Pouncing Cat MP2 Ranger, Beast Mastery (cat) While independent, beast attacks again after charge hits
Power Attack PHB Str 15 +2 or +3 damage per tier for −2 to attack
Power Cascade PsP Psion Extra force or psychic damage after hitting with daily attack
Power of Amaunator FRPG Channel Divinity, must worship Amaunator Gain Channel Divinity power power of Amaunator
Power Strike Specialization Class Compendium 7th level, fighter (weaponmaster), power strike Gain a Knight or Slayer weapon specialization
Power Throw PHB3 Str 15 +2 or damage per tier for -2 to attack with heavy thrown weapon.
Powerful Breath PHRD Dragonborn Use a different ability score for your Dragon breath
Powerful Charge PHB Str 13 +2 damage, +2 to bull rush on a charge
Powerful Strike Class Compendium Any fighter encounter attack power that has a level Lose a fighter encounter attack power that has a level and gain power strike
Practiced Prodigy MP2 Practiced Study, any martial class Learn two martial practices , add more as you gain levels
Practiced Study MP2 Any martial class Learn and use martial practices
Precise Fangs PrP Shaman, Stalker Spirit +2 to attack rolls when you use Spirit's Fangs
Precise Hunter PHB Wis 15, ranger, Hunter’s Quarry Allies gain +1 attack against target hit by critical hit
Precise Mind PHB3 Psion +1 attack with unaugmented psionic at-wills after you hit with augmented Psionic attack power
Precision Ambush Style Dragon Any martial class Gain benefits with Disheartening Strike (rogue), Footwork Lure (fighter), Opening Shove (warlord), or Twin Strike (ranger) when using these in a surprise round.
Precision Throw MP2 Any martial class Use Dexterity for ranged basic attacks with thrown weapons
Predator's Burst PrP Druid, Primal Predator, Wild shape While in beast form, +2 speed, +1 to attack while charging
Predatory Action MP Ranger, Hunter's Quarry Deal hunter's quarry damage again with an action point
Predatory Magic AP Razorclaw shifter, Any arcane class Shift as free action while razorclaw shifting
Prepared for Anything Dragon Warlord, Combat Leader Allies benefiting from Combat Leader gain +2 to AC until end of their first turn
Prescient Fortification AP Bard, Virtue of Prescience Ally gains greater bonus to his or her defense
Preserver's Summons Dragon Invoker, preserver’s rebuke Can slide triggering ally 1 sq. and end mark on him with preserver's rebuke
Preserver's Call DP Kalashtar, Invoker, Covenant of Preservation Pull allies 1 square closer when you use a daily divine power
Preserving Concealment DP Gnome, Invoker, Covenant of Wrath Grant concealment to ally when you use preserver's rebuke
Preserving Shadows Dragon Shadar-kai, invoker, preserver’s rebuke Make ally triggering preserver's rebuke insubstantial until SoNT
Press the Advantage PHB Cha 15, rogue Retain combat advantage with a critical hit
Primal Breath PrP Dragonborn, Warden Mark each target of your Dragon breath
Primal Fury PHB2 Druid, Primal Predator +1 to attacks with primal powers against bloodied enemies
Primal Halfling Counterattack PrP Halfling, Any Primal class +4 to damage against target of second chance
Primal Instinct PHB2 Druid, Primal Guardian Ally can reroll initiative
Primal Resilience PrP Half-orc, Any Primal class Give up resistance to all damage from stone's endurance to gain resist 5 to chosen damage type
Primal Vampire Dragon Vampire and any primal class 1/encounter, when you hit enemy with encounter attack evocation, gain healing surge; gain 2 healing surges
Prime Beast Strike Dragon Halfling, ranger, Beast Mastery If no ally is closer to target than you or beast, gain +1 to attacks with melee and ranged attacks against it
Prime Burst PHB3 Prime Shot Prime Shot benefit also applies to area burst attacks
Prime Strike MP Ranger +1 to melee attack rolls when no others are near your target
Primed Curse Dragon Warlock, Prime Shot, Warlock’s Curse Cursed enemies grant +2 (instead of +1) to hit with Prime Shot
Primordial Surge Dragon Genasi Gain temporary hit point (scaling with Str, Con or Dex) whenever you use a genasi racial power.
Progress of Erathis Dragon Channel Divinity, must worship Erathis Gain Channel Divinity power progress of Erathis
Prolonged Curse Dragon Warlock, Warlock’s Curse Increase ongoing damage from Warlock powers by 1 per die of rolled curse damage
Protector Spirit Adept PHB2 Shaman, Protector Spirit Allies Adjacent to spirit companion gain +1 Fort, Ref, Will
Protector's Commitment DP Paladin, Cha 15 Gain +1 on attacks when you or target is adjacent to bloodied ally
Protector's Shield PrP Shaman, Protecting Spirit Deal 1d8 extra damage with spirit's shield
Psiforged Resolve Dragon Warforged, warforged resolve, any psionic class Can regain 1 pp instead of hps with warforged resolve
Psion Hashalaq Initiation Dragon Kalashtar, psion, distract Slide distract target 2 sq. to ally's adjacent square
Psionic Accuracy Dragon Elf, elven accuracy, any psionic class Can augment elven accuracy with 1 pp to gain CA against target until EoNT
Psionic Celerity PsP Psionic Augmentation +1 to speed when charging or running; augment to increase to +2
Psionic Ferocity Dragon Minotaur, Ferocity, any psionic class Can augment Ferocious attack with 1 pp to deal +1[W] (weapon attack) or +1d8 (not weapon attack) damage with it
Psionic Fortune PsP Psionic Augmentation +1 to saving throws; augment to increase to +3
Psionic Fury Dragon Half-orc, furious assault, any psionic class Can augment furious assault with 1 pp to deal Str or Dex modifier damage to adjacent enemies (type same as triggering attack's)
Psionic Initiative PsP Psionic Augmentation +3 to initiative check; augment to increase to +6
Psionic Reflex PsP Psionic Augmentation +1 to opportunity attacks; augment to increase to +2
Psionic Scorn DSCG Warlock, Sorcerer-king pact, 1 or more power points Regain 1 power point instead of regaining fell might
Psionic Skill PsP Psionic Augmentation +2 to checks with chosen skill; augment to increase to +3
Psionic Toughness PsP Psionic Augmentation +3 to hit points; augment to regain additional hit points with second wind
Psionic Trick Dragon Changeling, changeling trick, any psionic class Don't provoke OAs from enemies granting CA to you
Psionic Vampire Dragon Vampire, Psionic Augmentation 1/encounter, when you hit enemy with augmented or encounter attack discipline, gain healing surge; 1/encounter, as minor action, spend healing surge to gain 2 pps for the turn
Psychic Corruption of Malbolge PHRT Tiefling, any Psionic class Vulnerable 5 to fire and psychic to enemies hit by augmented powers
Psychic Feast Dragon Longtooth shifter, longtooth shifting, any psionic class Gain +2 to regeneration until EoNT when you hit with attack on your turn while shifting
Psychic Focus PHB3 Shardmind +2 damage with Psychic powers (+3/+4 at Paragon and Epic)
Psychic Retaliation DP Kalashtar, Avenger, Oath of enmity Use Bastion of mental clarity to change your Oath of enmity target
Pulse of Life DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the life domain Gain Channel Divinity power pulse of life
Pulse of Lightning Dragon Wilden, Nature’s Aspect When you use wilden power, until SoNT, the first enemy targeting you with close or area attack takes 0/3/6 (by tier) + Wis modifier lightning damage (if in aspect of the elements, another visible enemy takes 1/2 the damage)
Punishing Spike PHB3 Battlemind, Mind spike Mind spike imposes -2 penalty to target's next saving throw
Pupil of the All-Father Dragon Any divine class, must worship Moradin Master Enchant Magic Item and Make Whole rituals; 1/day, use Make Whole at 100gp or fewer free; Enchant Magic Item at 4 levels higher on weapons and armor
Purifying Light Dragon Cha 15, any divine class +1/+2/+3 (by tier) to attacks with radiant prayers against undead
Pursuing Step PHB3 Battlemind, Blurred step Triggering enemy grants combat advantage to you if adjacent
Quick and Dead Dragon Revenant, dark reaping, assassin, shadow step Increase range of shadow step by 1 sq. until end of encounter after using dark reaping
Quick Defense DSCS Dune trader theme, quick formation +2 to defenses until EoNT for character shifting from quick formation
Quick Draw PHB Dex 13 Draw a weapon with attack action, +2 to initiative
Quick Familiar Dragon Arcane Familiar 1/turn, use minor action to move your familiar
Quick Reactions PsP Battlemind, Speed of Thought Cha for Dex on initiative check, +2 to speed with speed of thought
Quick Steps Dragon Dwarf +1 to speed
Quick Stow PrP Druid, Wild shape Items change with you in beast form
Quick Tinker Dragon Tinker gnome, Quick Fix, trained in Arcana or Thievery You gain one additional use of the Arcane Empowerment class feature per day.
Quori Shield EPG Kalashtar Gain resist psychic 5 + half level
Radiant Power PHB2 Deva +2 damage with implement power for -2 to attack
Radiant Rage Dragon377 Barbarian When you spend a healing surge while raging, you deal Cha mod radiant damage on next melee attack you hit.
Radiant Recovery Dragon Con 13, deva or Deva Heritage Gain Con modifier temp hp when you hit with radiant attack or are damaged by radiant attack
Radiant Soul Dragon Cha 13 +2 to Diplomacy; augment bolstering strike, hellish rebuke, and righteous brand powers
Radiant Touch Dragon Paladin, lay on hands You gain the Radiant Touch power.
Raging Bloodcut PrP Barbarian Reduce rage power damage to deal ongoing damage.
Raging Drake Form PHRD Dragonborn, Druid, Wild shape +1 to attack and damage rolls while bloodied in beast form
Raging Reach Dragon384 Barbarian, Rage Strike power Deal Con mod extra damage against enemies 2 squares away from you with rage strike when wielding reach weapon
Raging Storm PHB Con 13, Dex 13 +1 damage with lightning or thunder power
Ramekho Troubleshooter Dragon Windrise Ports regional background Learn one language; give +3 rather than +2 when aiding adjacent ally with skill or ability check
Rampaging Thought Dragon Minotaur, any psionic class Bonus to AC against OAs when charging is equal to Con or Wis modifier
Ranger's Powerful Strike Dragon Any ranger encounter attack power that has a level Lose a ranger encounter attack power to gain power strike
Rapid Assault PHB3 - +2 or more damage on your first attack during an encounter
Rash Sneak Attack MP Human, Rogue, Sneak Attack Grant combat advantage for extra Sneak Attack damage
Rattling Wrath MP Charisma 15, tiefling , Rogue Combine rattling power with infernal wrath to increase rattling penalty to -4
Raven Queen Devotee Dragon Wis 13, Cha 13, you must worship the Raven Queen +2 to Intimidate; augment enfeebling strike and priest's shield powers
Raven Queen’s Blessing PHB Channel Divinity, must worship the Raven Queen Use Channel Divinity to invoke Raven Queen's Blessing
Raven Queen's Disciple Dragon Revenant, assassin, Bleak Disciple Guild Training Gain +1 temp hp from Guild Training; if target is undead or shadow creature, gain +2 instead
Raven Queen's Sanction Dragon Revenant, assassin, assassin’s shroud Do not subtract any shrouds on shadow or undead creatures on a miss
Ravenous Blessing Dragon You have a spellscar Take 3 + 1/2 level necrotic damage (can't be reduced) to grant single target of healing power hp equal to your level; with Student of the Plague, also grant +2 to saving throws until EoNT
Razorclaw Mark MP2 Razorclaw Shifter, Fighter Marked creatures take -3 penalty while you're shifting
Razorclaw Spirit Shifter PrP Razorclaw Shifter, Any Primal class Shift 1 when damaged by attack against AC or Ref while using Razorclaw Shifting
Razorclaw Swiftness Dragon Razorclaw shifter, warden While using razorclaw shifting, shift 1 sq. before or after using Nature's Wrath
Reaper's Blade Dragon Must worship Nerull Gain a minor tier-scaling feat bonus to damage rolls with sickle and scythe, and threat the scythe as having high crit property.
Reaper's Quarry Dragon Con 13, revenant, ranger Quarry takes extra Con modifier necrotic damage from each attack that hits it until EoNT after you use dark reaping against it
Reaper's Resistance Dragon Revenant, Death’s Blessing Gain resist 5/10/15 (by tier) necrotic
Reaper's Touch Dragon Shadar-Kai; invoker, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard class Can use avenging light, acid orb, dragonfrost, eldritch blast, and magic missile as MBA
Reaping Blade MP Dex 15, Fighter Shift as a minor action when you drop an enemy
Reaping Infusion Dragon Revenant, dark reaping, artificer, Healing Infusion Ally benefiting from resistive formula or shielding elixir deals +1d6 necrotic damage on its next attack before EoNT when you use dark reaping
Reaping Ki Dragon Revenant, dark reaping, assassin The next time you miss with ki focus before EoNT following use of dark reaping, target takes 2x enhancement bonus necrotic damage
Reaping Ki Dragon Revenant, dark reaping, assassin The next time you miss with ki focus before EoNT following use of dark reaping, target takes 2x enhancement bonus necrotic damage
Reaping Vengeance Dragon Revenant, avenger, oath of enmity Oath target triggering dark reaping takes +1d8 necrotic damage
Reckless Charge PrP Any Primal class -2 AC for +1 to attack when charging
Reckless Curse AP Human, Warlock, Warlock's Curse +1 to attack against cursed enemies, cursed enemies gain +1 to hit you.
Reckless Scramble MP Rogue, Artful Dodger Move farther instead of shifting
Red Cloak Tough MP2 Fighter, Red Cloak Student Mark each enemy adjacent to enemy you crit with style weapon until EoNT; use associated powers for OAs with style weapons
Redistribute Minions Dragon Eladrin, artificer, fey step Teleport summoned artificer creatures when you use fey step the same number of squares
Redoubled Efforts MP2 Any martial class Gain +2 attack instead of bonus to defenses after second wind
Refracting Mantle PsP Shardmind, Ardent, Shard swarm, Ardent Mantle Allies in Ardent Mantle gain combat advantage with Shard swarm
Rejuvenating Spirit PrP Shaman, Healing spirit Target of Healing spirit makes a saving throw.
Relentless Battle Fury Dragon Mul, fighter +2 to damage while you have maximum hps
Relentless Crusade Dragon Warforged, warforged resolve, invoker +1 to next attack before EoNT after using warforged resolve
Religious Dabbler DP Half-Elf, Any Divine class Use at-will power from another divine class as an encounter power
Remembered Knack Dragon Revenant, any class-specific multiclassing feat that grants training in a skill Gain training in skill from your multiclassed class; gain +2 to that skill or to skill you originally chose
Remembered Wizardry AP Wis 13, Deva, Wizard Add additional daily and utility powers to spellbook
Renewed by Blood Dragon Eladrin, warlock 1/encounter, may regain fey step instead of pact boon after cursed nonminion enemy drops
Resilience of Stone MP2 Dwarf, any martial class Use second wind as immediate interrupt when damaged
Resilient Demand PsP Battlemind, Battle Resilience, Battlemind's demand Gain +2 to all defenses with augmented Battlemind's demand
Resilient Focus Essentials - +2 to saving throws
Resilient Spirit PrP Shaman +2 to defenses for spirit companion
Resolve of the Iron Terminator Dragon Warforged, assassin, assassin’s shroud Gain resist to attacks equal to number of shrouds on the attacker
Resonating Covenant PHB2 Invoker, Divine Covenant +1 attack with at-will after using encounter or daily power
Resourceful Donation Dragon Warlord, Resourceful Presence When you spend healing surge, can give any amount of the healing to adjacent ally
Restful Healing PHB2 - Maximize healing between encounters
Restless Dead Dragon Revenant, must worship the Raven Queen +2 bonus to attack rolls and defenses while at 0 HP or fewer while conscious.
Restoration Mastery Dragon Ritual Caster, mastery of Comrades' Succor and one other restoration ritual When you succeed on a Heal check to grant second wind, the subject gains the defense bonus that second wind normally grants. If you succeed on a Heal check to grant a saving throw, the target gains a +2 power bonus to that saving throw. You can also master and perform restoration rituals as if your level were two higher.
Resurgent Memory Dragon Deva, memory of a thousand lifetimes, any psionic class Shift 1 sq. with memory of a thousand lifetimes; if the triggering roll fails, gain Int/Wis modifier temp hps
Retributive Shield FRPG Swordmage, Aegis of shielding +2 to attack rolls against foe that triggered Aegis of shielding
Revenant's Challenge Dragon Revenant, paladin, divine challenge, must worship the Raven Queen When marked target takes divine challenge damage, it gains vulnerable 5 necrotic until SoNT
Revitalizing Dabbler Dragon Half-elf Targets regain +3 hp from your healing powers until EoNT after you hit with Dilettante power
Revitalizing Font of Life PHB2 Warden, Font of Life Successful Font of Life saving throw grants +2 bonus to other saving throws
Rigged Chance Dragon Halfling Regain second chance the first time attack hits you despite using it
Righteous Fury Dragon Trained in Intimidate Can take -2 to attack with MBA to make it rattling
Righteous Rage of Tempus Dragon Channel Divinity, must worship Tempus Gain Channel Divinity power righteous rage of Tempus
Righteous Summons Dragon Invoker, Divine Covenant Divine summoned creatures gain benefit determined by Divine Covenant
Rising Chaos HotEC Born of the Elements +2 to damage rolls after taking elemental damage
Rising Fury PHB2 Barbarian +2 damage when you reduce enemy to 0 hp
Rising Spellfury AP Sorcerer +1 to attack after hitting single enemy with at-will power
Risky Aegis AP Human, Swordmage, Swordmage Aegis +2 to attacks and damage against target affected by aegis
Risky Charge Dragon Warlord, Bravura Presence Knock enemy prone on a charge on hit or the enemy can make MBA against you on miss
Risky Shift MP2 Rogue Shift 1 extra square and grant combat advantage
Rites of Spirits' Blood PrP Tiefling, Any Primal class +2 to attack roll with bloodhunt and Infernal wrath
Ritual Caster PHB Trained in Arcana or Religion Master and perform rituals
River-Born Ritualist Dragon Halfling +2 to Nature; master Animal Messenger and Water Walk rituals, use both for free 1/day
Roar of the Ancestors Dragon385 Barbarian, Elf, trained in Intimidate Push the target of any target of a barbarian fear attack that you hit 1 square
Rod Expertise Essentials - +1 to attack rolls with a rod, +1 to AC and Reflex when holding a rod
Roguish Killer Dragon Assassin, rogue, assassin’s shroud Shrouded target takes Sneak Attack damage even on a miss if it granted CA and you invoked 2+ shrouds
Roiling Storm Dragon Warden, Stormheart Shift Con modifier in squares instead of sliding enemies when you use second wind
Roof Runners Dragon - +2 to Acrobatics; gain +4 (instead of +2) from allies with feat who aid you in Acrobatics; ally with feat can aid while performing the same action
Rose King's Balm Dragon386 Paladin or Swordmage, proficiency in longsword You gain a +2 feat bonus to Heal checks. Also gain bonus to a class at-will power
Rose King's Fallen Petals Dragon386 Bard or Cleric, proficiency in longsword You gain a +2 feat bonus to Nature checks. Also gain a bonus to a class at-will power
Rose King's Lunge Dragon386 Avenger, Cleric, or Paladin, proficiency in longsword You gain a +2 feat bonus to Athletics checks. Also gain a bonus to a class at-will power
Rose King's Reprise Dragon386 Bard or Cleric, proficiency in longsword You gain a +2 feat bonus to Perception checks. Also gain a bonus to a class at-will power.
Rose King's Run Dragon386 Avenger or Swordmage, proficiency in longsword You gain a +2 feat bonus to Athletics checks. Also gain a bonus to a class at-will power
Rose King's Shield Dragon386 Avenger or Swordmage, proficiency in longsword You gain a +2 feat bonus to Endurance checks. Also gain a bonus to a class at-will power
Rose King's Step Dragon386 Avenger or Swordmage, proficiency in longsword You gain a +2 feat bonus to Acrobatics checks. Also gain a bonus to a class at-will power
Rousing Charge Dragon Warlord, Resourceful Presence Forgo +1 to attack with charge to grant ally within LOS +2 to his next attack against the same enemy
Rousing Resurgence Dragon Warlord, Resourceful Presence Allies with LOS to you gain 1/2 level + Cha modifier temp hp with second wind
Rousing Voice AP Human, Bard Ally who uses second wind gains temporary hit points
Ruinspoke Scrounger Dragon Tymanther regional background 1/day, on a miss with alchemical item attack, roll d20: 10+ means item is not expended
Rumbling Earthshock MP2 Genasi, earthshock , any martial class Deal extra damage with earthshock
Rune of Eloquence PHB3 Runepriest Bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy equal to your number of rune feats.
Rune of Hope PHB3 Runepriest, Rune of mending Rune of mending target also gains temporary hp
Rune of Vengeance PHB3 Runepriest Bonus to damage equal to your number of rune feats after you are first bloodied
Rune of Zeal PHB3 Runepriest Bonus to Athletics and Endurance equal to your number of rune feats
Rune-Scribed Soul AP Dwarf, Any arcane class +1 to attacks, bonus to damage after using second wind
Ruthless Hunter FRPG Drow Your hand crossbow deals 1d8 damage and gains the High crit property.
Ruthless Injury MP Rogue, Ruthless Ruffian, Sneak Attack Enemy takes -2 to saving throws against conditions delivered with club or mace
Ruthless Killer Dragon Druid, grasping claws, wild shape Immobilize target of grasping claws until EoNT instead of slowing it but must remain adjacent to target
Ruthless Rampage Dragon384 Barbarian, Rampage class feature When you make the melee basic attack as a part of your Rampage, if you are wielding a reach weapon, you a +2 bonus to the damage roll if the target is 2 squares away
Sacrifice to Caiphon Dragon Con 13, warlock Recover warlock encounter power that misses all targets but damage self (damage equals power's level)
Sambrese Rake Dragon Windrise Ports regional background Gain +3 to Bluff to gain CA and can reroll such checks; shift 1 sq. when such check succeeds
Savage Assault PHB2 Half-orc Target of furious assault takes -1 to defenses
Savage Axe Dragon Fighter Get bonus damage (scaling with Con) when hitting with axe opportunity attacks
Savage Wolf MP2 Ranger, Beast Mastery (Wolf) While independent, beast knocks creatures prone
Saving Breath Dragon383 Con 13, Bard, Majestic Word power When you use majestic word the target also gains a Con mod bonus to the next saving throw it makes
Saving Inspiration MP Warlord Ally gains saving throw with inspiring word
Scar and Fury Dragon Half-orc, furious assault, you have a spellscar Inflict 2 fire damage to creatures adjacent to you or triggering enemy when you use furious assault (but not to you or triggering enemy); 5 fire and necrotic damage with Student of the Plague
Scar of the Shadowweave Dragon Revenant, dark reaping, you have a spellscar Dark reaping inflicts cold and necrotic damage with +2 bonus; With Student of the Plague, gain concealment from damaged targets until EoNT
School of Magic Apprentice Class Compendium Wizard (arcanist), Arcane Implement Mastery Trade Arcane Implement Mastery for Apprentice Mage benefit from a school
School of Magic Expert Class Compendium 5th level, School of Magic Apprentice Gain the Expert Mage benefit for your chosen school of magic
School of Magic Master Class Compendium 10th level, School of Magic Apprentice Gain the Master Mage benefit for your chosen school of magic
Scion of Onat Dragon Ranger, Beast Mastery Streetwise training; when you spend healing surge, beast heals 1/2 your surge value
Scion of the Gods FRPG Tiefling +1 to Fort and Will defenses
Scions of Zarak Initiate Dragon Half-orc, assassin, assassin’s shroud Can expend furious assault when you miss and deal shroud damage to deal 1d6 extra damage (1d12 at paragon)
Scornful Denial DSCG Warlock, Sorcerer-king pact Saving throw when you regain your fell might
Scoundrel Training Class Compendium Improved Backstab Lose one use of Backstab to gain rogue encounter attack power
Scourge of the Fallen Dragon Deva, good or lawful good alignment Add memory of a thousand lifetimes result used for attack roll to damage roll against evil immortals
Scouring Wrath PHB2 Invoker, Covenant of Wrath Armor of wrath gives target vulnerable 2
Scrappy Dragon Small size +1/+2/+3 (by tier) to damage while wielding one-handed versatile weapon in two hands
Screaming Madness DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the madness domain Gain Channel Divinity power screaming madness
Scribe Sutra Dragon Runepriest You can master and perform rituals in the warding category, and the Brew Potion, Gentle Repose, and Magic Circle rituals, as if you had the Ritual Caster feat. Furthermore, you can create scrolls in half the normal time.
Scrying Mastery Dragon Ritual Caster, mastery of Wizard’s Sight and one other scrying ritual Whenever you make an Arcana check, Insight check, or Perception check as part of a scrying ritual, you can roll twice and use the higher result. The DC to sense a scrying sensor you created increases by 5. Once per day, you can ignore the component cost of a scrying ritual of your level or lower that you have mastered.
Sea Surge DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the sea domain Gain Channel Divinity power sea surge
Seasoned Veteran Dragon - +1 to initiative and saving throws against fear (+1 more per ally within 5 sq. with this feat, max +5)
Second Shot MP2 Ranger, Hunter's Quarry Designate second-nearest enemy as quarry
Second Step Dragon Halfling When using second chance against larger enemy, shift 1/2 speed sq. after attack
Secret of Reawakening PHB3 Wilden, Nature's Aspect Change aspect and regain racial power after you drop to 0 hp
Secret Recovery Dragon Drow Shift 1 sq. and make Stealth check to hide if in superior cover or total concealment after successful save
Secure Encampment MP Wis 13,Ranger, trained in Nature, Perception and Stealth Allies gain bonus to perception and stealth during extended rest
See It Coming Dragon Dex 13, Wis 13 Flanking does not cause you to grant CA until EoNT when flanking enemy hits you
Seeker of the Devouring Dark Dragon Drow, assassin, assassin’s shroud When shrouded creature leaves cloud of darkness, it takes damage from the shrouds and shrouds are spent
Sehanine's Boon Dragon Dusk Elf Stealth Regain Wis modifier extra hp when you spend healing surge while in total concealment
Sehanine’s Reversal PHB Channel Divinity, must worship Sehanine Use Channel Divinity to invoke Sehanine’s Reversal
Selfless Protector Dragon Paladin When adjacent ally becomes bloodied/drops, you can slide him 1 sq. and shift into vacated sq.
Sense of the Corrupted Dragon Genasi, any corrupt manifestation +5 to Perception to detect demons; +5 to Insight to pierce demons' disguises
Serene Archery Dragon Wis 13, must worship Sehanine Use Wis instead of Dex for attack and damage with RBAs using any bow with proficiency
Serpent Fang Style Dragon Any martial class, trained in Thievery Get benefits related to poisons when using Careful Attack (ranger), Deft Strike (rogue), Sure Strike (fighter), or Viper's Strike (warlord).
Shadar-Kai Beast Dragon Shadar-kai, shadow jaunt, ranger, Beast Mastery Beast gains +2 to death and unconscious saving throws, +2 to Stealth, and shadow origin; it can also teleport when you use shadow jaunt (choose who becomes insubstantial)
Shade Heritage Dragon Shadar-kai, shadow jaunt +2 to Stealth; gain darkvision 5; replace shadow jaunt with shade step
Shadow Blood HoS Born of Shadow Regain additional hp with second wind in dim light or darkness
Shadow Control HoS Born of Shadow +1 to defenses in dim light or darkness
Shadow Exile Dragon Shadar-kai, shadow jaunt Instead of teleporting with shadow jaunt, may remove self from play until SoNT
Shadow Legacy Dragon Shadar-kai, any divine class, must worship the Raven Queen Gain Channel Divinity power shadow legacy
Shadow Mantle HoS Born of Shadow Critical hits and dropping enemies grant concealment
Shadow Master Dragon Assassin (executioner) Trade one use of poison for one assassin daily power
Shadow of the Wild Dragon Trained in Nature and Stealth Can make Stealth check at -5 to remain hidden when attacking while hidden outdoors
Shadow Overflow HoS Born of Shadow Deal necrotic damage when you drop enemies with basic attacks
Shadow Poisoner Dragon Assassin, at least one daily attack power Trade one use of assassin daily power for a vial of poison
Shadow Reservoir Dragon Assassin +2/+3/+4 (by tier) to damage with attack hexes using ki focus
Shadow Skulk PHB2 Gnome Stay hidden when you miss with area or ranged attack
Shadow Soul Dragon Dex 13, Wis 13 +2 to Stealth; augment lance of faith and valiant strike powers
Shadow Strider HoS Born of Shadow Ignore difficult terrain in dim light or darkness
Shadow Veil Assassin Dragon Assassin Shift 1 sq. when you hit adjacent creature with encounter or daily illusion attack
Shadow Veil Disappearance Dragon Assassin Can hide after move from creature you hit with melee illusion power on the same turn (must have cover or concealment)
Shadow's Eclipse Dragon Int 13, warlock While you have concealment, gain radiant resistance 5 + 1/2 level
Shadowcreeper DSH Goblin, assassin, goblin tactics Sbift 1 extra square and gain concealment until end of next turn with goblin tactics.
Shadowfell Guidance Dragon Avenger, divine guidance, must worship the Raven Queen Ally who hits with divine guidance deals Wis modifier extra necrotic damage
Shadowforged Killer Dragon Warforged, assassin, warforged resolve, shade form Expend warforged resolve as free action to regain shade form
Shadowslip Dragon Drow, cloud of darkness Shift 2 sq. as free action when you use cloud of darkness
Shapeshifting Contortionist EPG Changeling Escape as a minor action, no penalties for squeezing
Shard Link PsP Shardmind, Telepathy, any psionic class Share combat advantage with ally
Shared Healing Spirit PHB2 Shaman, healing spirit Change recipient of additional hit points
Shared Memories MP2 Deva, Warlord Use Memory of a thousand lifetimes on adjacent ally's roll
Shared Perseverance DP Human, Cleric When you grant a saving throw, your ally gains +1 to the roll
Shared Speed Dragon Dex 15, Arcane Familiar +1 to speed for you and familiar (for all modes for familiar)
Shared Vitality Dragon Any divine class, must worship Moradin Use second wind but do not gain hp: allow ally within 5 sq. to regain your healing surge value in hp
Sheela Peryroyl's Gift FRPG Channel Divinity, must worship Sheela Peryroyl Gain Channel Divinity power Sheela Peryroyl's gift
Shield Defense MP Wis 13, Fighter +1 AC and Reflex when power requiring a shield hits
Shield Fighting Dragon Dex 15, proficient with a shield Forgo shield bonus to gain +1 to damage until SoNT
Shield Finesse Essentials - Ignore check penalty for wearing a shield
Shield of Hestavar Dragon Defender role, must worship Erathis Adjacent allies gain resist 2/4/6 (by tier) against attacks made my enemies marked by you
Shield of Shadows FRPG Drow +2 to Reflex defense while within your Cloud of darkness
Shield of the Silver Flame EPG Channel Divinity, must worship the Silver Flame Use Channel Divinity power shield of the Silver Flame
Shield Proficiency (Heavy) PHB, Essentials Str 15, Shield Proficiency (Light) Proficiency with heavy shields
Shield Proficiency (Light) PHB, Essentials Str 13 Proficiency with light shields
Shield Push PHB Fighter, Combat Challenge Push 1 square to target hit by Combat Challenge attack
Shield the Fallen FRPG Dwarf Grant bloodied, unconscious or helpless ally +2 to all defenses and saving throws
Shielded Resurgence Dragon Fighter With shield, second wind bonus lasts until EoNT and you regain Wis modifier additional hp
Shielding Familiar AP Arcane Familiar, 6th-level or higher utility power Trade utility power for shielding familiar power
Shielding Whirlwind Style Dragon Monk, Flurry of Blows You gain temporary cover from ranged and area attacks, and temporarily negate CA from being flanked after using flurry of blows while wielding a quarterstaff.
Shielding Word Dragon Cleric, healing word Healing word target gains +2 to defenses until SoNT
Shifter's Energy Dragon Shifter, longtooth shifting or razorclaw shifting, artificer, Augment Energy Shifter racial power extends to one ally with Augment Energy weapon or implement until ally uses the +2 bonus to attack roll
Shifter's Agility EPG Shifter +5 to Acrobatics and Athletics when using racial power
Shiftier Maneuver DSH Kobold, shifty maneuver 1 target can shift 2 extra squares
Shifting Companion Dragon Shifter, ranger, Beast Mastery Beast companion shares effects of shifting
Shifting Defense PHB3 - Shift 1 square when you use total defense
Shifting Spirit Dragon Githzerai, shaman Your spirit companion can shift the same amount when you shift
Shifting Stone PsP Dwarf, Monk Shift with save to avoid being knocked prone
Shifting Wind Dragon Druid, wild shape Shift 2 sq. with second wind in beast form
Shrewd Positioning Dragon Warlord, Combat Leader, Tactical Presence Slide allies benefiting from Combat Leader 1 sq. when rolling initiative
Sickening Finish Dragon Trained in Intimidate Drop foe to gain +1 to defenses until EoNT
Sickening Plague Dragon Genasi, plaguebearer racial power When you use plaguebearer, until EoNT, adjacent enemies take -2 to defenses
Sideways Defense MP Human, Fighter, Combat Challenge Adjacent allies gain +1 defense against marked enemy
Silent Shadows Dragon - +2 to Stealth; reroll Stealth check if ally with feat within 5 sq., with +1 for each such ally (max +5), keep better result
Silvery Glow Dragon Must worship Sehanine +2/+3/+4 (by tier) to damage with cold and radiant powers
Skald Training HotFW Bard, Majestic Word Exchange majestic word for skald's aura
Skill Focus PHB, Essentials Training in chosen skill +3 to checks with chosen skill
Skill Power PHB3 2nd Level Gain Skill Power of your level or lower
Skill Swap Dragon 2nd level, human. Bonus At-Will Power Swap bonus at-will power for skill power
Skill Training PHB, Essentials - Gain training in one skill
Skilled Feint Dragon Rogue, trained in Bluff +2 to Bluff feint checks; gain extra sneak attack die against target until EoNT turn after successful feint
Skins of the Slain PrP Any Primal class, proficiency with Hide armor Gain bonus to Intimidate checks equal to hide armour's enchantment bonus
Skipping Stone Flurry PsP Monk, Flurry of Blows Target one enemy within 10 squares with Flurry of Blows and sling
Skittering Mouse Style PsP Small, Monk Shift through enemies' spaces with movement technique
Slashing Kama Style Dragon Monk, Flurry of Blows Proficiency with the sickle, and you deal ongoing damage to a nearby enemy when you use flurry of blows while wielding a sickle
Slave Sympathy Dragon Escaped slave +2 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive vs. slaves; +4 to Streetwise in settlements with many slaves
Slave to None Dragon Escaped slave +2 to saving throws against effects that dominate, immobilize, or slow
Slaying Action MP Rogue, Sneak Attack Deal Sneak Attack damage again with an action point
Sling Expertise Essentials - +1 to attack rolls with a sling , don't provoke opportunity attacks when making ranged attacks with a sling
Slithering Form Dragon Druid, wild shape +2 to Acrobatics; do not provoke OAs when crawling in beast form
Slow Fall Dragon Trained in Acrobatics Reduce falling damage by Acrobatics check result
Small Vengeance DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the vengeance domain Gain Channel Divinity power small vengeance
Small Warrior's Defense Dragon Fighter, Small size +2 to AC and Reflex when you use versatile weapon in both hands
Snake Blooded Dragon - Gain resist 5 poison and +2 to poison saving throws
Snapping Lizard MP2 Ranger, Beast Mastery (lizard) While independent, beast damages creature that moves away
Sneaky Accuracy MP Elf , Rogue, Sneak Attack Retain elven accuracy on an enemy’s miss
Sneaky Stabber DSH Goblin, rogue, Sneak Attack Brutal 1 Sneak Attack when creature is adjacent.
Sneaky Staff Dragon Sneak Attack Gain proficiency in the quarterstaff; add Sneak Attack, Weapon Finesse benefits when you make weapon attack with one; may substitute for light blade with rogue powers (except ranged or area)
Snowdown Courier Dragon Moonshae Isles regional benefit +2 to AC and Reflex against OAs when you run; +2 to Streetwise
Solar Enemy DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the sun domain Gain Channel Divinity power solar enemy
Solid Footing Dragon Dwarf Gain earth walk
Sorcerous Assassin AP Drow, Sorcerer +2 to damage with poison or psychic powers, +1 Stealth
Sorcerous Blade Channeling PHB2 Sorcerer Use dagger to make ranged attacks as melee attacks
Soulstealer of Moil HoS Any Shadow Summoning power Gain temporary hp when you use shadow summoning
Sovereign Justice EPG Channel Divinity, must worship the Sovereign Host Use Channel Divinity power sovereign justice
Spare Infusion Dragon Half-elf, Dilettante, artificer, Healing Infusion 1/day, expend Dilettante power for extra use of Healing Infusion
Speaker of Hestavar Dragon Controller role, must worship Erathis After forcing enemy to move next to ally, that enemy grants CA to the ally until EoNT
Spear Expertise Essentials - +1 to attack rolls with a spear , +1 damage when charging with a spear
Spear Strike MME Power strike Sacrifice 1[W] from power strike damage with spear attack to immobilize target until end of your next turn
Spectral Reaping Dragon Revenant Ignore insubstantial when you use dark reaping
Spectral Step HoS Any shadow power Become insubstantial with action point
Speed Loader PHB2 - Load crossbow as free action instead of minor
Speed of Sea and Sky MP2 Genasi, Warlord, Swiftcurrent or Windwalker Elemental manifestation power grants allies speed bonus
Speedy Response MP Dex 15, Rogue Gain speed when hit by an opportunity attack
Spellcharged Channel Dragon Any divine class, Channel Divinity, you have a spellscar When you use Channel Divinity, adjacent enemy takes -2 to defenses until EoNT, or adjacent ally deals +4 fire and necrotic damage until EoNT; both with Student of the Plague
Spellscarred Invigoration Dragon You have a spellscar Creature who violates your mark takes 1 fire and necrotic damage and you regain 1 hp; regain Con modifier hp instead with Student of the Plague
Spellscarred Subterfuge Dragon Half-elf, you have a spellscar +2 to Diplomacy and Bluff (+4 with Student of the Plague); +4 to conceal or disguise your spellscar
Spellseer Familiar AP Arcane Familiar, 6th-level or higher utility Trade utility power for spellseer familiar power
Spider's Swiftness PrP Drow, Any Primal class +1 to speed, or +2 when affected by polymorph or rage power
Spike of Madness PsP Foulborn Heritage, battlemind, mind spike Mind spike target slides 1 sq. and grants CA until EoNT
Spirit of Courage Dragon Mul, shaman, incredible toughness, call spirit companion Ally adjacent to spirit companion who uses second wind may end one dazing, slowing, or weakening effect
Spirit of Hestavar Dragon Leader, must worship Erathis Adjacent allies gain +2/+4/+6 (by tier) to their healing surge value
Spirit of Vigor DSCG Shaman, Elemental spirit Ally gains temporary hp when you conjure your spirit companion
Spirit Poison Dragon Warlock, dark pact Deal necrotic and poison damage with warlock spells that deal necrotic or poison damage
Spirit Speaker PHB2 Shaman, Speak with Spirits Speak with spirits grants skill bonus to ally
Spirit Talker of Lalali-Puy Dragon Warlock, Sorcerer-King Pact +2 to Nature; can forgo augmented hand of blight's extra damage to teleport target Int modifier sq. adjacent to visible ally
Spirit Tribe PrP Shaman, Speak with spirits Allies gain +2 to checks with Speak with spirits chosen skill
Spirit's Bulwark Dragon Shaman, Protector Spirit, call spirit companion If attack against your spirit companion makes it disappear, one ally adjacent to it gains +2 to defenses for the encounter until spirit reappears
Spirit's Fey step PrP Eladrin, Shaman Teleport your spirit companion when you use Fey step
Spirit's Guidance Dragon Shaman, Watcher Spirit, call spirit companion If attack against your spirit companion makes it disappear, one ally adjacent to it gains CA against the culprit for the encounter until spirit reappears
Spirit's Rebuke Dragon Shaman, World Speaker Spirit, call spirit companion If attack against your spirit companion makes it disappear, the culprit is slowed for the encounter until spirit reappears
Spirit's Revenge Dragon Shaman, Stalker Spirit, call spirit companion If attack against your spirit companion makes it disappear, one ally adjacent to it gains +2 to damage against the culprit for the encounter until spirit reappears
Spirit's Reward DSCS Arcane Familiar You or ally adjacent to familiar gains 5/10/15 (by tier) temp hp when you don't defile with daily attack spell
Spirit's Step DSCG Shaman, Elemental spirit Ally adjacent to dismissed spirit can shift
Spiritbond Defense PHB3 Seeker, Spiritbond Use second wind and grant bonus to defense to adjacent ally
Spirits of Stealth PrP Gnome, Any Primal class +3 damage against bloodied creatures while you're hidden
Spirits of Stone PrP Dwarf, Any Primal class +2 to next attack roll when you use second wind
Spirits of the Primal Dragons PrP Dragonborn, Any Primal class Deal 1d8 extra damage of the same type as Dragon breath after becoming bloodied
Spring Step PHB3 - Shift 1 square when you stand up
Springing Charge PHB3 Minotaur Make second charge attack after critical on first charge attack
Staff Expertise Essentials - +1 to attack rolls and reach with a staff , don't provoke opportunity attacks when using a staff as an implement
Staff Fighting Dragon Wis 13, proficient with a quarterstaff You treat the quarterstaff as a double weapon, giving the primary end the defensive and stout properties, and the secondary end off-hand property.
Staff of Knowledge Dragon Int 13 Gain CA with the first divine melee weapon attack you make with staff in an encounter
Staff of Travel Dragon Con 13 Shift 1 sq. when you hit with divine melee weapon attack using staff
Staff strike MME Power strike Target of power strike with staff temporarily grant combat advantage.
Stagger Smash PrP Any Primal class Push target 1 when you daze or stun it with a primal power
Staggering Strike MP2 Ranger, Hunter’s Quarry Give up die of Hunter's Quarry damage to push target 1 sq.
Stalker Spirit Adept PHB2 Shaman, Stalker Spirit Allies adjacent to spirit companion can shift as free action
Stalwart Sentinel Dragon - +2 to Perception, or +4 for spotting enemies if adjacent to ally with this feat; no -5 to Perception while asleep
Stampede Dragon Druid, wild shape After charge in beast form, move 2 sq.
Stare at the Sun Dragon Genasi, sunsoul elemental manifestation +2 to defenses against melee and ranged attacks until EoNT when you use sun flare
Starfire Womb Dragon Cha 13, warlock Make saving throw against one condition when you deal damage with radiant or fear power
Starshine Mantle Dragon Fey Origin, Warden Gain concealment until you attack or until SoNT when you use second wind
Startling Distraction MP2 Ghost sound, rogue After using ghost sound, roll twice on Stealth checks
Steady Feet PHB3 - Ignore 1 square of Difficult terrain when you walk
Stinging Poison DSCS Athasian minstrel theme, poisoned strike Target hit with poisoned strike takes -2 to saving throws until EoNT
Stinging Swarm PrP Druid, Primal Swarm, Wild shape While you're in beast form, enemies that damage you grant combat advantage to you
Stirring Song of Baator PHRT Tiefling, Bard Ally gains 1+Cha temporary hit points when you hit with a fire or fear power
Stirring Word Dragon Warlord, Inspiring Presence, inspiring word Inspiring word target gets Cha modifier temp hp
Stoking the Fire Dragon Wizard After hitting with fire attack, gain +2 to damage of next fire attack vs. the same target before EoNT
Stone Cunning Dragon Dwarf or must worship Moradin +2 to Dungeoneering; +2 to detect traps, hazards, and secret doors
Stone Step Spirits PrP Dwarf, Any Primal class Ignore 1 square of difficult terrain when you move, or all difficult terrain when
Stone's Wrath Dark Sun Campaign Setting Dwarf or must worship Moradin Next melee attack before EoNT deals +1d6 damage if you take damage from attack while under stone's endurance
Stoneroot's Endurance Essentials - When subjected to critical hit , roll a d20, attack is a normal hit if roll is a 10 or higher
Storm Blade Channeling Dragon Storm Magic, Sorcerous Blade Channeling 1/round, when you hit with Sorcerous Blade Channeling, shift 1 sq.
Storm Manifested Dragon Genasi, warden, promise of storm Slide 1 sq. and slow until EoNT enemies marked by you when you hit with promise of storm
Storm Sacrifice DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the storm domain Gain Channel Divinity power storm sacrifice
Storm Step Dragon Genasi, promise of storm When you use promise of storm, until EoNT, if you hit a creature with lightning or thunder attack, can teleport to adjacent sq.
Storm's Lightning Dragon Warden, Stormheart Inflict Con modifier lightning damage to enemies marked by you when you use second wind
Stormhawk's Vengence Essentials - An enemy that reduces you to 0 hit points takes 10 thunder damage
Stormheart Push PrP Warden, Stormheart Push target 2 with Stormheart instead of sliding it
Stout Shield Dragon Fighter Shield bonus also applies to Fortitude
Stout-Handed Staff Dragon Size Small Wield quarterstaff as small weapon; shift 1 sq. when you knock larger enemy prone with staff weapon attack
Streak of Light HotFW Pixie Gain combat advantage against enemies you charge
Street Eyes Dragon - +2 to Streetwise; gain +4 (instead of +2) from allies with feat who aid you in Streetwise; ally can aid you to reduce check time by half
Street Thug MP Strength 13, Constitution 13, Rogue Treat mace as light blade for the purpose of using Rogue powers, reduce Sneak Attack damage by 1 die with maces
Strength from Anger Dragon Mul Successful save vs. dazed, slowed, stunned, or weakened grants you +1 to next attack before EoNT
Strength of Stone DP Goliath, Paladin Ally gains resist all when you use Lay on hands or call of virtue
Strength of the Gods DP Channel Divinity class feature, must worship a deity of the strength domain Gain Channel Divinity power strength of the gods
Strength of Valor PHB2 Bard, Virtue of Valor Virtue of Valor also grants +2 damage
Strengthened Bond PHB3 Seeker, Seeker's Bond Regain Seeker's Bond power when first bloodied
Strengthening Spirit PrP Shaman, Healing spirit Allies adjacent to companion gain Wis temporary hp when you use healing spirit
Strike and Shove PHB3 - Push target after critical hit with Melee attack
Strong-Arm Tactics Dragon Half-orc +2 to Intimidate; use Str instead of Cha for Intimidate
Strong-Willed Summoning PrP Druid Creatures you summon gain +1 to attack with instinctive actions
Stubborn Spirit Dragon Dwarf, shaman, call spirit companion Dismiss spirit companion as free action to reduce ally's forced movement by Con modifier sq. (ally must be adjacent to spirit)
Stubborn Survivor FRPG Human +2 to saving throws when you have no action points remaining
Student of Moil Dragon Con 13, Int 13 +1/+2/+3 (by tier) to damage with cold or necrotic powers
Student of Sword Magic FRPG Swordmage Gain a spellbook to hold your swordmage spells
Student of the Cosmos AP Sorcerer, Cosmic Magic Gain additional benefit based on your current phase
Sturdy Mind Dragon - +2 to saving throws against charm, illusion, and psychic effects
Sturdy Shifter EPG Shifter Gain temporary hp when using racial power
Sturdy Toughness Dragon Mul, incredible toughness When affected by pull, push, slide, or knock prone, expend incredible toughness as imm. interrupt to ignore it
Sudden Call PrP Shaman Use call spirit companion as a free action once per encounter
Sudden Roots PHB2 Warden Enemy hit by opportunity attack is slowed
Sudden Smite Dragon Paladin, divine strength Can use divine strength when you hit with attack to apply the damage bonus to that hit
Sudden Strife DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the strife domain Gain Channel Divinity power sudden strife
Sun Elf Grace FRPG Eladrin +1 bonus to all defenses if you use fey step before becoming bloodied
Sune's Touch FRPG Channel Divinity, must worship Sune Gain Channel Divinity power Sune's touch
Sunspray Heritage Dragon Human Gain bathed in the light power; +2 to Endurance
Sunspray Warrior Dragon Human, Sunspray Heritage Gain +1 to melee and ranged attacks while mounted; swap 1st-level at-will attack power for sunspray dance
Superior Fortitude Essentials Str 15 or Con 15 +2 Fortitude , resist 3 ongoing damage
Superior Implement Training PHB3 - Use one superior implement of a type open to your class
Superior Reflexes Essentials Dex 15 or Int 15 +2 Reflex , combat advantage during first turn of an encounter
Superior Will Essentials Wis 15 or Cha 15 +2 Will , make saving throws at start of your turn against dazed and stunned
Sure Climber PHB Trained in Athletics Climb at normal speed on any surface, +1 to Athletics
Sure Knowledge DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the knowledge domain Gain Channel Divinity power sure knowledge
Sure Protection DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the protection domain Gain Channel Divinity power sure protection
Surge of Thunder Dragon Wilden, Nature’s Aspect When you use wilden power, until SoNT, your OAs deal +2 thunder damage and push 1 sq. (+4/2 sq. at paragon, +6/3 sq. at epic); if in aspect of the elements, the target must save or fall prone
Surging Flame PHB2 - Fire-resistant target takes extra damage from fire powers
Surging Mantle PsP Ardent, Ardent Mantle Increase Ardent Mantle radius by 2 while you have 0 power points
Surprise Knockdown PHB Str 15, rogue Knock target prone with critical hit
Surprising Breath PHRD Dragonborn Creatures hit by your Dragon breath grant you combat advantage
Surprising Charge MP Dexterity 17, Fighter or Rogue +1[W] damage when charging with light blade or spear
Swallowed by Shadow Dragon Revenant, dark reaping, assassin Can become invisible until EoNT after using dark reaping
Swaying Branches Dragon Warden, warden’s fury Can knock warden's fury's target prone or slide it 1 sq. instead of causing damage
Swift Familiar Dragon Arcane Familiar Once on your turn, switch familiar mode as free action
Swift Footwork MP2 Ranger, Rogue Increase your shifts from encounter and daily powers by 2
Swift Jaguar PrP - +2 to Perception checks; increase by 1 for each ally with feat
Swift Recovery Essentials Training in Endurance +3 to healing surge value
Swift Slayer PrP Barbarian, Whirling Slayer Shift your dex modifier with Whirling Slayer
Swift Spear Dragon Fighter OAs with spear slide enemy 1 sq. to a square adjacent to you
Swift Winds Dragon Genasi, windwalker racial power Windwalker flying doesn't provoke OAs
Swirling Leaves of Autumn Dragon Warlock, Fey Pact, must worship Sehanine Lightly obscure the square you leave and adjacent squares until SoNT after triggering Misty Step
Swirling Snow Dragon Winterkin Heritage Light obscurement in your square and adjacent squares until EoNT when you use winter's shroud
Sword of Hestavar Dragon Striker role, must worship Erathis Grant +2/+4/+6 (by tier) to damage to adjacent allies against enemies granting you CA
Sylvan Fury Dragon Elf, warden, Nature’s Wrath Shift 1 sq. swapping positions with marked adjacent enemy when using Nature's Wrath
Symbol of the Sonnlinor Dragon Any divine class, must worship Moradin Gain proficiency with military hammers, axes, and picks; use wielded hammers, axes, and picks you are proficient with as divine implements
Sympathy of Flame Dragon Wizard Fire attack spells gain +2/+4/+6 (by tier) to damage against creatures taking ongoing fire damage
Tactical Adjustment Dragon Warlord, Tactical Presence You can slide allies who spend an action point to make an attack (before or after the attack).
Tactical Assault PHB Warlord, Tactical Presence Ally gains bonus to damage equal to your Int modifier
Tactical Feint Dragon Warlord, Tactical Presence Grant ally within 3 sq. 1/2 Int modifier bonus to his next attack before EoNT against target of your AP attack
Tactical Inspiration MP Eladrin, Warlord Add Int modifier to inspiring word hp restored
Tail Slide PHRT Tiefling Slide an adjacent ally 1 when you shift
Tactical Feint Dragon Drow, darkfire racial, you have a spellscar Grant ally within 3 sq. 1/2 Int modifier bonus to his next attack before EoNT against target of your AP attack
Tainted Wounds HoS - Your melee attacks prevent enemies from gaining hp
Take Measure MP Wis 15, Fighter +2 to all defenses against target with melee critical hit
Talenta Weapon Training EPG Halfling, Talenta Plains background +2 damage and proficiency with Talenta boomerang, Talenta sharrash, and Talenta tangat
Targeted Assault PrP Barbarian +2 to attacks against creatures marking you
Tarn-Trader Bodyguard Dragon Tarmalune regional background Gain 5/10/15 (by tier) temp hp when ally within 3 sq. drops
Taunting Visage DP Changeling or Doppelganger, Avenger, Oath of enmity Use change shape to gain combat advantage against your Oath of enmity target
Teamwork Defense PHB3 - +1 AC when adjacent to ally who also has this feat
Teeny Target HotFW Pixie Gain partial cover when in an ally's space
Telekinetic Savant DSCG Battlemind, Wild focus Increase the forced movement of your battlemind powers by 1
Telepathic Mark MP2 Kalashtar, Fighter On a crit, mark enemies within range of telepathy
Telepathic Sensitivity EPG Kalashtar +5 to Perception when detecting creatures
Tempest Magic AP Sorcerer, Con 13, Dex 13, Storm Magic Extra damage with lightning or thunder powers
Templar's Dazing Fist DSCS Templar theme, templar’s fist Target hit with templar’s fist is dazed until EoNT
Templar's Domain Class Compendium Cleric (templar), Healer’s Lore Lose Healer's Lore to gain 1st-level domain feature
Templar's Domain Class Compendium Cleric (templar), Healer’s Lore Lose Healer's Lore to gain 1st-level domain feature
Templar's Focus Class Compendium 5th level, Templar’s Domain Gain 5th-level domain feature associated with your Templar's Domain feat
Templar's Mastery Class Compendium 10th level, Templar’s Focus Gain 10th-level domain feature associated with your Templar's Domain feat
Templar's Tugging Fist DSCS Templar theme, templar’s fist Slide target hit with templar's fist 3 sq.
Tenacious Resolve Essentials Training in Endurance +5 to saving throws againstongoing damage
Tenacity for Living Dragon Any primal class, you have a spellscar +4 to saving throws against ongoing fire and/or necrotic damage; when you grant allies saving throws against ongoing fire/necrotic, +4 to roll; with Student of the Plague, adjacent enemies take -2 to saving throws against such effects
Terrain Advantage Essentials - Combat advantage against targets in a square of difficult terrain
Terrifying Duo Dragon Scion of Onat +5 to Intimidate when adjacent to beast companion
Thaliessan Blood Dragon Half-elf You are aquatic creature; gain swim speed of 5; can breathe underwater; gain +2 bonus in aquatic combat
Thaneborn Fury Dragon386 Barbarian, Thaneborn Triumph class feature When you hit with the attack granted by Rampage, the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls.
Theft of Courage DSCS Arcane defiling Targets hit with defiled daily attack spell take -2 to defenses (save ends)
Thief Expert Dragon 8th level, trained in Thievery Swap a 6th level or higher utility power with Thief's Getaway
Thief Novice Dragon 4th level, trained in Thievery Swap a 3rd level or higher encounter attack power with Severed Defenses
Thief Specialist Dragon 10th level, trained in Thievery Swap a 9th level or higher daily attack power with Gulleful Swipe
Thief's Backstab Class Compendium Any rogue encounter attack power that has a level May choose Backstab as encounter attack power
Thirst for Battle PHB2 Half-orc +3 to Initiative and one additional healing surge
Thought Warning PsP Kalashtar, Battlemind, Telepathy You and allies shift when you drop to 0 power points
Thri-Kreen Antennae Dragon Thri-kreen +1 to Perception and Insight; blindsight 1; always know direction you're facing
Thri-Kreen Scuttler Dragon Thri-kreen Move at full speed while crawling
Thri-Kreen Shooter Dragon Thri-kreen, proficiency with hand crossbow Wield light crossbow or hand crossbow with middle limbs to make ranged attacks; do not provoke making ranged attacks this way
Thri-Kreen Thrower Dragon Thri-kreen, proficiency with a light thrown weapon Wield light thrown weapons with middle limbs to make ranged attacks; do not provoke making ranged attacks this way
Thri-Kreen Weapon Master Dragon Thri-kreen Proficiency and +2/+3/+4 bonus to damage with gythka and chatkcha.
Thri-Kreen Wild Talent Dragon Thri-kreen, Psionic Augmentation, thri-kreen claws Gain a wild talent cantrip; regain 1 power point by losing a use of thri-kreen claws power.
Thug Expert Dragon 8th level, trained in Intimidate Swap 6th-level or higher utility power with Thug's Menace
Thug Novice Dragon 4th level, trained in Intimidate Swap 3rd-level or higher encounter attack power with Pommel Strike
Thug Specialist Dragon 10th level, trained in Intimidate Swap 9th-level or higher daily attack power with Opportunistic Shove
Thunder Hammer MP Con 15, Fighter Enemy takes -2 to saving throws against conditions delivered with hammer or mace
Thunderborn Rage PrP Barbarian, Thunderborn Wrath +5 to thunder damage of Thunderborn Wrath
Thundertusk Companion MP Dwarf, Ranger, Beast Mastery Your boar's Hp increases by your level
Thymaran Engineer Dragon Tymanther regional background Reroll trap countermeasure skill checks
Tiamat’s Bitter Vengeance BoVD Channel Divinity, must worship Tiamat Gain the Tiamat's bitter vengeance channel divinity power.
Timely Respite PHB2 - Second wind or total defense grants saving throw
Tome Expertise HotEC - +1 to attack rolls with tomes, enemies adjacent to your conjurations or summoned creatures grant combat advantage
Torm's Justice FRPG Channel Divinity, must worship Torm Gain Channel Divinity power Torm's justice
Torog’s Binding Chains BoVD Channel Divinity, must worship Torog Gain the Torog's binding chains channel divinity power
Totem Expertise HotFW - +1 to attack rolls with totems, ignore partial cover and partial concealment on those attacks
Touch of Flame Dragon Wilden, Nature’s Aspect When you use wilden power, until SoNT, first enemy to hit you with melee attack takes 0/3/6 (by tier) + Wis modifier fire damage; if in aspect of the elements, target is also weakened until end of its next turn
Touched by Darkness Dragon Any divine class, must worship Vecna Ignore 5 necrotic resistance with necrotic attacks prayers
Toughness PHB, Essentials - Gain 5 additional hit points per tier
Toxic Energy Dragon Drow, artificer, Augment Energy Ally deals +1d6/+2d6/+3d6 (by tier) poison damage when he hits with attack benefiting from Augment Energy bonus
Trap Sense MP Wisdom 13, Rogue +2 to all defenses against traps, +2 to find traps
Trapbuster DSH Kobold, training in Thievery Roll twice to detect traps & never trigger traps
Travel Mastery Dragon Ritual Caster, mastery of two travel rituals Double the duration of any travel ritual you perform. A group that includes you treats its speed as 1 higher for determining its exploration speed. Once per day, you can ignore the component cost of a travel ritual of your level or lower that you have mastered.
Traveler's Insight Dragon Trained in Insight Gain bonus to Insight checks equal to number of languages known
Traveler's Gift EPG Channel Divinity, must worship the Traveler Use Channel Divinity power Traveler's gift
Treetop Sniper MP2 Elf, rogue Use bow with Sneak Attack and rogue exploits
Trickster's Mark MP2 Gnome, Fighter Use Ghost sound to mark enemy
Trickster’s Fortune DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the trickery domain Gain the Trickster's fortune channel divinity power.
Triggered Chaos AP Halfling, Sorcerer, Wild Mage Shift or slide an enemy after using second chance
True Dragon's Soul AP Dragonborn, Sorcerer, Dragon Magic +1 to defenses after being bloodied, breath weapon ignores resistance
Tunnel Stalker MP Strength 13, Constitution 13, Dwarf , Rogue Treat one-handed axes, hammers, and picks as light blades
Turathi Spirit Companion PHRT Tiefling, Shaman +2 bonus from bloodhunt when adjacent to spirit companion
Turathi Weapon Training PHRT Tiefling Proficiency and +2 or more to damage rolls with the khopesh, scourge, sickle, scythe, scimitar and falchion
Turtle's Shell Dragon Druid, wild shape power Gain resist 5 all until EoNT when using second wind or total defense in beast form
Twilight Phantom Step Dragon Eladrin, assassin, assassin’s shroud Increase fey step distance by 5 sq. if you end adjacent to shroud target
Twilight Training MP2 Human, Ranger Gain low-light vision
Twist the Arcane Fabric AP Eladrin, Any arcane class Fey step an ally out of your power's area of effect
Two-Fisted Shooter MP Rogue Treat hand crossbow as off-hand weapon , reload free action
Two-Handed Weapon Expertise HotFW - +1 to attack rolls with two-handed melee weapons, +1 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee weapons
Two-Weapon Defense PHB, Essentials Dex 13, Two-Weapon Fighting +1 to AC and Reflex while holding a weapon in each hand
Two-Weapon Fighting PHB, Essentials Dex 13 +1 damage while holding a melee weapon in each hand
Two-Weapon Threat PHB2 Dex 13, Two-Weapon Fighting +3 damage on opportunity attacks with two melee weapons
Tymora's Coin FRPG Channel Divinity, must worship Tymora Gain Channel Divinity power Tymora's coin
Tymora's Smile Dragon - When you roll natural 20 on attack/skill/save, you and ally within 5 sq. can make saving throw
Tyrian Ascendant Dragon Warlock, Sorcerer-King Pact, Tyrian Bureaucrat Gain additional benefit when you drop cursed enemy; can expend fell might to augment associated powers; can use Cha for associated powers
Tyrian Bureaucrat Dragon Warlock, Sorcerer-King Pact +2 to Streetwise; can forgo augmented hand of blight's extra damage to daze target until EoNT
Ubiquitous Step PsP Eladrin, Fey step, Psionic Augmentation Regain Fey step at 0 power points
Ulban's Flare Dragon Warlock, star pact When you are concealed from target you hit with dire radiance, target takes +2/+4/+6 (by tier) damage and -2 to attacks until EoNT
Umbral Wind Dragon Dusk Elf Stealth Gain concealment until EoNT instead of the defense bonus when you use second wind (total concealment if already concealed)
Unarmored Agility PHB3 - +2 to AC while wearing cloth armor or no armor
Unbalancing Shield Shove Dragon Fighter Enemy grants CA until EoNT after hit by your OA when you use shield
Unbalancing Wrath MP Tiefling, Warlord Infernal wrath target grants combat advantage
Unchained Beast Dragon Shifter, longtooth shifting or razorclaw shifting End one dazing or weakening effect when you use racial shifting power
Uncovered Hatred Dragon Kalashtar, assassin Enemy triggering bastion of mental clarity takes Cha modifier + # of your shrouds on it in psychic damage
Undead Hunter Dragon Con 13, trained in Religion +1 to healing surge value; augment careful attack, commander's strike, holy strike, and reaping strike powers
Undeath’s Ally DP Channel Divinity, must worship a deity of the undeath domain Gain the Undeath's ally channel divinity power
Undeniable Crusader Dragon Fighter Ignore resistances with Combat Challenge attacks
Underdark Climber Dragon Trained in Acrobatics +2 to Acrobatics; use Acrobatics to climb walls
Underhanded Tactics Dragon Rogue, Sneak Attack Can reduce Sneak Attack damage by 1 die to give -2 to target's attacks until EoNT
Underwatch Vigilant Dragon East Rift regional background +2 to Insight; reroll knowledge checks related to aberrations
Undying's Command EPG Channel Divinity, must worship the Undying Court Use Channel Divinity power undying's command
Unexpected Flourish Dragon Any martial class, you have a spellscar Gain 1st-level at-will attack spell as encounter power; with Student of the Plague, use highest ability score for attack and damage
Unfailing Vigor PHB3 - Spend a healing surge If you roll 18-20 on death saving throw
Unleash the Beast DP Shifter, Avenger, Oath of enmity Use racial power as immediate reaction when hit by your Oath of enmity target
Unnatural Mantle Dragon Revenant, ardent, Ardent Mantle While you have pps, dropped allies in your Ardent Mantle fall unconscious only when they roll first death saving throw
Unseelie Blight Dragon Drow, warden Enemies you hit with warden encounter attack powers cannot benefit from concealment until EoNT
Unseen Dread PsP Gnome, Psion Slide target you are hidden from after hitting with attack
Unsettling Omen Dragon Invoker CA against adjacent targets with close blast invoker attacks
Unstoppable Beast Dragon Druid, savage rend, wild shape Shift 1 sq. into the square vacated by target hit with savage rend after you slide it
Unstoppable Drive Dragon Dwarf, any psionic class Shift 1 sq. with second wind, must end this movement adjacent to enemy
Unstoppable Fury Dragon Mul, incredible toughness Can expend incredible toughness to end immobilizing effect
Unstoppable Transformation Dragon Mul, incredible toughness, wild shape When you use wild shape, may expend incredible toughness to gain Con modifier bonus to damage until end of turn
Untamed Fire Dragon Genasi, warden, firepulse Inflict Str modifier damage to enemies marked by you when you hit with firepulse
Untraceable Flurry PsP Elan Heritage, monk, Flurry of Blows Flurry of Blows can deal psychic damage and ignores insubstantial when it does
Unyielding Pursuit Dragon Avenger Negate penalty of run action to attacks against oath target if you end run adjacent to it
Unyielding Rage Dragon429 Half-orc, Rage Strike class feature When you use your furious assault power with your rage strike power’s attack, you do not expend furious assault
Upright Revival Dragon Deva After you drop, when you regain hp, stand and shift 1 sq. as free action
Urban Predator Dragon Shifter Athletics or Streetwise d20 rolls resulting in 2-7 are treated as 8
Valenar Dervish Stalwart Dragon Elf, fighter, Valenar Dervish Student Shift 2 sq. and slide one target you hit with encounter exploit 2 sq. to adjacent sq. when using style weapon; you can slide instead of push targets with associated powers (or increase slide by 1 sq.) when using style weapon
Valenar Dervish Student Dragon Elf, fighter or ranger, proficiency with scimitar or double scimitar +2 to Acrobatics; shift 1 sq. after making attack with associated power when using style weapon
Valenar Dervish Whirlwind Dragon Elf, ranger, Valenar Dervish Student Shift 1 sq. to enemy and push it 1 sq. after hit with encounter exploit using style weapon; shift 3 sq. adjacent to enemy you hit with associated power using style weapon
Valenar Rider Training Dragon Elf Gain proficiency with simple and military spears; +2/+3/+4 (by tier) to damage with shortbows and such spears when mounted; use elven accuracy with mount's attacks
Valenar Weapon Training Dragon Elf Gain proficiency, +2/+3/+4 (by tier) to damage with scimitars, double scimitars, and falchions
Valenar Weapon Warding Dragon Elf, swordmage, Swordmage Warding Increase Swordmage Warding AC bonus to +2 when using double scimitar or falchion
Vampire Alacrity Dragon Vampiric Heritage +1 feat bonus to speed.
Vampiric Heritage Dragon Living humanoid race Gain blood drain power; +2 to Insight and Perception against dhampyrs and undead
Vanguard's Eye Dragon Invoker Grant +2 to defenses against OAs until SoNT to allies adjacent to target you hit with invoker ranged attack
Vanishing Concoction Dragon Eladrin, artificer, Healing Infusion Ally can end resistive formula or shielding elixir effects to teleport 2 + your Dex modifier sq.
Vecna's Final Command BoVD Any channel divinity power, must worship Vecna Gain the Vecna's final command channel divinity power.
Velvet Blade Trick Dragon Half-elf, assassin, assassin’s shroud 1/encounter, shroud target gains another shroud when you use Dilettante power
Vengeance's Reward Dragon Avenger, must worship Avandra You and adjacent allies gain +2 to saving throws until EoNT after you drop oath target
Vengeful Beast MP Ranger, Beast Mastery, Hunter's Quarry Beast gains +1 to attack and damage rolls against quarry
Vengeful Curse AP Tiefling, Warlock, Warlock's Curse Curse enemy that hits you as an immediate reaction
Vengeful Shade Dragon Assassin, any divine class, assassin’s shroud Can have shrouds deal radiant damage when using attack prayer
Venom Hand Assassin Dragon Assassin After short or extended rest, chosen weapon deals +1d8 poison damage per tier on next attack
Venom Hand Killer Dragon Assassin +2/+3/+4 (by tier) damage with poison attacks
Venom Hand Master Dragon Assassin Ignore poison resistance and immunity
Venom Handler Dragon Assassin, Venom Hand Master Gain resist 5/10/15 (by tier) poison
Venomous Spider MP2 Ranger, Beast Mastery (spider) While independent, beast slows creatures and gives -2 attack
Versatile Channeler DP Any Divine class, Channel Divinity Gain another class's Channel Divinity power
Versatile Duelist Dragon Rogue Gain proficiency with one-handed, military heavy blades; use rogue powers and sneak attack with one-handed heavy blades
Versatile Expertise PHB3 - Bonus to attacks with weapons and implements of your choice
Versatile Resistance FRPG Genasi Gain resist 5 cold, fire and thunder
Versatile Talent MP2 Human, Fighter, Fighter Weapon Talent Gain Fighter Weapon Talent with both weapon types
Vestige Adept AP Warlock, Vestige Pact Change your vestige after pact boon is triggered
Vestige of Vistan Dragon Warlock, vestige pact, Vistani Heritage Add Vistan to your primary vestiges and gain pact boon (slide cursed creature Int modifier sq. when cursed target drops)
Vicious Advantage PHB3 - Gain combat advantage against slowed or immobilized targets
Vicious Darkfire DP Drow, Avenger, Oath of enmity Use darkfire against your Oath of enmity target to give it vulnerability to all damage
Vicious Intrusion PsP Psion, distract Extra damage to target of distract
Victor's Confidence MP Con 15, Fighter +2 to saving throws after reducing an enemy to 0 hp
Vigilant Associate Dragon Tarmalune regional background Gain CA until EoNT against enemies you intimidate; proficiency and +1 damage with short swords
Vigilant Recovery Dragon Minotaur, Wis 13 Deny enemy you hit CA against you until SoNT
Vigilante Justice Style Dragon Any martial class Gain various benfits with Brash Strike (fighter), Circling Strike (ranger), Commander's Strike (warlord) and Riposte Strike (rogue).
Vigor of the Blade Adept Dragon Swordmage Add Str modifier to healing surge value when in swordmage or swordmage paragon path stance
Vigorous Spirit PrP Shaman, Healing spirit Target of healing spirit regains Wis additional hp
Vine Arms HotFW Wilden, Nature's Aspect +2 to Acrobatics checks, increase reach with Nature's Aspect
Violent Awakening PsP Half-orc, Monk, Furious assault, Flurry of Blows Flurry of Blows deals extra damage with Furious assault
Virtuous Recovery DP Paladin Gain resist all when you spend a healing surge
Vision of Madness Dragon Foulborn Heritage, psion Daze until EoNT with crit using augmented psion at-will attack, or deal +5 psychic damage if already dazed or power dazes
Vistani Fencer Dragon Vistani Heritage Gain +4 to damage with melee and close attacks against target under evil eye while wielding blade
Vistani Guardian Dragon Vistani Heritage Can master and perform binding and warding rituals; 1/day, perform one such ritual of your level or lower for free
Vistani Healer Dragon Vistani Heritage Can master and perform restoration rituals; 1/day, perform one such ritual of your level or lower for free
Vistani Heritage Dragon380 Humanoid race Gain evil eye of the Vistani power; +2 to Diplomacy against Vistani; gain Vistani Blooding ritual
Vistani Jongleur Dragon380 Vistani Heritage You can master and perform Bard Rituals. Once per day ignore the component cost of a Bard ritual of your level or lower
Vistani Knife Fighting Dragon Vistani Heritage Miss evil eye target with melee or close attack using light blade to shift 1 sq. or move your speed
Vistani Pathfinding Dragon Vistani Heritage Can master and perform exploration and travel rituals; 1/day, perform one such ritual of your level or lower for free
Vistani Seer Dragon Vistani Heritage Can master and perform divination and scrying rituals; 1/day, perform one such ritual of your level or lower for free
Vistani Thief Dragon Vistani Heritage Can master and perform deception rituals; 1/day, perform one such ritual of your level or lower for free
Walk among Men HotFW Satyr Appear as an Eladrin, Elf or Human
Wall Crawlers Dragon - +2 to Athletics; gain +4 (instead of +2) from allies with feat who aid you in Athletics; ally with feat can aid while performing the same action
Wand Expertise Essentials - +1 to attack rolls using a wand , ignore partial and superior cover when using a wand
War Captain of Avernus PHRT Tiefling, Warlord Commanding presence grants fire and poison resistance
War Wizard's Expertise Dragon Any arcane class You gain a +1 feat bonus per tier to the attack rolls of arcane attack powers and basic attacks made with a light blade or a heavy blade, and take a -5 penalty to hit your allies.
War Wizard's Staff Dragon - Use a close arcane attack w/ staff implement: before attacking, slide one adjacent creature to a different adjacent sq.
Warcaster Tactics Dragon Hobgoblin, any arcane class You can omit one square adjacent to you from the area of effect of any arcane close blast or burst power you use.
Warding Defense PHB3 - Allies benefit when you use total defense and wield a shield
Warding Mastery Dragon Ritual Caster, mastery of two warding rituals Gain a +2 bonus to Perception checks when actively searching for a trap or hazard, as well as Arcana checks or Thievery checks made to disable a trap or hazard. While using a skill as part of a warding ritual either as a skill check or a skill check modifier, increase the result by 2. Once per day, ignore the component cost of a warding ritual of your level or lower that you have mastered.
Warding Shard Swarm PHB3 Shardmind, Shard swarm +2 defenses when you use shard swarm
Warding Soul AP Half-elf, Sorcerer Adjacent allies gain your resistances
Warforged Example DP Warforged, Paladin Allies can save against ongoing damage when you use Warforged resolve
Warforged Faith DP Warforged, Any Divine class Warforged resolve also affects adjacent ally
Warforged Superiority MP2 Warforged, Fighter, Combat Superiority Knock creature prone when using Combat Superiority
Warforged Tactics EPG Warforged +1 attack bonus against targets adjacent to allies
Warlock's Eye Dragon Warlock, Vistani Heritage Deal Warlock's Curse damage when you hit with evil eye, even if already used
Warlock's Sight Dragon Warlock, Warlock’s Curse Ignore the -2 penalty to attacks for cover and concealment if target is cursed
Warlock's Wrath Dragon Tiefling, warlock Use d8s for Warlock's Curse damage; replace infernal wrath with warlock's wrath
Warpath Leader MP2 Half-Orc, Warlord, Combat Leader Allies within 5 squares gain +2 speed when charging
Warrior's Sacrifice Dragon Hobgoblin, hobgoblin discipline As a free action on your turn, you can expend your hobgoblin discipline power to allow an ally adjacent to you to make a saving throw.
Wary Fighter Dragon Fighter +2 to Insight and Perception; substitute Wisdom for Dexterity for initiative
Wasteland Wanderer Essentials - +2 to Nature , Perception , and initiative
Watcher Spirit Adept PrP Shaman, Watcher spirit Allies adjacent to companion gain +2 to Insight and Perception
Watchful Guardian PrP Druid, Primal Guardian, Wild shape While in beast form, you and allies adjacent to you gain +2 to opportunity attack rolls
Watchful Owl PrP - +2 to Perception checks; increase by 1 for each ally with feat
Watchful Redoubt PHB3 - +1 attack when you use total defense
Water Splitting Stone PsP Monk Unarmed strike critical hit causes target to lose resistances
Waukeen's Silver Tongue FRPG Channel Divinity, must worship Waukeen Gain Channel Divinity power Waukeen's silver tongue
We Were Once One Dragon Shardmind Each ally in telepathy range can make saving throw when you use healing surge
Weapon Expertise PHB2 - +1 to attacks with weapon group
Weapon Focus PHB, Essentials - +1 damage with chosen weapon group
Weapon Master Dragon Weapon Focus, Weapon Expertise Gain Weapon Focus and Weapon Expertise benefits with all weapons you are proficient with
Weapon Proficiency PHB, Essentials - Gain proficiency with the weapon of your choice
Whisper's Advice Dragon380 Barbarian When an adjacent enemy recharges a power, you gain a +2/3/4 bonus to damage against that enemy
White Lotus Defense Dragon Any arcane class +1 to defenses until SoNT against enemy you hit with at-will attack spell
White Lotus Dueling Expertise Dragon Any arcane class Gain feat bonus to arcane attacks and basic attacks. Gain an additional implement.
White Lotus Enervation Dragon Any arcane class Enemies you hit with at-will attack spells take -1 to defense targeted by power until EoNT
White Lotus Evasion Dragon Any arcane class When you hit with at-will attack spell, shift 1 sq. as minor action until end of turn
White Lotus Hindrance Dragon Any arcane class Enemies you hit with at-will attack spell treat squares adjacent to you as difficult terrain until EoNT
White Lotus Riposte Dragon Any arcane class When enemy attacks you before SoNT after you hit it with at-will attack spell, it takes damage (of the same type) equal to that power's relevant ability modifier
Wicked Defiance BoVD Wis 15 or Cha 15 Gain +2/3/4 bonus to Will; when targeted with attacks against Will, take 5/10/15 damage to direct attack to adjacent ally
Wielder of Piercing Flame MP Genasi, rogue Firepulse ignores target’s resistance or immunity when you have combat advantage
Wild Blade Channeling Dragon Wild Magic, Sorcerous Blade Channeling Roll twice and choose when making melee attack with Sorcerous Blade Channeling with sorcerer power that has variable energy type
Wild Bull Rush PrP Druid, Wild shape While in beast form, +2 to bull rush attacks and use bull rush against any size target
Wild Dilettante Dragon Half-elf, druid, must have an implement power for your Dilettante Dilettante power gains beast form keyword
Wild Elf Luck FRPG Elf +1d4 bonus on reroll when using Elven accuracy
Wild Grasp Dragon Elf, warden, warden’s grasp Pull target of warden's grasp 3 sq. instead of sliding; giant or goblin target is also slowed until end of its next turn
Wild Magic Eye Dragon Sorcerer, Wild Magic, Vistani Heritage Evil eye deals damage equal to Chaos Power damage bonus and of your current Wild Soul type
Wild Sage PrP Trained in Nature +5 to Nature knowledge and monster knowledge checks to identify natural creatures, and gain a ritual
Wild Senses PHB2 Shifter Roll twice when following tracks, +3 to Initiative
Wild Talent Master DSCS - Gain three wild talents
Wild Virtue Dragon396 Bard, Bardic Virtue class feature Each time you use your Bardic Virtue, you can shift 1 square as a free action.
Wild Wrath Dragon Elf, elven accuracy, invoker, Covenant of Wrath Deal +4 damage when elven accuracy reroll hits with encounter or daily invoker attack
Wildblood Cunning PHB2 Warden, Wildblood Shift when you use second wind
Wildblood Fury PrP Warden, Wildblood Gain bonus to damage rolls against enemies you've marked when you use second wind
Wilden Adaptability Dragon Wilden, Nature’s Aspect If wilden racial power used, ignore difficult terrain while shifting until EoNT
Wilder Rejuvenation DSCS Wilder theme You and adjacent allies gain your best ability modifier in temp hps when you crit
Wilderness Skirmisher Essentials - Partial cover when in a square of difficult terrain , +2 to Acrobatics and Athletics
Wilderness Wariness Dragon Trained in Nature and Stealth +2 to Perception; outdoors, any cover or concealment grant Stealth check to become hidden at initiative
Wind of Sympathy PsP Ardent, Ardent Mantle Use your second wind and ally in ardent mantle can use second wind
Winter Favored Dragon Shadar-kai Gain resist 5 cold and +2 to saving throws vs. ongoing cold damage
Winter Walker HoS - Ice walk and +5 to ice related skill checks
Winter's Reach Dragon Winterkin Heritage Increase range of winter's shroud teleport by Dex or Int modifier
Winterkin Heritage Dragon Eladrin Deal 5/10/15 (by tier) cold damage to triggering enemy instead of teleporting with winter's shroud
Wintertouched PHB - Gain combat advantage against foe vulnerable to cold
Wizard's Wrath Dragon Tiefling, wizard Ignore bloodied enemies' fire resistance and immunity; swap infernal wrath with wizard's wrath
Wolfstone Heritage Dragon Human Gain unrelenting mountain power; +2 to Athletics
Wolfstone Warrior Dragon Human, Wolfstone Heritage Inflict +1d6 damage on extra melee or ranged attack gained by AP while bloodied; swap 1st-level at-will attack power for wolfstone frenzy
Wood Elf Agility FRPG Elf Treat a 2-7 as an 8 on Acrobatics or Athletics checks
Word of Retaliation Dragon Cleric, healing word Target regains extra hp equal to the number of enemies adjacent to him from your healing word
Word of Shadow Dragon385 Assassin, Bard, Majestic word power When you use majestic word you can choose for any target to also gain concealment
Word of the Ancestors Dragon Elf, warlord, inspiring word Add Int modifier to inspiring word healing
Words of Wrath Dragon396 Bard, trained in Intimidate, words of friendship power +2 feat bonus to Intimidate checks, can use power bonus from words of friendship for the Intimidate skill
World Serpent's Grasp Essentials - When hitting a slowed or immobilized target, it is knocked prone
World Speaker Spirit Adept PrP Shaman, World Speaker Spirit You and allies ignore difficult terrain while adjacent to spirit companion
Wrath of Ages Past DP Dwarf, Invoker, Covenant of Wrath Gain more damage when you use Armour of wrath against enemies larger than you
Wrath of the Crimson Legion Dragon Tiefling, paladin Use Cha for MBAs; swap infernal wrath with paladin's wrath
Wrath of the Forester Dragon Human, warden, Nature’s Wrath AP extra action also allows second use of Nature's Wrath on the same turn
Wrath of the Mountain King DP Goliath, Invoker, Covenant of Wrath Knock Target prone when you use Armour of wrath
Wrathful Legacy Dragon Forgeborn Heritage Regain elemental legacy when first bloodied
Wrathful Magic AP Tiefling, Any arcane class Use infernal wrath against missed target
Wrathful Recovery Dragon386 Barbarian, Thaneborn Triumph class feature Regain Cha mod additional hit points when you use your second wind while raging.
Wrenching Abjuration Dragon Avenger Slide instead of pull with abjure undead but must end closer to you
Wrenching Grasp MP2 Fighter, Brawler Style Deal Dex modifier damage with failed grab
Wrist Biter DSH Goblin, goblin tactics Deal 1d4/2d4/3d4 damage to adjacent creature with goblin tactics.
Xen'drik Weapon Training EPG Drow +2 damage and proficiency with drow long knife and Xen'drik boomerang
Yellow Cloak of Urik Dragon Warlock, Sorcerer-King Pact +2 to History; can forgo augmented hand of blight's extra damage to immobilize target until EoNT
Yorgrix's Brutality Dragon Warlock, Sorcerer-King Pact Creature that is taking ongoing damage you hit with warlock attack takes +2/+4/+6 (by tier) poison damage
Yuirwood Feyfriend Dragon Aglarond regional benefit +2 to Arcana and to saving throws against charm
Zadatl Expert Dragon 8th level, proficiency with the zadatl Swap 6th+-level utility power for zadatl expert stance
Zadatl Novice Dragon 4th level, proficiency with the zadatl Swap 3rd+-level encounter attack power for zadatl grab
Zadatl Specialist Dragon 10th level, proficiency with the zadatl Swap 9th+-level daily attack power for zadatl control
Zehir’s Dark Blessing BoVD Channel Divinity, must worship Zehir Gain the Zehir's Dark Blessing channel divinity power.
Zerth Instincts PsP Githzerai, Iron mind, any psionic class Shift with Iron mind, or expend Iron mind to cancel surprise
Zombie Veteran Dragon Str 15 +2 to Athletics to escape grabs; augment sure strike, valiant strike, twin strike, and wolf pack tactics powers
Zuwoth's Enlightened Step PHB3 Githzerai You don't provoke from enemies that have not yet acted

Paragon Feats[]

Name Source Prerequisites Benefit
Aberrant Sight PsP Foulborn Heritage You gain darkvision.
Accursed Isolation Dragon387 Invoker, Maledictor's doom power When you target only one creature with maledictor's doom, the penalty to attack rolls increases.
Accursed Revelation PsP Foulborn Heritage, Ardent, Ardent Mantle class feature Gain combat advantage against foes in your Ardent Mantle when you first drop to 0 power points in an encounter.
Acid Splash Dragon380 Con 13, Wizard When you miss with an acid wizard power, you deal Con mod damage.
Action Recovery PHB Human Gain extra saving throws by spending an action point
Admixture Breath Dragon365 Dragonborn, dragon breath racial power, Adaptable Breath feat When you use dragon breath, you can choose to deal two types of damage.
Advantageous Perspective Dragon378 Fighter, small size When a Large or larger enemy grants you combat advantage, you can score a critical hit on a 19-20.
Agile Athlete PHB Level 11+ Roll twice with Acrobatics and Athletics checks
Agile Command MP2 Int 15, Warlord, Skirmishing Presence class feaure Any ally that starts their turn adjacent to you gains a feat bonus to AC and Reflex against opportunity attacks
Agile Opportunist PH2 Level 11+ When subjected to forced movement use immediate reaction to make a melee basic attack against an adjacent enemy.
Agile Tempest MP Dex 15, Fighter, Tempest Technique class feature Increase the damage gained by wearing chainmail or light armor by 1. This bonus increase to 2 at level 21.
Alacrity of Fortune PH3 Ardent, Mantle of Clarity class feature Whenever an ally in your mantle makes a saving throw, they can shift 1 square as a free action.
Ancestral Battle Accuracy Dragon385 Elf You can use elven accuracy to reroll against every target of a close or area weapon attack power when wielding a scimitar, double scimitar, falchion, shortbow, or spear.
Anchoring Push PsP Psion, forceful push power When you use forceful push, you also slow the target until the end of your next turn.
Angelic Protection Dragon388 Paladin, lay on hands You can use lay on hands to grant temporary hit points instead of regaining hit points.
Angry Grandfather Dragon380 Barbarian You gain a bonus to death saving throws equal to the amount of rage power you have expended since your last extended rest.
Arbiter of Justice Dragon382 Avenger, oath of enmity power You gain a bonus to damage against bloodied targets, also when an ally bloodies or reduces your oath of enmity target to 0 hp or fewer, you gain the benefit has if you had done so.
Arcane Admixture AP Any arcane class Choose an arcane power and add either acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage to it.
Arcane Flexibility PH2 Sorcerer, Spell Source class feature When you score a critical hit on a sorcerer power, you can change the damage deal to one of the types you have resistance or immunity to.
Arcane Reach PHB Dex 15 Choose square within 2 as origin with close attack power
Arcane Ritualist AP Any arcane class Change a ritual's key skill to Arcana and gain +2 to sklll checks related to the ritual
Arcing Throw PrP Warden When you use a spear as a thrown weapon, the target does gain cover due to its allies.
Arena Battle Rhythm DSCS Dex 13, Fighter, Arena training class feature Whenever you make a melee attack with one of your Arena weapon and deal no damage, the target of the attack takes your Dex mod in damage.
Armor Specialization (Chainmail) PHB Dex 15, training with chainmail +1 to AC with chainmail, reduce check penalty by 1
Armor Specialization (Hide) PHB Con 15, training with hide armor +1 to AC with hide armor, reduce check penalty by 1
Armor Specialization (Plate) PHB Con 15, training with plate armor +1 to AC with plate armor
Armor Specialization (Scale) PHB Dex 15, training with scale armor +1 to AC with scale armor, ignore speed penalty
Armored by Faith DP any divine class, Channel Divinity class feature You gain your Wis mod in temp hp when you use Channel Divinity.
Ascendant Lineage PH2 Deva When you use your memories of a thousand lifetimes power and the check still fails, you do no expend your racial power
Aspect of the Cultivator PH3 Wilden, Nature's Aspect Replace one of your Nature's Aspect options with the aspect of the cultivator
Assured Healing Dragon379 Cleric When you miss with a divine healing power, you or an ally regain your Cha mod in hp.
Astral Renewal PH2 Deva You gain a bonus to the next attack roll you make when you reduce damage due to your Astral Resistance.
Avalanche Reaver MP2 Goliath, any martial class Push target of charge 1 square, shift into vacated square
Avandra's Gift MP Halfling , rogue Gain combat advantage with second chance
Avenging Spirit MP Human fighter, or human warlord Gain an action point when you witness an ally reduced to 0 hp or fewer.
Avenging Surge DP Avenger, Censure of Unity class feature, oath of enmity power When an ally hits your oath of enmity target, you gain temporary hit points.
Awaken Aspect PH3 Wilden, Nature's Aspect Change your current Nature's Aspect at the end of a short rest.
Awaken God Fragment Dragon382 Invoker Gain a benefit based on your patron deity.
Back to the Wall PHB - +1 to melee attack, damage, AC when adjacent to a wall
Bleeding Backstab MP Rogue, Sneak Attack Deal ongoing 5 damage with daily rogue power
Blood Thirst PHB - +2 to damage against bloodied foes
Bloodthirsty Visage Dragon386 Barbarian, Thaneborn Triumph class feature You gain you Cha mod feat bonus to the damage rolls of barbarian fear powers.
Bloody Tenacity MP Human , any martial class +2 to all defenses when first bloodied
Brutal Bludgeon MP2 Rogue Clubs and maces gain brutal 1 property
Charging Rampage PH2 Barbarian, Rampage class feature When you trigger Rampage while raging, you can charge instead of make a melee basic attack.
Combat Anticipation PHB - +1 to defenses against ranged, area, close attacks
Combat Commander PHB Warlord, Combat Leader Bonus to Combat Leader equals Cha or Int modifier
Combat Opportunist MP2 Rogue Ally's opportunity attack grants combat advantage to you
Cosmic Spellfury AP Sorcerer, Cosmic Magic class feature When you hit an enemy with a sorcerer at will, gain a benefit based on your current phase in the cosmic cycle.
Cull the Weak MP Charisma 15, rogue Deal +2 damage in melee to bloodied or weakened enemies
Danger Sense PHB - Roll twice for initiative, use the higher result
Darkjumper MP Drow , rogue Teleport as free action within your cloud of darkness
Deadly Axe PHB Str 17, Con 13 Treat all axes as high crit weapons
Deceptive Staff MP2 Any martial class Gain combat advantage after you miss with a staff
Defensive Advantage PHB Dex 17 +2 AC when you have combat advantage against enemy
Deft Blade MP2 Any martial class Basic attack with light blade targets AC or Reflex
Devastating Critical PHB - Deal additional 1d10 damage on a critical hit
Disheartening Ambush MP2 Rogue, Sneak Attack Forgo one Sneak Attack die to give your attack the rattling keyword
Disheartening Presence AP Bard While you are conscious and not bloodied, bloodied enemies adjacent to you take a -1 penalty to attack rolls
Distant Shot PHB - Ignore −2 penalty for long range
Double Lunge PrP Barbarian, Whirling lunge power When you use Whirling lunge, you deal Str mod extra damage.
Dragon Breath Scoundrel MP2 Rogue, dragonborn, Sneak Attack Sneak Attack creatures hit with dragon breath
Dwarven Durability PHB Dwarf Increase number of healing surges, healing surge value
Dwarven Recovery MP2 Dwarf, any martial class +5 to saving throws after second wind
Echoing Roar Dragon386 Barbarian, Roar of triumph power When you use your second wind, you regain roar of triumph.
Elusive Movement MP2 Ranger or Rogue +1 AC and Reflex if you moved at least 3 squares
Empowered Dragon Breath PHB Dragonborn, dragon breath racial power Dragon breath u