I doubt this wiki will be affected, but I wanted to give a heads-up, just in case.
I just attended Wikia's online privacy webinar, and one of the topics under discussion was the COPPA related changes coming to Wikia on July 1. Due to a new FTC regulation regarding the U.S. law known as COPPA, Wikia will disable anonymous (IP address) editing on wikis they believe are targeted to children. This was a big concern to me, because this wiki regularly receives quality contributions from editors who choose to remain anonymous.
Now I'm pretty sure Wikia's game-savvy enough to know D&D is not a kid's game, but don't panic in the unlikely event that anonymous editing gets disabled on July 1. We can address that problem as a community if and when that problem comes up. Rigel Kent (talk) 00:11, June 29, 2013 (UTC)