OK, we've got all main namespace pages categorized (booyah!), and quite a few stubs expanded. We're now eligible to take it to Wikia's community development team and ask for some design help. But first, let's talk wiki name. I don't think anybody calls it "four point oh" anymore. Does anyone have ideas on a wiki title that might sound more up to date?
Some brainstorms I had, "DND4 Wiki" (same as the subdomain), or variations on that, "D&D 4th Edition Wiki", etc. Rigel Kent (talk) 01:27, June 27, 2013 (UTC)
IMO, the second one probably works best (D&D 4th Edition Wiki). Or "D&D4 Wiki".
Wazat (talk) 04:40, June 27, 2013 (UTC)
"dnd4 wiki"
- All right, I think I agree with Wazat, DND4 with an "N" is perfect as a subdomain but seems a little strange as a sitename. And like Guildremember I'm leaning toward a shorter sitename, since we can use a longer pagetitle. So, how about:
- sitename "D&D4 Wiki" instead of "Dungeons & Dragons 4.0 Wiki"
- pagetitle "... the D&D 4th edition wiki" instead of "... a Wikia Gaming wiki"? Rigel Kent (talk) 06:25, July 2, 2013 (UTC)
You've probably all noticed by now, but Semanticdrifter at Wikia got the sitename changed for us today. If anything breaks or doesn't look right please let me know. Rigel Kent (talk) 02:03, July 8, 2013 (UTC)
To modernize this wikia, I have gone with the abbreviation convention players tend to use for Dungeons & Dragons. That is why I changed it "D&D 4e Wiki". By doing so, it helps with searching for the wikia since most people will enter "dnd Xe", 'X' is the edition number. This is less of a response and more for other admins in the future. — FrontB88 (talk) 06:24, June 11, 2019 (UTC)