D&D4 Wiki
Grasping tide
druid attack 1

area burst 1 within 10

Target: each creature within the burst

Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude

Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the end of the user's next turn, he or she can take an opportunity action to make the secondary attack below against the target.

Level 21: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Trigger: A creature hit by grasping tide leaves grasping tide's burst.
Target: The triggering creature
Secondary Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex

Hit: The target is knocked prone.

Grasping tide is a 1st-level druid at-will attack power. Each target hit by grasping tide takes damage, and can be targeted by a secondary attack for the next round. The secondary attack is an opportunity action triggered by a target hit by grasping tide leaving the power's area of effect. On a hit, the secondary attack knocks the target prone.[PHH1:PH1]
