You utter a soothing word that mends wounds of the body and spirit.
Close burst 5 (10 at 11th level, 15 at 21st level)
Special: You can use this power twice per encounter, but only once per round. At 16th level, you can use this power three times per encounter.
Target: You or one ally in the burst
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and regain 1d6 additional hit points.
Level 6: 2d6 additional hit points.
Level 11: 3d6 additional hit points.
Level 16: 4d6 additional hit points.
Level 21: 5d6 additional hit points.
Healing word is a cleric encounter utility power. It allows the user or a nearby ally to spend a healing surge to regain an increased amount of hit points, and can be used multiple times per encounter, depending on the user's level.[PH:62][Dr399:17][HotFL:87] It is identical to the druid version of healing word, aside from being a cleric power rather than a druid power.
Healing word is granted to templars and warpriests through the Healing Word class feature.
Characters with the Healer's Lore templar class feature add their Wisdom modifier to the hit points regained from this power.[PH:61]