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Knight of Glory
Cleric Attack 19

Ranged 10

Effect: You conjure a ghostly knight that occupies 1 square within range, and the knight makes the following melee attack. The knight lasts until the end of your next turn. You can move it up to 5 squares as a move action.

Target: One creature adjacent to the ghostly knight
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Hit: 3d10 + Wisdom modifier damage

Sustain minor:The knight persists and it repeats the attack.

Knight of GloryChar-op rank 0 is a level 19 cleric daily attack power, introduced in the PHB[PH:69] and the class compendium [Dr399].

It is a terrible choice, as this is an implement power targeting AC. In general, implement powers are less accurate than weapon powers, an important weakness when trying to attack one of the stronger and most-used defense. [1]


  • The power was re-written in the updates and class compendium - the major change is that the original PHB had the knight last until the end of the encounter, while the update has it last until the end of the next turn and requires sustain minor to remain.