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Lay on hands
paladin utility

At-Will (Special) ✦ divine, healing

Special: A character can use lay on hands a number of times per day equal to the character's Wisdom modifier or 1, whichever is higher. A character can use lay on hands no more than once per round.

Target: one creature

Effect: "You spend a healing surge but regain no hit points. Instead, the target regains hit points as if it had spent a healing surge. You must have at least one healing surge remaining to use this power."[PH:91]

Lay on hands is an at-will power granted to paladins who select it for the Lay on Hands class feature.

Paladins with the Lay on Hands class feature may instead choose to learn any one of lay on hands, ardent vow, or virtue's touch.

When used by a character with the Healing Hands feat, this power's target gains an additional amount of hit points equal to the character's Charisma modifier.[PH:195]


The following feats operate with, and generally require lay on hands. Additional prerequisites noted.

Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Angelic Protection 11th level Can use lay on hands to provide temporary hit points rather than actually healing damage.
Devoted Paladin[DP:131] - If used on an ally, gives additional hit points equal to charisma modifier. +1 healing surge.
Enshrouding Touch[Dr384:60] - Targets of lay on hands or virtue's touch gain concealment until end of next turn.
Healing Hands[PH:195] - Should be selected after Devoted Paladin. Lay on Hands gives additional hit points equal to Charisma modifier.
Infernal Touch of Warding[PHRT:26] Tiefling Lay on Hands gives fire resistance equal to 5 + one half your level until end of encounter.
Lend Health[Dr388] - When you use a power that allows spending a healing surge or regain hit points as if he or she had spent a healing surge, that ally can use your healing surge value to determine the number of hit points gained.
Pious Champion[DP:142] 21st level Can heal two creatures equal to your surge value, but spend only one surge.
Radiant Touch[Dr371:8] - Gives Radiant Touch power, which inflicts damage equal to surge value at cost of Lay on Hands usages.
Strength of Stone[DP:136] Goliath Lay on Hands gives resistance to all damage equal to strength modifier until end of your next turn.
Touch of Salvation[DP:140] 11th level, Cha 15 Allows making a saving throw with bonus equal to charisma modifier.
Untiring Virtue[DP:140] 11th level Additional use of lay on hands for each milestone.
Overshadowed feats
Bolstering Touch[Dr385:68] Half-elf Overshadowed by Lend Health. If used on ally, target can gain hit points equal to your surge value rather than his or her own surge value.


  • This is one of the few at-will restricted to a limited number of uses per day. The At-will tag implies that it can be used through the Dominated condition, when it should instead be daily (special).