H—Heroic tier adventures were designed for characters of level 1-10. This series can stand alone, or can be used before the P series and E series to begin a campaign from 1st to 30th level, focusing on the cult of the demon prince Orcus.
HS—Heroic Standalone tier adventures were designed for characters of level 1-10. Adventures in this series were designed to be used stand alone and not as part of a multi-adventure campaign.
P—Paragon tier adventures were designed for characters of level 11-20. This series can stand alone, or can be used in between the H series and E series to continue a campaign from 1st to 30th level, focusing on the cult of the demon prince Orcus.
E—Epic tier adventures were designed for characters of level 21-30. This series can stand alone, or can be used following the H series and P series to conclude a campaign from 1st to 30th level, focusing on the cult of the demon prince Orcus.