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Memory of a Thousand Deaths
Divination 6

The tanned skins of the creatures that make up your deathcut armor quiver and empathically indicate nearby necromancy.

Time: 20 minutes
Duration: 10 minutes
Component Cost: Focus (deathcut armor)
Market Price: 360 gp
Key Skill: Religion (no check)

Memory of a Thousand Deaths is a 6th-level ritual.[Dr385:29]

You open yourself to the vestigial spirits bound to your deathcut armor and learn about necromancy within your immediate environs (within 1 mile of you).

You can ask a number of questions based on the result of your Religion check about undead creatures, necromantic terrain and hazards, necromancers, and other necromantic aspects of your surroundings. Typical questions are about the presence, type, quantity, and rough location of such necromantic features. The spirits communicate empathically and are poor at complex answers.

Religion Check Result Number of Questions
9 or lower 1
10–19 2
20-29 3
30–39 4
40 or higher 5