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Multiclass feats enable you to acquire an ability or feature of a different class.

Quick Reference Table[]

Sorted by class. This table is meant as a quick-reference guide, not as the final word on how these feats work. Please click on the feat's name or check the relevant sourcebook to see its full description and any special notes or errata not reflected here.

Multiclass Feats
Name Source Class Prerequisites Benefit
Fervent Talent PHB3 Ardent Cha 13 Skill training, Ardent surge 1/day
Divine Bloodline PHB2 Avenger Wis 13 Religion skill, Oath of enmity until the end of your next turn 1/encounter
Hero of Faith DP Avenger Wis 15 Skill training, Oath of enmity 1/encounter until you hit
Battle Berserker HOTF Barbarian Str 13 Skill training, Berserker Fury 1/day
Berserker's Fury PHB2 Barbarian Str 13, Con 13 Skill training, bonus damage 1/day
Bardic Dilettante PHB2 Bard Cha 13 Skill training, Majestic word 1/day
Bardic Ritualist AP Bard Int 13, Cha 13 Arcana skill, Bardic Training
Master of Stories HOTF Bard Cha 13 Skill training, Skald's aura healing 1/day
Demanding Talent PHB3 Battlemind Con 13 Skill training, Battlemind's demand 1/encounter
Divine Healer DP Cleric Wis 15 Heal skill, Healer's Lore
Initiate of the Faith PHB Cleric Wis 13 Religion skill, Healing Word 1/day
Initiate of the Old Faith PHB2 Druid Wis 13 Nature skill, Wild shape, at-will beast form power 1/encounter
Battle Awareness MP Fighter Str 13, Wis 13 Skill training, immediate interrupt basic attack once per encounter
Brawling Warrior MP2 Fighter Str 13 or Wis 13 Skill training, +1 attack or AC once per encounter if you have a free hand
Cyclone Warrior MP2 Fighter Str 13 or Dex 13 Skill training, +1 damage until end of next turn once per encounter
Student of the Sword PHB Fighter Str 13 Skill training, mark and +1/attack 1/encounter
Wrathful Warrior MP2 Fighter Str 13 or Con 13 Skill training, temporary hp when hit 1/encounter
Acolyte of Divine Secrets PHB2 Invoker Wis 13 Religion skill, invoker at-will 1/encounter
Divine Secretkeeper DP Invoker Wis 13, Int 13 Arcana, History or Religion skill, Ritual Caster
Master of the Fist Dra 404 Monk Str 13 or Dex 13 Training in Athletics or Acrobatics, Unarmed Combatant feature, and proficiency with ki focuses.
Monastic Disciple PHB3 Monk Dex 13 Skill training, Flurry of Blows 1/encounter
Soldier of the Faith PHB Paladin Str 13, Cha 13 Skill training, Divine challenge 1/encounter
Soldier of Virtue DP Paladin Wis 15 Skill training, Virtue's touch 1/day
Disciplined Talent PHB3 Psion Int 13 Skill training, 1st level at-will power 1/encounter
Two-Blade Warrior MP Ranger Str 13, Dex 13 Skill training, wield one-handed weapon as off-hand weapon
Warrior of the Wild PHB Ranger Str 13 or Dex 13 Skill training, Hunter's Quarry until end of next turn 1/encounter
Ruthless Efficiency MP Rogue Str 13, Dex 13 Stealth skill, Ruthless Ruffian class feature
Sly Dodge MP Rogue Dex 13, Cha 13 Bluff or Intimidate skill, add Cha modifier to AC against one opportunity attack per encounter
Sneak of Shadows PHB Rogue Dex 13 Thievery skill, Sneak Attack 1/encounter
Twilight Adept MP2 Rogue Dex 13 or Int 13 Stealth skill, Cunning Sneak 1/encounter
Student of Divine Runes PHB3 Runepriest Str 13 Religion skill, Rune of mending 1/day
Primal Sharpshooter PHB3 Seeker Wis 13 Nature skill, inevitable shot 1/day, 1st level at-will power 1/encounter
Spirit Talker PHB2 Shaman Wis 13 Nature skill, Call spirit companion, Spirits's fangs or Spirit's shield 1/encounter, Speak with spirits 1/day
Arcane Prodigy PHB2 Sorcerer Cha 13 Arcana skill, bonus damage 1/encounter
Soul of Sorcery AP Sorcerer Str 13, Cha 13 Resist 5 to one damage type
Blade Initiate FRPG Swordmage Int 13 Training in Arcana, and light blades and heavy blades as implements, Swordmage Warding feature until end of encounter 1/day
Heart of the Blade AP Swordmage Con 13, Int 13 Training in Athletics or Endurance, swordbond class feature
Defender of the Wild PHB2 Warden Str 13 Skill training, mark adjacent enemies 1/encounter
Pact Initiate PHB Warlock Cha 13 Skill training, Pact-at-will 1/encounter
Student of Malediction AP Warlock Con 13, Int 13 Warlock's curse 1/encounter
Bravura Leader MP2 Warlord Str 13 or Cha 13 Skill training, ally gains bonus to damage with action point
Insightful Leader MP2 Warlord Str 13 or Wis 13 Skill training, ally gains +1 to defenses with action point
Resourceful Leader MP2 Warlord Int 13 or Cha 13 Skill training, ally gains +3 damage or temporary hp with action point
Skirmishing Leader MP2 Warlord Str 13 or Int 13 Skill training, ally can shift with action point
Student of Battle PHB Warlord Str 13 Skill training, Inspiring word 1/day
Tactical Leader MP Warlord Str 13, Int 13 Skill training, ally gains +1 to attack roll with action point 1/encounter
Arcane Initiate PHB Wizard Int 13 Arcana skill, wizard at-will power 1/encounter
Learned Spellcaster AP Wizard Int 13, Wis 13 Training in Arcana, Nature or Religion, Ritual Caster
Feats for Multiclassed Characters
Acolyte Power PHB - Any Multiclass, 8th Level Swap one utility power with one of multiclass
Adept Power PHB - Any Multiclass, 10th Level Swap one daily power with one of multiclass
Arcane Aegis AP Swordmage Paragon multiclassing as a Swordmage Swordmage Aegis 1/encounter
Blood's Passion PsP Ardent Fervent Talent Ardent Mantle power 1/day
Channel of Faith DP Cleric Paragon multiclassing as a Cleric Divine fortune or Turn undead 1/encounter
Channel of Invocation DP Invoker Paragon multiclassing as an Invoker Armour of Wrath or Preserver's Rebuke 1/encounter
Channel of Valor DP Paladin Paragon multiclassing as a Paladin Divine mettle or Divine strength 1/encounter
Channel of Vengeance DP Avenger Paragon multiclassing as an Avenger Abjure undead or Divine guidance 1/encounter
Focused Talent PsP Psion Any Multiclass Psion feat Discipline Focus powers 1/day
Healing Song AP Bard Paragon multiclassing as a Bard Song of Rest and Skill Versatility
Hunting Predator PrP Druid Initiate of the Old Faith +1 to speed in beast form
Implement Master AP Wizard Paragon multiclassing as a wizard Arcane Implement Mastery
Mending Spirit PrP Shaman Spirit Talker Healing spirit 1/encounter
Monastic Adept PsP Monk Any Multiclass monk feat Training in one monk skill, monk at-will 1/encounter
Novice Power PHB - Any Multiclass, 4th Level Swap one encounter power with one of multiclass
Psionic Complement PHB3 Any Augment based class Multiclass Any Augment based class Swap augmentable at-will power for augmentable at-will power of new class
Psionic Conventionalist PHB3 Any Augment based class Multiclass Non-Augment based class Swap augmentable at-will power and power points for encounter power
Psionic Dabbler PHB3 Any Augment based class Non-Augment based class Swap one encounter power with a once per encounter use of an augmentable at-will of multiclass
Rampant Fury PrP Barbarian Berserker's Fury Gain Rampage class feature
Sorcerous Power AP Swordmage Paragon multiclassing as a sorcerer Bonus to damage with sorcerer powers
Walker in Gloom AP Warlock Paragon multiclassing as a warlock Shadow Walk class feature
Warden's Endurance PrP Warden Defender of the Wild Saving throw at the start of your turn 1/encounter
Wild Advance PsP Battlemind Demanding Talent Blurred Step 1/encounter
Wild Savant PsP Battlemind Paragon multiclassing as a battlemind Psionic Study power 1/day