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A Racial Power is a power specific to a single player character race, and is typically granted by a racial trait at 1st level.

Race Racial powers
Changeling Changeling Disguise and Changeling Trick
Deva Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes
Dragonborn dragon breath
Drow Cloud of darkness or Darkfire
Dwarf Dwarven Resilience
Eladrin Fey Step
Elf Elven Accuracy
Genasi Earthshock, Firepulse, Promise of Storm, Swiftcurrent, or Windwalker
Githyanki Telekinetic Leap
Githzerai Iron Mind
Gnoll Ferocious Charge
Gnome Fade Away
Goliath Stone's Endurance
Half-Elf Knack for Success
Half-Orc Furious Assault
Halfling Second Chance
Human Heroic Effort
Kalashtar Bastion of Mental Clarity
Kenku Flock Tactics
Minotaur Goring Charge
Pixie Pixie dust and Shrink
Revenant Dark Reaping
Shardmind Shard swarm
Shifter Longtooth Shifting or Razorclaw Shifting
Tiefling Infernal Wrath
Warforged Warforged Resolve
Wilden Voyage of the Ancients, Wrath of the Destroyer, or Pursuit of the Hunter