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"I am the light of faith, banishing the darkness."[PH:73]

Prerequisite: Cleric class

Illuminating Attacks (11th level): Your cleric and Radiant Servant attack powers that have the radiant keyword can now score a critical hit with a natural die roll of 19 or 20.

Radiant Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you can also choose an enemy within 5 squares of you. That enemy takes ongoing 10 radiant damage (save ends).[Dr399]

Lasting Light (16th level): Any saving throws made by demons or undead creatures to remove effects you have placed upon them receive a −2 penalty.

 Solar Wrath Radiant Servant Attack 11
Radiant light explodes from you like a solar flare, evaporating shadows and dealing illuminating damage to everything around you.
 Encounter + Divine, Implement, Radiant
 Standard Action  Close burst 3
 Target: Each enemy in burst
 Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
 Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage. If the target is either an undead creature or a demon, it is also stunned until the end of your next turn.

 Healing Sun Radiant Servant Utility 12
A healing sun shines forth from you, repairing the wounds of your allies while keeping creatures of darkness at bay.
 Daily + Divine, Healing, Radiant, Zone
 Standard Action  Close burst 2
 Effect: The burst creates a zone of divine light until the end of your next turn. You and each ally who ends his or her turn within the zone regain hit points equal to 5 + your Charisma modifier. A demon or an undead creature that ends its turn in the zone takes 5 + your Charisma modifier radiant damage.[Dr399]
 Sustain Standard: The zone persists.
 Special: The zone ends at the end of your turn if you are bloodied.

 Radiant Brilliance Radiant Servant Attack 20
You fire a brilliant ray of searing light into a foe, igniting that foe and briefly turning it into a small sun.
 Daily + Divine, Implement, Radiant
 Standard Action  Ranged 20
 Target: One creature
 Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
 Hit: 3d10 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
 Effect: At the start of your next turn, the target is the center of a burst 5 radiant explosion that affects enemies other than the initial target: Wisdom vs. Will; 3d10 radiant damage; half damage on a miss.


  • Iluminating attacks only affect cleric attack powers and radiant servant attack powers.
  • Radiant Action deals ongoing 10 damage rather than being scaled to level.
  • Solar Wrath receives the implmement keyword.  It is reduced from Burst 8 to Burst 3. Damage is changed from 3d8 to 2d6.
  • Healing Sun does 5 + Charisma modifier damage rather than rolling 1d10 + Charisma.  (The errata document doesn't specify the exact amount.) Additionally, the damage is now only triggered when the demon or undead ends the turn in the zone.
  • Radiant Brilliance: In the errata document, it mentions that the character is not affected by the Effect entry's attack.  As this was already written in the PHB, this probably means that it doesn't affect the initial target.  Reading the class compendium indicates the latter reading.