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"By the blood of Io, you will fall!"[PH2:25]

Prerequisite: Dragonborn

Scion of Arkhosia Path Features

Versatile Breath (11th level): Whenever you attack with your dragon breath racial power, choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. The attack’s damage is also that type.

Draconic Outburst (11th level): When you spend an action point to make an attack, each enemy adjacent to you takes damage equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier when you resolve the attack. This damage is the same type you initially chose for your dragon breath racial power.

Blood of Io (16th level): You gain overland flight with a speed of 12.

 Dragon's Wrath Scion of Arkhosia Attack 11
You exhale draconic energy that detonates at a distance.
 Encounter + Varies
 Standard Action  Area burst 2 within 10 squares
 Target: Each enemy in burst
 Attack: Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity + 4 vs. Reflex
 Level 21: Wisdom + 6 vs. Will
 Hit: 3d6 + Constitution modifier damage.
 Special: This power uses the same ability as your dragon breath racial power, and it uses the same damage type you initially chose for that power.

 Dragon Wings Scion of Arkhosia Utility 12
Fully formed dragon wings protrude from your back, giving you the ability to fly.
 Move Action  Personal
 Effect: You fly a number of squares equal to your speed. You must land at the end of this movement.

 Clinging Breath Scion of Arkhosia Attack 20
Your breath weapon clings to creatures before you, eating them alive.
 Daily + Varies
 Standard Action  Close blast 3
 Target: Each creature in blast
 Attack: Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity + 6 vs. Reflex
 Hit: 3d6 + Constitution modifier damage, and ongoing 10 damage (save ends).
 Miss:  Half damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
 Special: This power uses the same ability as your dragon breath racial power, and it uses the same damage type you initially chose for that power.