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Class Prerequisite: None. 

Race Prerequisite: Half-elf, or any race that 

has the fey origin. 

Benefit: You gain the summon Sidhe ally power. Summon Sidhe Ally  Sidhe Lord Utility

You summon an ally of your nob !e house, bound to obey you. 

Daily +Arcane, Summoning 

Minor Action  Ranged 5 

Effect: You  summon a Sid he house guard in an unoccupied 

space within range. The guard is an ally to you and your 


The guard lacks actions of its own. Instead, you spend 

actions to command it mentally, choosing from the actions 

in the guard's description. You  must have line of effect to 

the guard to command it. When you command the guard, 

you and the guard share knowledge but not senses. If you 

use a move action to move yourself, you can also command 

the guard to move up to its speed. 

When the guard makes an attack roll or a check, you 

make the roll  using your statistics, not including any 

temporary bonuses or penalties. 

The guard lasts until it drops below 1 hit point, at which 

point you lose a healing surge (or hit points equal to your 

surge value if you  have no surges left). Otherwise, the 

guard lasts until you dismiss it as a minor action or until 

you  use this power again. 

Sidhe House Guard  Summoned Creature 

Medium fey humanoid 

HP your healing surge value; Healing Surges none, but you can lose 

a healing surge for the guard if an effect allows it to spend one 

Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or 


Sflt;~.~  ..  ~  ..... . 

t Standaf'~  ...  A.c.~i.o!l  (w.eapon) 

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level+ 7 vs. AC 

Hit: 1 d8 + highest ability modifier damage. 

Level?}: 2d8 + highest abilitymodifier damage. 

Move  A<:ti!)!l{f..el~pgr}.atjon)+ Eiico~Ater  .. 

Eff~.Et.: . I~.t;  g11ard teleports up to 6 squares. 

lmll1edi.Jilt~l!l.t~rruf1t +  At·Will 

Triaaer: You are hit by a melee attack or a ranged attack while 

the guard is  adjacent to you. 

Effect: The attack hits the guard instead of you. 

Additional Features 

Level 5 Feature  No one wants to offend a 

Sidhe lord, for fear of inviting the wrath of the lord's 

house. Thus, you can expect to be welcomed in any 

civilized area that recognizes your house. 

Benefit: When you are in a city or other civilized 

area that recognizes your house's prestige, you can 

receive a week's lodging in comfortable if not lavish 

quarters at no charge. The quarters include room for 

up to eight of your allies, as well as meals each day. 

You have the use of up to three servants, who perform 

common tasks for the duration of your stay. 

Level  10 Feature  You are further attuned to 

your house guard. Where it goes, you go also. 

Benefit: Whenever your Sidhe house guard uses 

its teleportation power while you are adjacent to it, 

you can teleport up to 6 squares to a space adjacent to 

the guard's destination. 

Optional Powers 

Level 2 Utility Power  Youcanmake 

minor pacts based on the amount of influence that 

you and your house have accrued. One of the sim-

plest examples is the bargain of time, which has been 

passed down from one generation of Sidhe lords to 

the next. You grant your ally an opportunity to act 

now in exchange for a similar gesture later. 

Sid he Bargain  Sidhe lord Utility 2 

You offer a baraain to one of your allies: a little more speed now 

in exchanae for some of the ally's extra effort later. 

Encounter+ Arcane 

Standard Action  Ranged 1 0 

Target: One ally 

Effect: The target can lose an action point to immediately 

take a standard action as a free action. If the target does 

so, you gain an action point. 

Level 6 Utility Power  Alone Sidhe lord 

is a formidable adversary-but when you are accom-

panied by your house guard, the two of you move 

deceptively swiftly and draw vigor from each other's 


Unified Front  Sidhe lord Utility 6 

You move to a better position from which to fiaht, and you and 

your auard present a danaerous front to your enemies. 

Encounter +  Arcane 

Move Action  Personal 

Effect: You and your Sid he house guard can both move up 

to your respective speeds+ 2. If you end this movement 

adjacent to your guard, you and it both gain temporary hit 

points equal to your healing surge value. 

Level  10 Utility Power  Attimes,youcan 

afford to lend some of your power to an ally in need. 

Of course, such a pact is never wholly altruistic; you 

make sure to gain something in the bargain, too. 

Temporary Fey Pact  Sidhe Lord Utility 10 

You forae a pact similar to those of warlocks, Bivin& some power 

to an al!y and drawin9 on that al!y's vitality in return. 

Daily +  Arcane 

Minor Action  Ranged 5 

Target: One ally 

Effect: You enter into a pact with the target that lasts 

until you take a  minor action to end it or until you use 

this power again. Once per encounter, while this pact is 

active, the target can take a  minor action to cause you 

to lose the use of one encounter power or daily power 

of your choice that has a level. When the target does so, 

he or she regains the use of one of his or her expended 

powers of the same usage, type, and level. For example, 

if you lost the use of a 2nd-level encounter utility power, 

the target could regain the use of a 2nd-level encounter 

utility power. In addition, you can spend the target's heal-

ing surges as if they were your own, if the target allows it. 
