A creature's speed determines how many squares it can move with each move action if it walks. A creature that runs gains +2 speed, grants combat advantage and takes a −5 penalty to attack rolls for that turn. A creature wearing heavy armor takes a −1 penalty to its speed (except Dwarves, because of their encumbered speed racial trait)
Speed by Race[]
Most races have speed 6. However, there are several exceptions: Gnomes and Dwarves, with speed of 5, and Elves, Vryloka, Thri-Kreen, Hengeyokai, and Gnolls, with speed 7.
Exploration speed[]
To determine exploration speed, multiply the speed value by 50 to get feet per minute, divide by 2 to get miles per hour, and multiply by 5 to get miles per day. [RC:169]
Speed | Per Day | Per Hour | Per Minute |
5 | 25 miles | 2.5 miles | 250 feet |
6 | 30 miles | 3 miles | 300 feet |
7 | 35 miles | 3.5 miles | 350 feet |
8 | 40 miles | 4 miles | 400 feet |
Creatures can attempt to move more quickly than the normal movement speed.
In one day, creatures may normally sustain a normal walking pace for 10 hours, although non-adventurers normally tire out after 6 to 8 hours. After that limit, creatures must make an Endurance check, starting at DC 20 at the end of the first hour, and increasing by 5 for every additional hour afterwards.
A creature may move double it's hourly speed for one hour. Beyond that limit, the creature loses a healing surge (or damage equal to its level if none are left) at the end of each subsequent hour.
A creature may move double its speed per minute when in a hurry.