Target: one creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage. Before the end of the user's next turn, the next attack the target makes takes a penalty to its damage roll equal to the user's Constitution modifier.
Level 21: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage.
Static shock is a 1st-level artificer at-will attack power. It is a melee attack, but can target a creature up to 5 squares away. On a hit, it deals lightning damage, and inflicts a Constitution-based penalty to the damage roll on the target's next attack before the end of the user's next turn.[EPG:47]
Static shock originally had a range of "melee or ranged 5". The July 2010 update changed the range to "melee 5" to clarify the power's use and to make the power more useful while in melee.[U :7/2010]