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A sustained duration on an effect allows the effect's creator to prolong the effect. The creator does this by taking a standard, move, or minor action, as specified by the effect's description.[PH:278][RC:227][HotFL:64][HotFK:64]

The effect's creator cannot and needs not sustain the effect on the same turn he or she creates it.

Starting the following turn, and no more than once per round,[RC:227] the effect's creator may take the specified action to sustain the effect. For example, if the effect's description has a "sustain minor" entry, the effect's creator may take a minor action to sustain the effect. If the effect's creator does not sustain the effect, it ends at the end of the creator's turn.

An effect can be sustained no longer than 5 minutes. The effect's creator cannot take a short rest or extended rest while sustaining it.[RC:227]
