Tenser's Lift
Exploration 8
A pearlescent white platform manifests before you, ready to ascend or descend at your command.
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 10 minutes
Component Cost: 125 gp
Market Price: 680 gp
Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
Tenser's Lift is a 8th-level ritual.[Dr366:32]
You create a platform 6 squares by 6 squares in width and length, and it floats a foot off the ground. As a move action, with a mental command, you make it rise or descend up to half your speed, or move 1 square horizontally. It descends to no less than a foot above any solid object. You can dismiss the lift as a minor action, at which time it descends gently to the nearest solid ground before it dissipates.