D&D4 Wiki

Tight Squeeze The narrow spaces in many

Tight Squeeze
Rogue Attack 7

Vith a dar ina movement, you strike your foe and trick it into a narrow space

Encounter ✦ martial, weapon

Melee weapon

Special: If you're squeezing when you use this power, you don't take the penalty to the attack roll from squeezing.

Target: One creature

Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex

Hit: 1[W] +Dexterity modifier damage, and you swap places with the target if possible, forcing it to squeeze if necessary. You then shift up to half your speed.

caves can be the downfall of some heroes. Even skilled warriors, trapped in a corner with no room to maneuver or swing a weapon, are easy prey for the mandibles of an umber hulk. Ti&ht squeeze lets you outmaneuver your enemies, ensuring that they're the ones trapped in cramped areas, instead of you.[DSH:57]
