D&D4 Wiki
Tinker Gnome
You Take The High Road... by Ralph Horsley
This illustration of a tinker gnome by Ralph Horsley accompanied the "Winning Races: Tinker Gnomes" article in Dragon issue #422.
Abilities +2 Intelligence
and either
+2 Dexterity or
+2 Constitution
Skills +2 Arcana
+2 Thievery
Size Small
Speed 5
Vision low-light
Languages Common and choice of one other
Traits Lab conditioning
Quick Fix
Use What's at Hand
Avg. height 2'8"–3'3"
Avg. weight 44–55 lbs.

Tinker gnome is a player character race in 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons, based off the gnomes in the Dragonlance setting.[Dr422:10]

Racial traits[]

  • Lab Conditioning: You have the lab conditioning racial utility power.
  • Quick fix: You can make Arcana checks to disable, identify or sense magical phenomena, and Thievery checks to pick locks or to disable or identify devices as a minor action instead of a standard action, but doing so causes a −4 penalty to the check.
  • Use What's at hand: You gain proficiency with improvised weapons other than unarmed attacks.

Favored classes[]

Race specific feats[]

  • Improved Lab Conditioning
  • Inventive Empowerment
  • Mage Hand Assistant
  • Quick Tinker

Racial utility powers[]

  • Smooth Execution
  • Frantic Inspiration
  • Jury Rig


  • Racial ability Use What's at Hand doesn't specify the proficiency bonus. It can be house ruled that it gives a +2 proficiency bonus to attack rolls.