You draw shards of astral steel into the world and arrange them
into a deadly wall of spinning blades. You then command parts
of the wall to fly at your enemies.Daily ✦ conjuration, divine, implement, radiant
Area wall 8 within 20 squares
Effect: You conjure a wall in unoccupied squares that consists
of radiant blades. The wall can be up to 4 squares high, and it lasts until the end of your next turn. The wall provides cover to you and your allies. Any creature that enters the wall or starts its turn there takes 2d10 + your Wisdom modifier radiant damage. While you are within 5 squares of the wall, you can
make the following attack.Standard Action Ranged 10
Effect: Before the attack, remove a square of the wall
Target: One creature; Wisdom vs. Reflex; 2d10+ Wisdom modifier radiant damage
Sustain Minor: The wall persists.